Pulse Wave Analyser Fix

cool. is this the first time you ever officially acknowledge that there is an issue at all?

They have talked about this bug on pretty much all their livestreams (when they came back a couple of months ago due to WFH and issues with livestreaming) and that they are working on a fix. WFH isn't helping at all when dealing with things like this. The releasedate for Odyssey is another issue where FDev probably have to juggle programmers in and out of Odyssey developement for fixes for the current game. Priorities, getting the right programmer on the job to fix this etc....
They have talked about this bug on pretty much all their livestreams (when they came back a couple of months ago due to WFH and issues with livestreaming) and that they are working on a fix. WFH isn't helping at all when dealing with things like this. The releasedate for Odyssey is another issue where FDev probably have to juggle programmers in and out of Odyssey developement for fixes for the current game. Priorities, getting the right programmer on the job to fix this etc....
I got the impression the problem wasn't fixing the symptom it was finding what had caused the problem as the code for the PWS hadn't been touched.
Greetings Commanders,

Firstly, we'd like to thank you for your continued patience and support with the Pulse Wave Analyser issue. The challenges of working from home while also developing the largest ever expansion for Elite Dangerous have resulted in a far slower turnaround on this than we'd have liked.

That being said, we're glad to confirm that a fix for the Pulse Wave Analyser will come in a patch on Wednesday 16 December. We understand how important this issue is to the Elite Dangerous community, and will endeavor to fix similarly important issues as quickly as possible moving forward.

Thanks once again for your understanding.

WHEN IT WILL BE POSSIBLE TO GET KILLED WITHOUT LOOSING EVERYTHING !!!! That CUSTOMER ATTITUDE SERVICE is pushing out players that are tired of restarting again and again...

I’ll give a chance to Beyond but no more ED frankly -months and months playing can be erased by some stupid bug -missions that puts you in risk- or by squads that only want is to kill everybody.

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WHEN IT WILL BE POSSIBLE TO BE KILL WITHOUT LOOSING EVERYTHING !!!! That s***t is pushing out players that are tired of restarting again and again...

I’ll give a chance to Beyond but no more ED frankly -months and months playing can be erased by some stupid bug -missions that puts you in risk- or by squads that only want is to kill everybody.

Rule 0: Don't fly without rebuy.

Many thanks for the fix. I started playing again this summer but haven't tried core mining because I heard about this bug. As soon as I'm back from the roof of the galaxy I'll give it a shot.
Rule 0: Don't fly without rebuy.

Many thanks for the fix. I started playing again this summer but haven't tried core mining because I heard about this bug. As soon as I'm back from the roof of the galaxy I'll give it a shot.

Dude, it’s 2020... save slots?? 2020 man, come on!
Your post is like “if you go out you can be killed by a hit car”. Yes, but is not a funny thing at all.

Nobody lose if restarting doesn’t come with losing everything you have worked for neither any player get an advantage... you need to think much bigger when you want to see your lovely game get grown up, solid and hooking up every week to their community... as DESTINY 2, for example
Dude, it’s 2020... save slots?? 2020 man, come on!
Your post is like “if you go out you can be killed by a hit car”. Yes, but is not a funny thing at all.

Nobody lose if restarting doesn’t come with losing everything you have worked for neither any player get an advantage... you need to think much bigger when you want to see your lovely game get grown up, solid and hooking up every week to their community... as DESTINY 2, for example

I don't think you've really grasped what this game is about...

And thank you for FINALLY fixing the PWA Frontier, I can't wait to go cruising in my Clipper again for Vopals!
Greetings Commanders,

Firstly, we'd like to thank you for your continued patience and support with the Pulse Wave Analyser issue. The challenges of working from home while also developing the largest ever expansion for Elite Dangerous have resulted in a far slower turnaround on this than we'd have liked.

That being said, we're glad to confirm that a fix for the Pulse Wave Analyser will come in a patch on Wednesday 16 December. We understand how important this issue is to the Elite Dangerous community, and will endeavor to fix similarly important issues as quickly as possible moving forward.

Thanks once again for your understanding.


So when's the fix coming for:
  • broken megaship looting
  • broken smuggling
  • broken research limpets


These have all been confirmed issues for much longer than the PWA, and arguably break their respective activities worse than the PWA issue. Why does the PWA get an advance ticket to go?
Rule 0: Don't fly without rebuy.

Many thanks for the fix. I started playing again this summer but haven't tried core mining because I heard about this bug. As soon as I'm back from the roof of the galaxy I'll give it a shot.
So happy you put that down; been away from the game for a while and just coming back - but one of the few things I remember is the insurance. Thank God I have it with the bounty hunting mission I’ve jumped straight back into for the CG.

When Nbranko mentioned losing everything I thought there was something big that I had missed - phew!
So when's the fix coming for:
  • broken megaship looting
  • broken smuggling
  • broken research limpets


These have all been confirmed issues for much longer than the PWA, and arguably break their respective activities worse than the PWA issue. Why does the PWA get an advance ticket to go?
More miners than criminals in the game, research always gets the short end of the budget, they haven’t found the cause yet.

Could be any all or none of the above.
Cool, now un-break the sell price on void opals and I might care enough to equip one. :V

At least killing mining profit over several patches drove some of us to take up CZ farming because with the rebalancing the past couple weeks, it's never been a better time to be a combat pilot. I do miss core mining, but until you guys fix the pricing on minerals there's just not any point in it anymore.
WHEN IT WILL BE POSSIBLE TO GET KILLED WITHOUT LOOSING EVERYTHING !!!! That CUSTOMER ATTITUDE SERVICE is pushing out players that are tired of restarting again and again...

I’ll give a chance to Beyond but no more ED frankly -months and months playing can be erased by some stupid bug -missions that puts you in risk- or by squads that only want is to kill everybody.

Awww, somebody did not read the small print? How unfortunate.
Dude, it’s 2020... save slots?? 2020 man, come on!
Your post is like “if you go out you can be killed by a hit car”. Yes, but is not a funny thing at all.

Nobody lose if restarting doesn’t come with losing everything you have worked for neither any player get an advantage... you need to think much bigger when you want to see your lovely game get grown up, solid and hooking up every week to their community... as DESTINY 2, for example
And if You actually played Elite for months and still haven't learnt it, it actually is quite funny 🤣 and maybe, just maybe, this is not a game for You, maybe go back to Destiny 2 ✌
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