Patch Notes Update Ships Beta 1.5 Beta 2 Incoming

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Funny how the camp seems to be so split on the heat issue.

Those that want the heat nerfed might be stuck looking at how they currently play the game, not thinking about tactics on how to counter it.

Those that want it kept as is might not be taking account how it affects PvP on a larger scale, just how it affects them in 1 on 1.

Tinfoil hat wearers might think you've made it so high knowing there'd be an outcry so when you drop it to what you wanted they'll feel they got what they wanted ;)

All I can say is don't listen to the hearts on either side of the issue and just look at the mechanics. Maybe organize some large PvP and look at the effects and how to deal with them first hand.
All I can say is don't listen to the hearts on either side of the issue and just look at the mechanics. Maybe organize some large PvP and look at the effects and how to deal with them first hand.

Exactly. This was how I came to my conclusion. People think that SCBs will be dead for PVP because they've never had to deal with serious heat before. But that is only because they are stuck in the old meta. SCBs are still amazing in terms of increasing longevity, but you just can't use them with min/maxed shields anymore. You have to take a minor hit to shield boosters to use them. But this also means that shields will be a little easier to refill with less SCBs and with less regen.

You can of course now lose your shields a little bit more easily in PVP, but this just makes bulkheads and armor more important. I don't think people realize how much tougher a ship can be with more hull health. Not nearly as tough as SCBs but still very hard to kill quickly, nearly impossible even by a whole wing of high DPS ships.
Exactly. This was how I came to my conclusion. People think that SCBs will be dead for PVP because they've never had to deal with serious heat before. But that is only because they are stuck in the old meta. SCBs are still amazing in terms of increasing longevity, but you just can't use them with min/maxed shields anymore. You have to take a minor hit to shield boosters to use them. But this also means that shields will be a little easier to refill with less SCBs and with less regen.

You can of course now lose your shields a little bit more easily in PVP, but this just makes bulkheads and armor more important. I don't think people realize how much tougher a ship can be with more hull health. Not nearly as tough as SCBs but still very hard to kill quickly, nearly impossible even by a whole wing of high DPS ships.

And now you have people looking at new tactics and how to potentially use larger ships in battles in a more dynamic and less tank-reliant way:
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Did the perpetual 10cr repair bill bug get fixed yet cause that is really nagging at my OCD. XD

.........then we all have 'spectrum' OCD.

Rumor has it, thats it's an AMD driver issue ;)

If they can't fix the bug, just change the colour to the same colour as when everything is repaired atleast, or blank out the box, after ' REPAIR ALL' button has been pressed.:rolleyes:
40 deg would be pointless. You could virtually ignore the heat damage while using 2 simultaneous SCBs. And ignore heat sink and hull reinforcements in the process. This would basically be 1.4 magic potions all over again. Now if you want your potions you have to coat your stomach in peptobismo first. Using heat sinks + SCBs in a 1:1 ratio.

It basically means that if you want to be able to fully recharge your shields with 2 SCBs without taking heat damage, you need to sacrifice 2 utility slots to heat sinks. Which means that your shields will miss out on the +40% from boosters, but they will still be 3000% stronger from SCBs, if you can avoid dropping shields. It's a risk/reward situation.

OR you can opt for the fast regen shields and hull reinforcements if you want to be tougher naturally without resorting to risk of dropping your deeper SCB shields with an average strength hull. So now we have real choices in how to loadout our ship for different types of tankiness. ;)
Yes, please don't nerf the heat of SCBs.
My cutter over heated during a scrap with another CMDR, just from firing 3 pulse lasers.
This was with max power to systems and 2 bars in weps.
Is this by design or some tweaking required?
(I have it shadowplayed)

[Edit] I used SCBs 3-4 times though...
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I think balancing the SCBs is definitely needed, but please, FD, don't only balance with the needs of PVP in mind. Given the glacial pace of shield recharge, without some way to get them quickly back up to full strength after a PVE scrap, Bounty Hunting and CZ fighting may become a real chore. Even with the weak shields on my FAS, at 1 MJ/S flat recharge, it literally takes 5 minutes to get my shields back to full charge. It's much, much worse on ships with bigger shields.

The slow recharge rate is the fundamental problem that lead to SCB overuse, in my opinion. If something was done about that (for example, make recharge speed a function of your sys capacitor and pips or something) then people wouldn't need to spam SCBs as much. The PVP meta of busting shields as fast as possible will remain, just without the overuse of health potions, while the PVE experience will be improved by not having long moments of down time between major scraps.

Just my opinion.
Michael! It's saturday! Go Home! I'm sure we can wait until monday (tuesday in my case) for these fixes :)

Thanks for your hard work!
i think i found a bug:

In RES Hazardous or just interdicting wanted target, i just only shooted wanted NPCs but `everytime` i gain 400 cr penalty for 7 minutes. No i didnt shot any clean NPC. I am pretty sure it is a bug.
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Small feedback suggestion. the Cutter is a feasible ship in combat when outfitted wisely BUT! since as Sandro said its a boom and zoom runner please increas the usability of the thrusters even the A rated top end ones turn the ship like a brick and thats with barely anything weighing her down... i would ask at least similar to the anaconda with a subtle gain on them to compliment the excelent main engine thrust.

other than that the ships fine

my other reccomendation is i would add a couple of extra lys to the various framshift drives for both the corvettte and the cutter as at the moment fully laden you may as well get out and push it IMO does require a subtle increase tweak on all modules for them both.. other than that NO complaints with 1.5 beta

well aside from the known bugs we have found lol *cough cough landing gear reversal glitch that shoudl have been fixed in this patch update*

anyhoo my thoughs.. take em for what you will

my other recommendation is i would add a couple of extra lys to the various frameshift drives for both the corvette and the cutter as at the moment fully laden you may as well get out and push it IMO does require a subtle increase tweak on all modules for them both..
Couldn't agree more!
It just feels wrong that the top sized ships in the game do not have more capable jump range.
(I managed to get a fully top A-graded Corvette down to 11.8 LY jump range... That is a bit extreme.)
Couldn't agree more!
It just feels wrong that the top sized ships in the game do not have more capable jump range.
(I managed to get a fully top A-graded Corvette down to 11.8 LY jump range... That is a bit extreme.)

I agree, but history seems to demonstrate that jump range is the one thing FD never seems to adjust.

Anyone ever recall that happening before?
Small feedback suggestion. the Cutter is a feasible ship in combat when outfitted wisely BUT! since as Sandro said its a boom and zoom runner please increas the usability of the thrusters even the A rated top end ones turn the ship like a brick and thats with barely anything weighing her down... i would ask at least similar to the anaconda with a subtle gain on them to compliment the excelent main engine thrust.

other than that the ships fine

my other reccomendation is i would add a couple of extra lys to the various framshift drives for both the corvettte and the cutter as at the moment fully laden you may as well get out and push it IMO does require a subtle increase tweak on all modules for them both.. other than that NO complaints with 1.5 beta

well aside from the known bugs we have found lol *cough cough landing gear reversal glitch that shoudl have been fixed in this patch update*

anyhoo my thoughs.. take em for what you will


The Cutter will shake out as nothing more than a great trader.

The best way to compare it would be with the T-9 which it smokes hands down.

With the current heat and damage models as they currently stand in 1.5 beta, it won't make much sense to use large ships for combat.

The Cutter will be the best trader

The Conda will have the best jump range, therefore, the best explorer

The Corvette is truly an orphan unless new class 4 weapons make it more effective at combat.

We're still in beta, maybe this isn't yet "the final answer" but so far this looks to be pretty much how things are shaping up.
My experience with the Keelback has been mixed. Great weapon loadout and placement. I'm fine with the reduced internals and jump range, but given its dual trade/combat role I think its maneuverability is poor, which is strange considering the side thrusters seem meant for giving it a bit more in that regard.

This wouldn't matter as much if the speed was higher, but it's lower to. I found it a struggle to fight against smaller pirate ships, and I couldn't outrun them, either. Add to that the fact that for shields you're stuck with either a Class 3 (weak) or Class 5 (lose lots of cargo) and it just feels like it's missing the sweet spot it's aiming for.

Obviously it shouldn't excel in everything, but I do think it should either have a faster speed OR a better maneuverability (preferably the latter) to fill out its intended roll.
My experience with the Keelback has been mixed. Great weapon loadout and placement. I'm fine with the reduced internals and jump range, but given its dual trade/combat role I think its maneuverability is poor, which is strange considering the side thrusters seem meant for giving it a bit more in that regard.

This wouldn't matter as much if the speed was higher, but it's lower to. I found it a struggle to fight against smaller pirate ships, and I couldn't outrun them, either. Add to that the fact that for shields you're stuck with either a Class 3 (weak) or Class 5 (lose lots of cargo) and it just feels like it's missing the sweet spot it's aiming for.

Obviously it shouldn't excel in everything, but I do think it should either have a faster speed OR a better maneuverability (preferably the latter) to fill out its intended roll.

I guess the big drives might become useful in planetary landing, as for this ship.
I guess the big drives might become useful in planetary landing, as for this ship.

That's a Panther Clipper, one of the biggest the game will have (too big for stations). I'm just saying that as a ship that can carry cargo and defend itself, it doesn't seem to do the latter part as well as it possibly should.

I'm not saying it should move like a Viper or Cobra, but even A-Speced it doesn't feel like it can handle itself properly. Will test more tonight.
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