Roadmap leaked??

Hey you are preaching to the choir in my case! I don’t mind space legs either but I personally much rather see gas giants and atmos in general with some weather effects etc first.

Now, having said that I reckon that space legs is prolly a much more complex and difficult challenge than atmo effects and therefore can totally understand if FDEV decides to prioritise tackling legs first.

But, as someone wiser once said... Why not both? ;)
I wouldn't be surprised if both were being worked on in some way. I am pretty sure that the guys that work on planetary surfaces will not be the same guys that work on the rest of the game.

I can see different types of atmospheric planets being released in parts as buyable DLC in the not too distant future while the next major expansion will be space legs. Which could possibly expand what can be done on said planets.

It's a possibility that I like the sound of. We will see what happens.
I think this 2020 update will also launch right along side a PS5/Xbox Two version with it possibly being the last major update for PS4 seeing as the game struggles on it already.
Even if Frontier wasn't planning on doing space legs and/or atmo planets, at this point, after this extensive thread and all speculation, I wonder if they might feel somewhat compelled to do it now. They can't disappoint all this anticipation.
They certainly won't change the focus of the 2020 update now.
There's plenty of time to change a million things. Most projects I was involved in were planned and developed within a year, and here they have more than a year, so there's time enough to refocus on whatever management seems fit.
It's also already been in full production for almost a year. Imho it's way too late to change the fundamental theme/content of this huge update. I'm no game designer, that's just my opinion.


Volunteer Moderator
Segmented Quotes are usually a very bad sign in any Discussion.
I don't feel like competitive re-quoting and answering of any statement, it always turns out into meaningless hair splitting in less than 3 iterations.
If you're an experienced Forum Mod, you should know ;)

Heh. Nah, I disagree :) I think that it helps enormously in focusing the discussion on the main arguments. Especially when responding to large posts. Readers can very easily go to the source if needed.

The Game I talked about was AirWarrior, back in the days a surprisingly massive Game spanning over a huge Playground for its time.

If I am not mistaken, and as far as I can tell, AirWarrior is more akin to WarThunder than Elite, i.e. a scenario or arena based multiplayer game. I was obviously referring to persistent world MMOs such as EVE, WoW etc.

On the networking limitations, the FDev P2P will always be the limiting factor. Again, no difference if Cockpits are used or the environment is an FPS.
If anything, latency and quality of service will become even more paramount. Competitive FPS and latency/P2P/Packet loss don't go hand in hand very well.

And yet, even server based games that are not P2P (but that are also twitch based cockpit simulation experiences like Elite), such as WarThunder or DCS cough their lungs out when you have more than 20-30 players in a multiplayer battle. Twitch based simulations require a much higher amount of information transmitted in real time (or as close to it as allowed by current tech) than mouse point and click based games that even may allow mechanics like time dilation (EVE) and that are not so preoccupied for the real time twitch accuracy skills required in sims.

As far as I am aware, Elite is the only (unless exception found) persistent world MMO using a twitch based cockpit simulation experience to drive it. Most of the main persistent world MMOs out there (unless exception found) are mouse point and click experiences that do not need those more demanding twitch requirements on network.

On the lost Experience, you can read it on Wikipedia yourself. Some 30 staff was laid off after the project was scrapped and it all is nearly a decade ago.
Doesn't take more than common sense and a bit or combination to assess how much experience is left and how much a decade old IP and its abandoned code is still worth these days.

As impressed as I am about you referring to wikipedia 😋 the reality of many business is that people move on at some point or anther. Thankfully those companies do not need to start from scratch every time that happens. Knowledge, best practices, processes, tools, lessons learned etc are all kept in those companies and maintained precisely to allow them to continue in business and to even refine and improve their core activities.
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Hm, Cockpit based MMOs aren't new (?). Heck I played one in the 90's via Analog Modem (and a ton that I didn't play later) ;)
I'm curious. What game was that? Didn't know there were MMOs already using analog modems. Did you connect to some server hub or something?
Do you ever wonder if it might be intentional? The best way to create a hype is to make it look like a leak. :)

And plausible deniability if the release isn't up to what was planned.

Only really works if the long-term roadmap is false. There's no way they'd actually reveal it. Tells the competition too much info, messes with share valuation (which gets you a wrist slap if not done via official channels, I believe), screws up marketing hype cycles etc.

They are being very laissez faire about it for sure ;). Could just be that they don't have much choice though.
Do you ever wonder if it might be intentional? The best way to create a hype is to make it look like a leak. :)

And plausible deniability if the release isn't up to what was planned.
Sending test balloons is very common, corporated or political, so yeah could be.
Do you ever wonder if it might be intentional? The best way to create a hype is to make it look like a leak. :)

And plausible deniability if the release isn't up to what was planned.
I've thought that this is the case since this started. The whole thing seems a little ham-fisted to me. "Oi, it's me...totally a friend of a dev, not an actual dev, though...and like, here's an internal document to show that I'm super cereal, bro. No cap." It's all just a little too the cop that tries to buy weed at the party that totally isn't a cop but that everybody knows is totally a cop.

Deleted member 110222

If it means we're finally getting information I don't care how it comes.

So my comment stands.
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