Roadmap leaked??

Hijack: how do you like Hellion? It looks interesting, but mostly negative reviews on Steam put me off.

it's a unique game, i'm liking it so far but only playing on and off to check progress. eva and navigation are 'newtonian' yet intuitive, it feels quite eerie in space (like it should, so ok), the orbital mechanics and warping are good enough. it has these little details, orbit changes are usually done warping and setting time sliders via some abstract interface, but someone found out you can actually change orbit manually with normal thrusters.

not really a fan of survival games but here you have to manage your air reserves, which not only means your suit but your station, pressurizing and depressurizing compartments as needed, which is cool ;). it goes well with the fact that you're living in a tin in space! fuel for eva suit and ships, etc. and of course constant repairing. sheesh. no, it's cool. i just hope they find the right balance for that. also keep in mind it's not a mmo, player worlds are limited in number of players and are a sort of private servers (there are official ones too). but you can play a character offline or on a given server forever i guess.

the amount of scenery is a bit limited, but what there is is very good. it's also a humble title and i tend to have a soft spot for those. the concept is very good, now comes the fleshing out. it is indeed an open question how it will turn out, but they seem on it. have yet to check the last update though.

i guess most of the noise in steam will be about failed expectations, this is not uncommon with early access games. happens to other games aswell that i consider precious little gems. horses for courses :)
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It's not my standards that determine this it's whether Fdev think it is too low quality like where they got to with fleet carriers and ice planets

Ah finally it has clicked, it is FDEV, and FDEV already have a standard for VR which they are happy with and is implemented at engine level. That isn't going to change, any new feature which is added to the game will work in VR as standard other than perhaps a few required UI / shader tweaks (common issue in 2D to stereo 3D content conversions) which they'll continue to clean up as they have with all other releases.

And finally despite you telling us all exactly how it will all work, no one knows at the moment hence the discussion on how it might play out.

I don't need to tell you, just look at the history of this games development and how the VR implementation works in it. You would honestly have to be a fool to think it will pan out any other way.

Talk about FDEV giving up on VR in Elite due to the lack of motion control support for space legs is ludicrous - why you are still arguing the toss about that, even more so!
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Ah finally it has clicked, it is FDEV, and FDEV already have a standard for VR which they are happy with and is implimented at engine level. That isn't going to change, any new feature which is added to the game will work in VR as standard other than perhaps a few required UI / shader tweaks (common issue in 2D to stereo 3D content conversions) which they'll continue to clean up as they have with all other releases.

I don't need to tell you, just look at the history of this games development and how the VR implimentation works in it. You would honestly have to be a fool to think it will pan out any other way.

Talk about FDEV giving up on VR in Elite due to the lack of motion control support for space legs is ludicrous - why you are still arguing that it is any more than that is even more so.
I'm not arguing it will be different you are clearly reading what you want to read then telling me how any view that is not yours is ludicrous. You seem to just want to argue and inform everyone of your absolute correctness in everything and so I'm dropping this with you now as we are just going round in circles
I think it's a desire of many space sim fans to have their own base on an exotic alien planet. long as it's an airless planet.

remember how SC and NMS treats planets and legs.

All planets are exactly the same. They look different but the atmosphere behaves exactly the same. Gravity is exactly the same. Environments have no effect on equipment. The legs abse base mechanics work exactly the same on every planet in the entire game.

no gas giants. no lava worlds. no amonia planets. they're. all. exactly. the. same.
I'm not arguing it will be different you are clearly reading what you want to read then telling me how any view that is not yours is ludicrous.

Not at all, as stated before I am saying that anyone that thinks that FDEV will drop VR support due to space legs being too hard is being stupid. We have already discussed why this is so. There is an easy way for them to implement space legs, it's inline with all of the other VR content in this game and allows the 2D and VR content to live and work side by side, it will very likely be what VR users get - clearly this does not pose any design issues which would make space legs in VR too hard nor does it make it so poor that FDEV would consider dropping VR altogether. I am not saying that you won't get more, but I have said it is very unlikely that you will and that space legs support in VR will not hinge on your getting more than that. Be prepared for that.

Don't think I'm knocking your discussion on what you would like from space legs in VR - you carry on dreaming mate. I am however disagreeing with anyone who thinks that FDEV will drop VR in Elite because any implementation that does not have motion control support, room scale and / or a number of other "personal VR must haves" will be sub par. Clearly FDEV are happy for the VR content in this game to closely mirror the 2D content, content from this year shows just that (despite how much better it could have actually been in VR).

I'll say it again, first person in VR is possible, valid and enjoyable with just the use of a control pad or keyboard & mouse control method - it has been done before and will likely continue to be done in titles to come. Just because you and a few others feel it would be inferior does not spell the end of VR support in Elite. Honestly that is just commical.
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I still wonder why FDev seems so keen on getting into the inevitable multiple comparisons between NMS, Star Citizen and Elite (not mentionning all the other less AAA titles like Starbase, Dual Universe, etc.) On those walk-around, base building aspects, Elite can hardly win. Seems to me they should build on what Elite does best and what makes it stand out, not what makes it blend in the trend. But heh, what do I know.
They need to do both. Both attract new players and old players who wants new features, and fix the existing game by removing bugs and expanding on existing features that never got fleshed out. Doing only one or the other will most definitely make one group or another feel disappointed.

They need to improve powerplay, multicrew, NPC crew, and many other things, but it's not enough. They won't keep all players just by doing that, neither will it attract new players unless they were already interested. They have to stay current as well as improving quality.
Like I said; good for those that want it. But I wonder how many other long-time Elite players will be turned off by these changes. Glancing through this thread it doesn't seem I'm alone.
I'm not sure additions to the game is the same as changes. If all the old things are still there, and hopefully they'll work on improving and fixing existing features, the new things won't be in the way.

If I like a car brand, and suddenly they add a model that's electric, it doesn't mean I can't drive the non-electric car models from the brand.

The only issue really is focus of Frontier's time and effort. They're using the time to add something instead of using it to improve existing features.

Only the beancounters can tell whether it's better to have a bunch of new but mostly short-term players join or whether it's better to maintain a strong set of long-term players/evangelists for the game. For sure it'll look good on the balance sheet for that quarter, but what will the quarters after that show?
Most companies are short-sighted and look at the bottom line in the near future. It's an unfortunate effect of having investors who wants results and returns "now". Besides, games don't have a long life cycle.
I guess if space legs and base building aren't your thing then you can carry on playing the existing game. I'll happily base build and stroll around, but I still won't like the large number of planets that can't be landed on. In that aspect ED will still be behind Frontier (the game).
Yeah. If I'd had to choose, I rather have atmo planets first before legs. Base building is something I'd like to have, but it's probably last on my list.
How on Earth have we come from "Roadmap leaked" to "Frontier will drop VR support that's for sure"?
Some users of this forum are priceless.
Basically the OP derailed their own thread - guess the salt content was going down now that the leak is about confirmed 🤷‍♀️
3988: Whene menne of red come from the Earth and green manne frome thee lave, yette ken not why, and a white whale quitte the toast rack, and saline levels riseth, and Thargoids runneth free, and Bazmeson is gone, then Three carnivores cometh together and captured creatures arise, upon coasters ride; I tell you the Doom draweth nigh.
MMO : Massive Multiplayer Online

Elite is indeed Massive, in terms of scale. It also has a significantly large player base that could be considered Massive.

Elite is Multiplayer. Even those playing in Solo are both affected by and have an effect on everyone else playing.

Elite does require an Online connection. It is unplayable without a connection, and even the lone Solo mode players can chat with people online in other modes.

So yes, Elite does meet the criteria to be classified as an MMO, even if its execution is markedly different.

But this has nothing to do with any roadmap. Time for this off-topic non-topic to be Old Yellered.
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