I think your misunderstanding me. They won’t be looped like say zoo tycoon 2013. They’ll have like I said modified animations to keep them fresh but it’s still a animation set nonetheless. They’ll function close to habitat animals in a aviary the same way jwe2 has them. But they’ll be in some kind of similar setup jwe2 keeps there’s in. It would be crazy imo to think our system would be any better or realistic then theirs.
I think it's very important that we're all on the same page here.
In terms of customization, JWE2's aviaries are essentially habitats. The animals do not fly around in predefined loops, you can place enrichment items by hand which the animals will interact with and the animals can break out and fly wherever they want in the map. That is essentially what we would consider a habitat animal to be. This is opposite to how exhibit boxes work in Planet Zoo. Exhibits are a predefined set of looped animations which means that you have far less customization than you have with habitats.
Given that Frontier has called these are walkthrough
exhibits, the assumption that these are indeed looped animations is the correct one unless specifically said not to be so by any of the Frontier devs in this topic.
The disappointment people feel atm based on what we seem to know so far when it comes to walkthrough exhibits, is that this is a step back compared to how flying animals were handled in JWE2. Given that both games are by the same developer and are on the same engine, it's not surprising that that disappointment is there. Planet Zoo is a game with a high level of customization, and to see it get less customization options than the other game is obviously disappointing for a group of players ( including myself).
This disappointment is obviously not going to be shared by everyone, but I don't think it's fair to counter the disappointment with "it would have been impossible"/"they never would have done flying habitat animals" when Frontier themselves have proven very much so that they are indeed capable of doing fully free flight mechanics like a habitat. It's completely fair not to feel this disappointment, and it's absolutely fine to be happy with what we got; but it's equally fair to feel the disappointment and fear that some of us are feeling right now.
Now onto the pack. As mentioned on Twitter, I have mixed feelings about the pack at this point in time. Whilst I think the animals look good as always and I can already spot several pieces that look really good. If they are anything like the Europe pack, then I know that plenty of these pieces will easily be reusable and can be used within a non themed setting. I think this pack surely has a lot of potential, and seeing that we go back to the 200's in terms of pieces does kinda make me feel like we're getting more pieces that have plenty of potential in realistic settings.
On the other hand, I cannot deny that this also feels like an Arctic Pack 2 for realistic builders. There are plenty of pieces here that really don't fit within a zoo setting, a gargoyle wombat statue isn't really something I can remotely use for instance. I wouldn't really mind having such statues ingame if they also came with a more realistic counterpart, pleasing both audiences is always the best of course.
Animal selection wise I'm also a bit mixed. I don't think I needed a skunk or a fox in the same pack as a raccoon, I think either of those animals are a nice addition but I think I would have liked a sloth or tasmanian devil more. However, the animals do look really good, so I will judge the pack for what it is rather than what it could be.
I do hope we get some more information on the walkthrough exhibit boxes. I want to see what it entails, if we could possibly get a very limited boxless version and if we perhaps could get a smaller version than the big one we have now. I'll have to see it ingame first, but at this point in time I'm in the same camp as most other people who would have liked a JWE2 approach for flying animals.
Overall as I said, mixed feelings. Though, importantly, this is more because of choices made than anything quality related. Some choices just aren't the ones that I would have made, but in the end, I'm not the only person they target so that's fine. Not every pack is going to be for me, and that's perfectly okay. What I see is still very well crafted and shows the incredible talent of all the developers of Frontier, so big props to them!