Roadmap leaked??

So what did 4chan predict world be next?

"July will be a Claire Dearing DLC that will include a safari truck ride, paleo botony (growing plants for food in the feeder). Mission will be to save the dinosaurs from Nublar and move to the sanctuary island."

Nah, it's def firmed up a bit with this. The 'Planet Zoo' title was completely guessable, but they get bonus points for being in the right ballpark for announcement and delivery.

The JWE DLC info being exactly on the money definitely shores it up further though.

Personally I'm waiting for a few more hits (such as the alleged JWE DLCs for 2019, which are pretty detailed). But the leak is standing up at the mo...

I'd be really, really, really surprised if someone from inside Frontier gave that much detailed information on what they had coming up to a 'mate' - who then released all the information whilst drawing attention to who gave them it. I'm pretty sure if this did happen he's no longer the friend of the person concerned. :unsure:

Edit: That said it does seem to be correct so far.
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I still think the "leak" is fake, and at best educated guesswork. Whoever is the person who posted the leak almost certainly reads these forums (I'm not trying to narrow it down, honest) as I found this post in the "Games By Frontier" section in Off Topic ...


I really hope they are working on zoo game. Back in April I believe, Frontier applied for couple of trademarks such as Planet Zoo, Planet Racing... You can find it yourself on official trademarks registration website if you donÂ’t believe me. First it didnÂ’t say it Frontier is applying for those trademarks. Only the address of the company was matching with the address of Frontier Developments. They definitely updated it. It says Frontier Developments is the applicant for Planet Zoo trademark. I donÂ’t know the exact name of that institution, but I found it on google so you should be able to do it too. I really hope they want to make a franchise called Planet. I also hope Planet Zoo is the next game they will release. I hope Frontier wonÂ’t disappoint us.

So ... that covers getting the name right .... I can't explain the announcement date.
I still think the "leak" is fake, and at best educated guesswork. Whoever is the person who posted the leak almost certainly reads these forums (I'm not trying to narrow it down, honest) as I found this post in the "Games By Frontier" section in Off Topic ...

So ... that covers getting the name right .... I can't explain the announcement date.

Or the fact they got the information right about the 3 names of the dinos in the JW release......

That would have to be some quality guesswork :)
I still think the "leak" is fake, and at best educated guesswork. Whoever is the person who posted the leak almost certainly reads these forums (I'm not trying to narrow it down, honest) as I found this post in the "Games By Frontier" section in Off Topic ...

So ... that covers getting the name right .... I can't explain the announcement date.
The other one was the very correct contents of the last jwe patch before it was announced
If the part about walking around, FPS, basebuilding being the focus and direction of Elite in the 2020 update, I will be spending a lot of time playing Planet Zoo.
So from the leak, and their explanations ....

  • Dinosaur names - Supposedly findable in the game files
  • Planet Zoo title - Frontier registered the trademark a year ago
  • Planet Zoo announcement date - ?
So from the leak, and their explanations ....

  • Dinosaur names - Supposedly findable in the game files
  • Planet Zoo title - Frontier registered the trademark a year ago
  • Planet Zoo announcement date - ?
From What I can gather a number were registered including planet safari so there would need to be a question mark as to how they guessed the right one
While I’ve looked at this “leak” with a sideways squint and a bit of a “nah”, it did get me thinking about the “base building” part.

My immediate assumption was that it would be like how NMS implemented it - but then I considered it might not be. How about an evolution of the old mining machines from FE2? It could be like the mining POI bases that are currently in-game, but with a bit more customisation. Scan a planet to find mining hotspots, drop down and set up your base, maybe slap some defences around it, return periodically to collect the product.


Volunteer Moderator
The other is that FD have not explicitly denied it- Ed used to pop up very quickly to dampen the rumour fires.

I don't believe that Frontier have ever responded to any of the other "leaks". Rumours yes, but nothing that was released as a leak.

Would make sense so far it could be very good guesswork.

I think the interesting bit is we are here discussing a potential leak because of a chronic lack of useful information from fdev because apparently their marketing strategy was set by mi-5

They are slightly hamstrung being a PLC.
While I’ve looked at this “leak” with a sideways squint and a bit of a “nah”, it did get me thinking about the “base building” part.

My immediate assumption was that it would be like how NMS implemented it - but then I considered it might not be. How about an evolution of the old mining machines from FE2? It could be like the mining POI bases that are currently in-game, but with a bit more customisation. Scan a planet to find mining hotspots, drop down and set up your base, maybe slap some defences around it, return periodically to collect the product.

Bases don't need to be planetary, they could also be player-built space stations, or in 'roids.
I think the interesting bit is we are here discussing a potential leak because of a chronic lack of useful information from fdev because apparently their marketing strategy was set by mi-5
Maybe we'll get more info later this year, but you are right: I too never understood the need for this amount of secrecy.
I don't believe that Frontier have ever responded to any of the other "leaks". Rumours yes, but nothing that was released as a leak.

They are slightly hamstrung being a PLC.
I struggle to buy the plc impact on shares nonsense releasing roadmap info isn't required to be secret. Plus even if we did buy the plc argument the recent April update would have 0 impact if they announced it in January last year or a day before it released it was a small patch so there was no need for secrecy.

The approach, in my opinion, is 100% driven by terrible marketing that still thinks going for the big bang approach is sensible.
While I’ve looked at this “leak” with a sideways squint and a bit of a “nah”, it did get me thinking about the “base building” part.

My immediate assumption was that it would be like how NMS implemented it - but then I considered it might not be. How about an evolution of the old mining machines from FE2? It could be like the mining POI bases that are currently in-game, but with a bit more customisation. Scan a planet to find mining hotspots, drop down and set up your base, maybe slap some defences around it, return periodically to collect the product.

If for the sake of argument base building is true, then it would have to fit into the game and not just be some random plodding down of bases in crazy shapes and designs. Some time ago (before mining was revamped) I spent some time working on the idea of how mining on planetary surfaces could translate into base building for factions. This would involve planetary scanning for hot spots on surfaces via a new modules and then if the find was lucrative the faction would build a base on it. This could then be expanded, go derelict, be re-fitted taken over etc. and players would have to run missions to the base to keep it going. With the subsequent addition of Squadrons this could I suppose be replicated for player groups, with smaller bases available to lone-wolf commanders........
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