PvP Screenshots! Remember to blur out pilot names!

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You need to realize it's a video game. There is no moral view in this. I'm just playing the game to have fun.

And YOU need to.l realise there are REAL PEOPLE with REAL FEELINGS behind those graphics. You're not playing arkanoids or pacman here (google them). What you are doing is not PvP, it's griefing. You aren't giggling because you had a cool, fair fight with a willing opponent, you are giggling because you just ganked another unwilling victim and you know you've upset them. That makes you a pretty pathetic person in my opinion.
FUEL to the FIRE

This will be my first and ONLY post to this thread.

This thread should have died on PAGE 2.

It is clear the OP is fixated on his gameplay style. Leave him too it. Your probability of meeting him in-game is small.

Dont feed his desire for attention, dont feed his desire for validation of his gameplay and `special mentality` or give the guy any more attention.
But there is no morality in this. It's a video game. You don't like my play style. That's all there is to it, but I'm not an evil person because I play differently.

On another note, are all the people who play grand theft auto murderers? Because that's what you're saying.

You are doing the same thing over and over, not reading my posts and being pedantic. Are there any no fire zones in GTA? Exploiting a bug and bullying is not a playstlye. I have said that half a dozen times now.
And YOU need to.l realise there are REAL PEOPLE with REAL FEELINGS behind those graphics. You're not playing arkanoids or pacman here (google them). What you are doing is not PvP, it's griefing. You aren't giggling because you had a cool, fair fight with a willing opponent, you are giggling because you just ganked another unwilling victim and you know you've upset them. That makes you a pretty pathetic person in my opinion.

But it's a video game. Do you really take video games this seriously?
yeah, was it in a no fire zone? did you proceed to do it (in a no fire zone) again and again and brag about it online?

" PvP Screenshots! Remember to blur out pilot names!"

Go make your own thread if you want to complain about the current PVP system.

This thread is about screenshots and if you don't have any you're just posting off-topic trying to start a flame war.
I am done with this, I am done with making the same point over and over. Me and Sandmann have made dozens of valid points over and over and you have evaded every single one.

If you drop this, I will. Deal?
You are doing the same thing over and over, not reading my posts and being pedantic. Are there any no fire zones in GTA? Exploiting a bug and bullying is not a playstlye. I have said that half a dozen times now.

I'm not exploiting a bug. That's how the space stations were design. Working as intended, but you don't like the way they're working. Tough luck.

It isn't bullying.
" PvP Screenshots! Remember to blur out pilot names!"

Go make your own thread if you want to complain about the current PVP system.

This thread is about screenshots and if you don't have any you're just posting off-topic trying to start a flame war.

I suggest reading the early pages and seeing how this all started, because it wasn't me who started it.
I am done with this, I am done with making the same point over and over. Me and Sandmann have made dozens of valid points over and over and you have evaded every single one.

If you drop this, I will. Deal?

Every single point you've made has been down right stupid. You spent the first 10 pages calling me a coward, and attempting to convince me to give you my ingame name.

Valid points? Like what? That I'm a bully for participating in PvP? Rofl.
I repeat what I just said as instead of acknowledging it you chose to have another go at me.

I am done with this, I am done with making the same point over and over.

If you drop this, I will. Deal?
I'm not exploiting a bug. That's how the space stations were design. Working as intended, but you don't like the way they're working. Tough luck.

It isn't bullying.

Do you really believe this? I don't believe you're that thick. Working as WRITTEN, not as INTENDED.

This IS bullying. This IS griefing. If you can't admit that you're an even bigger coward than I thought.
Again, you're failing to grasp context. If you bully an actor on facebook for playing an evil character, that is personal.

This person isn't out to ruin other player's experiences no more than X Football team is trying to ruin Y Football team's day by beating them in the game.

He is using legal gameplay tractics to pirate in a game that contains piracy. If a player can't grasp that winning (avoiding pirates) and losing (blowing up to pirates) is part of the game, then perhaps they should play games that encourage no competition whatsoever.

Your analogy is very bad because the two team have even ground both team chose to play against each other with the agreed terms and they wont push each other down on the stairs on the way out at the half time laughing about how the other crashed himself and get advantage at the next half.
Your analogy is very bad because the two team have even ground both team chose to play against each other with the agreed terms and they wont push each other down on the stairs on the way out at the half time to get advantage.

ahh quite right, however there are rules about those actions in a real football game, in ED? not so much. so you are free to do whatever you want as long as you can live with the consequences.
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