[PSA] Back up your bindings!

Just don't do a backup by simply copying and renaming the file in the same location - ED scans all the file's contents in that directory, and may get somewhat confused if it finds two files starting with
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Root PresetName="Custom" MajorVersion="3" MinorVersion="0">

What works (for me) is to simply copy&compress it with 7zip.
Never lost them before. How do I loose my bindings.. Interested!

The old (and fixed since a couple of years or so) option was that FD messed up an update.
The still valid option is to change anything in your controller setup (unplug one, or maybe even move one to a different USB port), start the game, panic because you are back to kb&m and start setting up your bindings again. In that case, you are overwriting your old bindings - which had been still there, and would have been restored once you plugged back that missing controller (and restarted the game). If you look into the directory, they're even still there (as backup file generated by ED).

So, it's not that easy to actually lose your custom bindings - but on the other hand, going to the directory, doing a right-click on the bindings file and tell 7zip to create a compressed backup copy is no great effort either, and definitely won't hurt anything.

Just don't do a backup by simply copying and renaming the file in the same location - ED scans all the file's contents in that directory, and may get somewhat confused if it finds two files starting with
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Root PresetName="Custom" MajorVersion="3" MinorVersion="0">

What works (for me) is to simply copy&compress it with 7zip.
Changing the "Custom" to something else in your backup file should do the trick.
If you want to be completely safe, store the backup file somewhere else.

This is totally on Frontier.

They CHOOSE to do this badly.

Key bindings has been a problem for 5 years now. But still - send the users to some obscure directory (remember folks it’s Frontier [space] Developments and not [underscore] because we have both)
to manage their own files.

Truly garbage User Experience.
No need to back them up: just create a new profile, rename it appropriately (this includes inside the XML), and the game will never wipe it.

This is totally on Frontier.

They CHOOSE to do this badly.

Key bindings has been a problem for 5 years now. But still - send the users to some obscure directory (remember folks it’s Frontier [space] Developments and not [underscore] because we have both)
to manage their own files.

Truly garbage User Experience.

I've often thought that Frontier should introduce cloud based backups of bindings files associated with each save game. Put ti this way, bindings files are only a couple of KiloBytes each, my current one is 48kb to be exact, so even with ~3million copies of the game sold, at less than fifty KiloBytes a binds file, you are only talking a hundred and fifty gigabytes to store the entire playerbase's bindings a 500gb ssd is like £50. While the game runs on AWS from what I can gather, there is no reason the cloud storage of bindings needs to go there, so the aforementioned bindings file repository could be built, with a few layers of redundancy / backup, for a few hundred quid, plus the cost of tweaking code of the installer / client touse said cloud storage.
Having just changed HOTAS to an X56, and getting most things 'right', I'd already backed mine up to another directory, just in case I mess them up :) I'm fine, drive on (y)
I thought mine were toast when windows detected my 16000M in TARGET mode, which reconnects the joystick as a virtual device. Elite had backed up my old bindings and reset everything to default. I have nooo idea why the it would do that, instead of just listing the bindings as "broken", but at least whoever coded that also made a backup function.
Never lost them before. How do I loose my bindings.. Interested!

Better not, it's PITA and slight panic mode engaged when you take off and suddenly your controls aren't working while station kindly reminds about loitering and insta death penalty.

Happened to me once, managed to get very basic (and ofc reversed input, because why not) controls and got out before being blown away. After that I have that habit, aftger major update or longer break, to load flight tutorial first. Just to check if my bindings are correct and I won't have problems while flying in real ED.

Update next week.

You've been warned. 😛

Pff... you can't loose what you don't have.
During holidays I have upgraded my rig, got fresh ED install. Since it was't my home I took old 3D Pro with me. I still haven't connected my X52Pro, still haven't configured so nothing to loose. Awaiting for some hardware to arrive (usb expansion slot card) before I can settle all the plugs.

I can wait another day or two. hardware will come, patch will roll so I'll work on new environment with clean settings.
This is what I call strategic thinking.
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