On-Foot Component Farming - my favorite methods

o7 cmdrs!

Over the years I've learned some methods to acquire the most annoying on-foot engineering components quickly. Some of them are copy-pastes from online guides, some are my own inventions.
Perhaps you'll find them useful.

I prefer efficient and dependable methods, by which I mean that they have a high chance of being available at any time, should allow for unlimited repeatability (within reason) and should not have any lingering, negative consequences on your reputation or criminal status. As such, I prefer methods that do not require killing NPCs, seeking specific settlement types in anarchy systems or abandoning missions. Instead I opt for quick repeatable routines, utilizing supercruise entry/exit or relogging to reset the source of the component.

All that is to say - I know you can abandon missions to get Power Regulators or force some Data components to spawn in settlements, and I know you can murder NPCs freely in anarchy systems. I just prefer not to use these methods :)

The methods:

If you're after Opinion Polls, here's how I farmed the last 5 I needed.

  • Location: HIP 69518 - Zeng Entertainment District
  • Farming type: planned and timed settlement run. No NPC interaction if done right. Reset through supercruise enter/drop.
  • Expected turnover: One run takes around 5 minutes and amounts to 5 HAB Data Ports scanned and a backpack full of assets of mixed variety. I farmed 5 Opinion Polls within an hour, although I think it could take somewhat longer if you're unlucky.
Every settlement has a unique, predetermined combination of layout (buildings, positioning of data ports, control panels and containers, access levels on doors etc.) and assortment of NPCs (types and access levels; names are random), their spawning positions and their routes. As soon as you approach a settlement during landing, NPCs will get spawned in their predetermined positions and start moving towards their regular routes (unless one becomes a mission provider that is). However, their starting positions are sometimes not on their route, meaning that their initial movement from their spawn position to their standard route may be "unique" and the situation in the first moments after landing may not repeat itself later, allowing for a unique window of opportunity.

  • This run makes use of the unique setup of this particular settlement, allowing you to freely loot buildings between NPC visits. Doing the run as is on video (including the amount of time you take to land and get out of your ship!) guarantees carefree looting; deviating from the plan incurs risk of getting caught by an NPC.
  • Landing minimally closer to the settlement buildings will place you in "Trespass Zone" and NPCs in the settlement can start acting erratically.
  • In the second visited building (the one next to the bar building), make sure to crouch while approaching the Data Port, as you can be seen through the window.
  • Supercruise drop tip: If you drop out of supercruise at >10km altitude, you will appear in normal space at that altitude. If you drop out of supercruise at <10km altitude, you will appear in normal space at 20km altitude, making the return to surface that much longer.
Link to video of me performing the run:
Source: https://youtu.be/gc_2qw5yOYQ

Manufacturing Instructions can be farmed in ridiculous amounts very quickly with the method below.

  • Location: Mission Target - "Fat Probe" . It is somewhat random (I think) what exact type of junk you encounter, but you need to keep looking for a big fat probe that looks like R2D2, as this one yields most Manufacturing Instructions. I found one from a mission "Salvage Memory Chip from Wreckage" at Threat 1
  • Farming type: download & reload game until happy. Low chance of scavenger combat, be prepared with an SRV nearby or have a good gun and polished Doom skillz. Reset through exit to main menu & reload.
  • Expected turnover: literal crapton of Manufacturing Instructions per hour. In the video below I get 6 within 5 minutes, but that was one of the least lucky series I've ever had. You are likely to get more than that.




  • If you want to remain effective, do not cut the panels. Using the cutter will prevent you from exiting the game quickly, wasting time.
  • Make sure to NOT log out when standing on anything other than flat ground; as you get spawned after relog, you might get clipped inside the terrain, messing you up.
  • Do NOT take the mission objective item, or else the probe will not appear after reload!
Link to video of me performing the run:
Source: https://youtu.be/NTEm6HZQXW0

Below is the most convenient place I found to farm Ionised Gas and Tech Assets.

  • Location: BD-10 5142 - Bakshi Extraction
  • Farming type: buffet - walk in and take all you want, reset through supercruise enter/drop.
  • Convenience Level: Obnoxious - no guards on entry, no security personnel inside, nobody watching the most valuable lockers, NPCs frequently walk through the security level 2 doors, opening them for you. Just don't try to steal stuff in the short moments when the NPCs are looking at you, which is easy to avoid.
  • Expected turnover per ~5 minute run: ~1-2 cans of Ionised Gas, ~1-2 Weapon Components, ~2 Tungsten Carbides, ~10 other Tech Assets
  • Supercruise drop tip: If you drop out of supercruise at >10km altitude, you will appear in normal space at that altitude. If you drop out of supercruise at <10km altitude, you will appear in normal space at 20km altitude, making the return to surface that much longer.
Link to video of me performing the run:
Source: https://youtu.be/SN5_pCvsLDE

This is probably the most annoying of them all, but I haven't found a better method (except abandoning restoration missions, which is a trick I don't like).

  • Location: Mission Target - "Disabled Eagle" . It is somewhat random (I think) what exact type of crashed ship or SRV you encounter, but you need to keep looking until you find a landed Eagle like on the screenshot below. I found one from a mission "Retrieval: Grab the Ship Schematic from Crash Site" at Threat 3
  • Farming type: reload game until you find a non-degraded power regulator, grab it, rinse repeat until happy. Low chance of scavenger combat, be prepared to fight, which should be easily as you're sitting in an SRV already. Reset through exit to main menu & reload.
  • Expected turnover: ~1-2 Power Regulators per 5 minutes. It seems that a non-degraded Power Regulator appears once per ~10 checks.



  • It has to be the "Landed Eagle" type of crash site because:
    • it always has two Power Regulator compartments, unlike some other crashed ship variants that can sometimes have one compartment only.
    • it usually isn't placed in rough terrain, unlike the "crashed cobra" type of crash site, which can lead to one of the panels being in the ground and unavailable or completely missing. It's annoying to find a power regulator, only to discover you can't get to it because the panel is in a rock.
  • Sitting in the SRV allows you to see if the spawned power regulators are degraded or not and check which compartment the normal power regulator is in. It can't get any more convenient than this.
  • Do NOT take the mission objective item, or else the crash site will not appear after reload!
Link to video of me performing the run:
Source: https://youtu.be/jd_IeKVVUHk

Weapon Schematics can be farmed en-masse from Larceny Mission locations.

  • Location: Mission Target - "Larceny: Seize X from a Hidden Cache".
  • Farming type: grab & reload game until happy. Medium chance of scavenger combat, be prepared with an SRV nearby or have a good gun and polished Doom skillz. Reset through exit to main menu & reload.
  • Expected turnover: literal crapton of Weapon Schematics per hour.
  • Do NOT take the mission objective item, or else the containers will not appear after reload!
Link to video of me performing the run:
Source: https://youtu.be/O5KEMiAO9SA

There's a slightly more effective method to farm the weapon schematics where you lock yourself inside one of the containers, so you don't have to cut it open after relog.
See the guide by D2EA.

The reason why I don't use this trick is because I don't want to end up like these guys:


(and yes, I had this happen to me, not fun)

Settlement Defense Plans can be farmed effectively from a specific Minor Wreckage POI that can spawn from certain (ship-based) recovery missions.

  • Location: Minor Wreckage POI of a specific layout (wrecked SRV and two skimmers, see screenshot below). Can be spawned from missions like "Wartime Surface Recovery of N Somethings".
  • Farming type: grab & reload game from main menu until happy.
  • Expected turnover: ~20 SDPs per hour, a lot of Manufacturing Instructions, Operational Manuals, Patrol Logs, Ballistics Datas and Surveillance Logs as well.


  • This POI doesn't seem to spawn from "Liberate Bootleg Liquor" missions as some posts and videos from a long time ago seem to suggest. I tried ~10 such missions, no dice. The first one for Nerve Agents worked tho 🤷‍♂️
  • Two data ports are not guaranteed; sometimes one is missing, sometimes one is buried. If unlucky, try another mission.
  • Make sure you have some cargo space. I've seen these missions requesting up to 4 items, I think I saw up to 6 or 8 somewhere. If you don't have enough space, you won't even be able to take the mission.
Link to video of me performing the run:
Source: https://youtu.be/cxcHpbG2NPE
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So basically your method is avoid as much ground-based activity as possible by relogging... in order to collect materials that are only useful for ground-based activity?
haha, yeah, sort of :) Elite has always been a game of hopeless grind with hacky workarounds. For example, say you need a pile of some encoded materials for ship engineering. You can either scan ships for several weeks or spend 5 hours doing missions for material rewards to collect what you need, or you can spend 15 minutes at Jameson's crash site to max your storage for Adaptive Encryption Captures and go trade them to whatever you need.
To me, these tricks with relog/supercruise shenanigans are just part of the game that I enjoy messing around with. A game within a game, so to speak.

Also, when I play, I have a goal in mind. When my goal is upgrading a weapon, ship, unlocking something or whatever, I seek optimal solutions. I don't want to spend 100 hours murdering 200 settlements with a sh**ty gun in order to collect materials to upgrade the gun. I'd rather spend 2 hours doing something like I present above and then spend the remaining 98 hours enjoying the gameplay with my upgraded gun.

It's understandable that this might not be your fancy ;)
For example, say you need a pile of some encoded materials for ship engineering. You can either scan ships for several weeks or spend 5 hours doing missions for material rewards to collect what you need, or you can spend 15 minutes at Jameson's crash site to max your storage for Adaptive Encryption Captures and go trade them to whatever you need.
So basically- you can gather them even if you don't need them (it's not like, that I cannot gather tons of them during bountyhunting :D ), or wait untill empty bins, relog farm, ignore everything untill empty bins, repeat.
Like practically any thing in game.
Honestly, I always was curious, how people, which have constant issues with encodeds and manus play this game, if so much loops can provide river of materials, but they still have to farm them with relogs 🤷‍♂️
So basically- you can gather them even if you don't need them (it's not like, that I cannot gather tons of them during bountyhunting :D ), or wait untill empty bins, relog farm, ignore everything untill empty bins, repeat.
Like practically any thing in game.
Honestly, I always was curious, how people, which have constant issues with encodeds and manus play this game, if so much loops can provide river of materials, but they still have to farm them with relogs 🤷‍♂️
It's obviously true that you can collect stuff as you do other stuff and eventually you'll find yourself with tons of everything and no need to farm, but there are some reasons why some people might want to farm:
  1. Some people still want to progress but don't have as much time to play.
    If you have enough time in your life to spend 300 hours bounty hunting over 2 months and coincidentally collect enough encoded mats to do whatever you decide to do later, that's cool. For the past 5 years I can only afford as much time to play as I can afford to sacrifice sleep, so it would take me a year to get there like you do. I want to progress a bit faster than that.

  2. Some people don't enjoy doing the same thing for 100 hours straight.
    For example, I can't suffer more than 3 consecutive hours of the same activity. I never travelled more than ~10.000LY away from the bubble because the idea of jumping 500 times in a row is nauseating. I keep my mining trips to 1hr or less cause I get bored of it. I never did more than 5 conflict zones in a row cause I'm getting fed up with it. If I'm going to do something again and again and again and again, I need to at least know that it's an optimal way of achieving my goal.

  3. Some people enjoy optimizing, finding overpowered mechanics, tricking the game etc.
    You've seen these folks. They play things like settlers or simcity or factoria. They build the hackiest class combos in RPG games. They construct OP ship builds that can take squadron takedown missions at threat 7 without breaking a sweat. They do speedruns of Mario or Minecraft. OR... discover ways to farm full stock of EDO components as quickly as possible ;)

  4. Some people enjoy more focused gameplay.
    When I'm bounty hunting, it's because I want to kill bandits, not necessarily to spend 75% of the time lingering around every cloud of wreckage I produce and collect junk from it. When I'm doing a heist mission that can take 10 minutes, I might not feel like spending another 30 minutes clearing the entire settlement and robbing every little box and downloading everything from every data port.
    Let's say I want to spend 100 hours doing something I enjoy doing, but I need to collect some stuff for later. I have a choice: I can spend additional 100 hours doing the thing I like doing, but also pick up everything I come across (booooring) OR ignore everything I come across, focus on the cool parts and LATER spend 5 hours on focused farming efforts.
    I freely choose the latter.
tl;dr - there are legitimate reasons one might decide to farm. If you're not that guy, that's fine :)
For my part, when an uncommon source of some mats is found, and I have nothing better to do, I will farm by doing the relog dance. In short sessions, 20-30 minutes and then use another CMDR to do other stuff. I often find the farming relaxing.

I see little difference between moving between asteroids to mine them and relogging.

So basically your method is avoid as much ground-based activity as possible by relogging... in order to collect materials that are only useful for ground-based activity?
In essence, anyone farming these for either upgrades or to sell is doing it for diminishing returns. Once you're outfitted, there's nothing in the settlements you need anyhow. After that it's just missions for low payout, aimed at either reputation or influence, both of which you can get without ever setting foot on the planet. So it seems the content for the OP is to max/min his material farming. That in itself is a cause.
Power to you if you enjoy playing like that, personally I can't stomach reloading to main menu or even worse to desktop. I can't imagine anything more boring in this game than the relog. I do tend to jump into the forum or something else while in a long super cruise though.
I agree to a point, but the game even forces you to relog just to enable certain aspects. It's a built in feature/limitation of game design. As such folks will exploit it. It's pointless to expect people to take the slow train when a bullet train is available. I find myself relogging a lot in Odyssey just because things get borked so often. It now feels like part of the game.

That said, I was under the impression that materials no longer respawn if you relog. In fact, I've relogged on initial arrival due to getting a scarlet krait error when I touched down, and the settlement had no materials at all. I had to enter SC and drop back out. At least in that instance the game forced me to do something silly to continue along.
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Power to you if you enjoy playing like that, personally I can't stomach reloading to main menu or even worse to desktop. I can't imagine anything more boring in this game than the relog. I do tend to jump into the forum or something else while in a long super cruise though.
Not that I particularly enjoy relogfesting, it's just a tradeoff that I find net positive. Relogging is about as interesting as e.g. supercruising off a planet surface into space, which is anywhere between 20-50 seconds of just waiting for the ship to accelerate straight up, doing nothing whatsoever. At least when you're in supercruise in space you can dodge other massive objects to conserve speed, look out for interdictions or enjoy the views, but as you're leaving the planet, there's just one sensible direction - straight up - and enjoying the views gets boring after your 2349835th takeoff.
I agree to a point, but the game even forces you to relog just to enable certain aspects
Just yesterday as I finished recording the fat probe method, I wanted to extract the mission objective item... only to find that the item was in the compartment that is half-blocked by the huge rock on the screenshot. I wasn't able to cut the obscured panel. I HAD TO relog just to complete the mission xD (because the item has a chance of appearing behind the blocked panel or behind the one high up that isn't obscured).
That said, I was under the impression that materials no longer respawn if you relog. In fact, I've relogged on initial arrival due to getting a scarlet krait error when I touched down, and the settlement had no materials at all. I had to enter SC and drop back out. At least in that instance the game forced me to do something silly to continue along.
That is correct - settlements lose all loot when you relog inside. This was added to limit exploitation. That's why you have to supercruise out of the settlement and return, and that's why all my recordings of settlement farms start with a supercruise-drop.

Mission objectives in the form of points of interest (crash sites etc.) are different in that they respawn from scratch on relog.

The funniest relog trick is when you're farming the highest grade manufactured materials for ship engineering from High Grade Emissions sources. It's the only relog-trick that doesn't work when you just relog, you have to exit to desktop for it to work xD. I wonder when FDev adds a relog trick that forces you to flip your screen upside down for it to work :p (FDev - just kidding!)
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Mission objectives in the form of points of interest (crash sites etc.) are different in that they respawn from scratch on relog.

The funniest relog trick is when you're farming the highest grade manufactured materials for ship engineering from High Grade Emissions sources. It's the only relog-trick that doesn't work when you just relog, you have to exit to desktop for it to work xD. I wonder when FDev adds a relog trick that forces you to flip your screen upside down for it to work :p (FDev - just kidding!)
I just tested a crash site by relogging and it said the drives were empty. Do you need to be X amount of distance away? I was parked on top of it to use my ship's shields. I only relog to the main, then back. I don't exit to desktop.
I agree to a point, but the game even forces you to relog just to enable certain aspects. It's a built in feature/limitation of game design. As such folks will exploit it. It's pointless to expect people to take the slow train when a bullet train is available. I find myself relogging a lot in Odyssey just because things get borked so often. It now feels like part of the game.

That said, I was under the impression that materials no longer respawn if you relog. In fact, I've relogged on initial arrival due to getting a scarlet krait error when I touched down, and the settlement had no materials at all. I had to enter SC and drop back out. At least in that instance the game forced me to do something silly to continue along.
Well sure, I need to relog occasionally for instance when I want to pay off newly incurred fines, get an engineer invite, or the instance is somehow bugged, etc. The need for those relogs would seem to be bugs to me.

Regarding relogs for loot it's rather inconsistent. If you relog at a Horizons site a normal relog to main menu is enough, a relog at a HGE must be a complete relog to desktop. In Odyssey if you have a mission to a POI like a crashed satellite it will disappear at relog if you took the mission item, but if you didn't take it then the satellite and all mats/data will still be there at relog.

If you have a mission to get something from a settlement then a relog after landing will remove all mats/data except for the quest item.

One of the coolest relog exploits that I've seen is at the Odyssey sites with the 3 containers that give weapon schematics. Pick up all the mats except for the quest item, then relog inside the container. You'll reinstance inside the container with the door closed, you can loot and no scav can get to you... :D
I just tested a crash site by relogging and it said the drives were empty. Do you need to be X amount of distance away? I was parked on top of it to use my ship's shields. I only relog to the main, then back. I don't exit to desktop.
Was it a mission objective site? Did you use Solo mode? If it was a static site in Open, the contents of all compartments/lockers/containers etc. may be persistent so that all players see the same stuff. I'm not sure, I play solo most of the time, particularly when farming.

One of the coolest relog exploits that I've seen is at the Odyssey sites with the 3 containers that give weapon schematics. Pick up all the mats except for the quest item, then relog inside the container. You'll reinstance inside the container with the door closed, you can loot and no scav can get to you... :D
Yes - D2EA shared this trick on youtube. I actually added it in a nested Spoiler inside my method for farming weapon schematics with an explanation as to why I don't use it. Take a look, the screenshots are pretty funny imho ;)
Was it a mission objective site? Did you use Solo mode? If it was a static site in Open, the contents of all compartments/lockers/containers etc. may be persistent so that all players see the same stuff. I'm not sure, I play solo most of the time, particularly when farming.
I play solo also. It wasn't a mission objective. It was a crash site, threat 1. A satellite, not the R2D2 version. The scavs spawned but no mats or data.
Yes - D2EA shared this trick on youtube. I actually added it in a nested Spoiler inside my method for farming weapon schematics with an explanation as to why I don't use it. Take a look, the screenshots are pretty funny imho ;)
I can never find these sites except through the mission boards.
I play solo also. It wasn't a mission objective. It was a crash site, threat 1. A satellite, not the R2D2 version. The scavs spawned but no mats or data.
I expect that sites that aren't mission objectives are persistent, i.e. cleanable once. If a site is generated by a mission, it is only spawned for you as long as you have the mission, which is why you can farm it.
Yes - D2EA shared this trick on youtube. I actually added it in a nested Spoiler inside my method for farming weapon schematics with an explanation as to why I don't use it. Take a look, the screenshots are pretty funny imho ;)
I'm not particularly interested! :D

With my main I played for a couple of years and realized I wasn't getting anywhere with the engineering. So I proceded to watch youtube and set a goal for myself to unlock all the engineers and fill up all the mat bins. Took a while and a lot of IMO very boring relogging, in the end I found that I was over powered and didn't know what to do anymore. So I got all the Guardian stuff too and started on Thargoid combat. In the end I finally found more to do in the game by joining discord and doing stuff with other commanders, and of course BGS gives me a new reason to play the game.

I did recently start a new alt, went to a high res and got some cash. Got bigger ships and started trading until I had a billion or so in cash. Lately I've done on foot and in a couple of weeks I unlocked all the foot engineers without a single relog. Will still have to work on the ship side as IIRC I only have engineered the FSD and thrusters.

On foot I haven't found it very hard and have a G5 maverick with increased backpack and a G5 Dominator with increased sprint and combat speed. For a weapon I have a G5 intimidator with audio masking, noise cancellation, inc mag and range. Not sure I'll ever need another weapon, I use it for settlement raids, farming, scavs, assassinations, high cz, in other words everything.

By now my on foot mat bins are full and I'll just have to pick up some data as mission rewards if I want to engineer something, but I'm really not sure what to add as the gear I have already allows me to do anything I want.

The difference is this time around I know how the game works and I didn't feel a need for a single relog. In fact I've staid away from it in order to form an opinion whether it's really needed or not. The answer is IMO no. :D
I'm not particularly interested! :D

With my main I played for a couple of years and realized I wasn't getting anywhere with the engineering. So I proceded to watch youtube and set a goal for myself to unlock all the engineers and fill up all the mat bins. Took a while and a lot of IMO very boring relogging, in the end I found that I was over powered and didn't know what to do anymore. So I got all the Guardian stuff too and started on Thargoid combat. In the end I finally found more to do in the game by joining discord and doing stuff with other commanders, and of course BGS gives me a new reason to play the game.

I did recently start a new alt, went to a high res and got some cash. Got bigger ships and started trading until I had a billion or so in cash. Lately I've done on foot and in a couple of weeks I unlocked all the foot engineers without a single relog. Will still have to work on the ship side as IIRC I only have engineered the FSD and thrusters.

On foot I haven't found it very hard and have a G5 maverick with increased backpack and a G5 Dominator with increased sprint and combat speed. For a weapon I have a G5 intimidator with audio masking, noise cancellation, inc mag and range. Not sure I'll ever need another weapon, I use it for settlement raids, farming, scavs, assassinations, high cz, in other words everything.

By now my on foot mat bins are full and I'll just have to pick up some data as mission rewards if I want to engineer something, but I'm really not sure what to add as the gear I have already allows me to do anything I want.

The difference is this time around I know how the game works and I didn't feel a need for a single relog. In fact I've staid away from it in order to form an opinion whether it's really needed or not. The answer is IMO no. :D
I have only one question - how many hours spent in game? ;)
Too many! :D I got really serious about it during the plague years and stopped working shortly after.

On the alt I have 500+ hours, but many of them have been idling in the back ground. For the on foot stuff I'd approximate that I got an engineer unlock, suit/weapon upgrade, or mod every 3-4 hours of game play without relogging. But note that I know what to do, and I picked up the materials more or less in parallel with doing bgs insurrection / war / flipping systems or just doing missions or raiding settlements farming for mats. Don't wave 5 manufacturing instructions for a quick assassination in front of my face :)

On the main I have 6000+ hours, again some of them idling in the background, but less than on the alt :D
Too many! :D I got really serious about it during the plague years and stopped working shortly after.

On the alt I have 500+ hours, but many of them have been idling in the back ground. For the on foot stuff I'd approximate that I got an engineer unlock, suit/weapon upgrade, or mod every 3-4 hours of game play without relogging. But note that I know what to do, and I picked up the materials more or less in parallel with doing bgs insurrection / war / flipping systems or just doing missions or raiding settlements farming for mats. Don't wave 5 manufacturing instructions for a quick assassination in front of my face :)

On the main I have 6000+ hours, again some of them idling in the background, but less than on the alt :D
Yeah that would explain much. I have 1600h logged in on steam total, but that includes at least 1000 bugged hours (steam considers ED to be on as long as the launcher is on an I've left the launcher on with the executable off hundreds of times for many hours at a time). And that's at least 75% Horizons too.

So as I pointed out in one of my first replies...
(...) there are some reasons why some people might want to farm:
  1. Some people still want to progress but don't have as much time to play.(...)
Yeah that would explain much. I have 1600h logged in on steam total, but that includes at least 1000 bugged hours (steam considers ED to be on as long as the launcher is on an I've left the launcher on with the executable off hundreds of times for many hours at a time). And that's at least 75% Horizons too.

So as I pointed out in one of my first replies...
Yes I won't dispute anyone's right to play the game as they wish. But on the other hand if one can pick up an engineer unlock, suit/weapon upgrade or mod every 3-4 hours of playing, then at least IMO that's the more rewarding way to play. And what's one supposed to do once all is unlocked and all the gear modded, raid settlements for more mats?

Though I still enjoy the tactics of raiding, can I do this assassination in a military settlement without turning off the alarms and still get away in an APEX. I also do enjoy on footie war for BGS purposes, etc.
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