
Same, not really annoyed, actually quite happy for those who can now enjoy this game on the console. But I'm getting a bit impatient for any news about the dlc.
And also feel like we're a bit forgotten, no news no hints no hello, which isn't very nice.
Kinda, like, where my birds at?
I swear to god the amount of times I completely fooled myself into thinking birds were coming to a spring pack is insane.

Easter = chicks and eggs
Spring = migration
Migration = nesting and new life

I can’t keep doing this lmao, especially because Frontiers track record birds as a group are one of the more sidelined animals (excluding fish which only appear as food in the game). Maybe this time I’ll be proven wrong.

I’ll even admit, I don’t necessarily want the final pack to be bird focused because I want the community as a whole to be happy. If I could focus on my own selfishness I would absolutely have it be a bird pack.
I‘ve been getting a little bored around here lately, it’s either dead silent for hours or the same discussions we’ve had a million times. I feel like now is the perfect time to reboot this thread.

I’ll start off with a new topic: What is your guys’ favorite candy? If I had to choose, I would say peanut M&Ms. There’s just something about them. But coming in at a pretty close second is Reese’s Pieces. Both are superior IMO.
Over here in the uk it has to be twix for me, American candy though? Hard to choose as they taste weird with my memories of hersheys not going down well. Maybe m&m's aswell, been a good few years since I avoid it on my trips these days.
UK chocolate is far superior. Once I tried Cadbury I never went back. 😅 It’s only really good when they have it in a candy bar and there’s other stuff to balance it out.
I‘ve been getting a little bored around here lately, it’s either dead silent for hours or the same discussions we’ve had a million times. I feel like now is the perfect time to reboot this thread.

I’ll start off with a new topic: What is your guys’ favorite candy? If I had to choose, I would say peanut M&Ms. There’s just something about them. But coming in at a pretty close second is Reese’s Pieces. Both are superior IMO.
I only tried 3 types of American candy, M&Ms, Reese's Pieces, and Candy Corn. Of these 3 M&Ms were the best, Candy Corn the worst. Reese's are pretty ok :)

I'm currently on a diet so I shouldn't snack at all. :censored: But if I want to treat myself I like some good chocolate (Albert Heijn's brand or Tony's Chocolonely OR Toblerone). I also really like Albert Hejin's colorful Macarons. I hope I don't offense any French friends by liking macarons from a supermarket and not a proper bakery 😅
Other good ones are Kopikos, coffee candies with real coffee :D

But I have another question, what's the WORST candy you've tried? :D
For me, it's the Salty Drop (Zout Drop). I know my Dutch friends say it's acquired taste, but I don't have any intention to acquire it, sorry! :ROFLMAO:
I'm a Polish immigrant in The Netherlands so it's probably quite typical of me to dislike the Salty Drop. From Polish candy, I used to hate Kukułki (very hard candy with hazelnut flavor)
I only tried 3 types of American candy, M&Ms, Reese's Pieces, and Candy Corn. Of these 3 M&Ms were the best, Candy Corn the worst. Reese's are pretty ok :)

I'm currently on a diet so I shouldn't snack at all. :censored: But if I want to treat myself I like some good chocolate (Albert Heijn's brand or Tony's Chocolonely OR Toblerone). I also really like Albert Hejin's colorful Macarons. I hope I don't offense any French friends by liking macarons from a supermarket and not a proper bakery 😅
Other good ones are Kopikos, coffee candies with real coffee :D

But I have another question, what's the WORST candy you've tried? :D
For me, it's the Salty Drop (Zout Drop). I know my Dutch friends say it's acquired taste, but I don't have any intention to acquire it, sorry! :ROFLMAO:
I'm a Polish immigrant in The Netherlands so it's probably quite typical of me to dislike the Salty Drop. From Polish candy, I used to hate Kukułki (very hard candy with hazelnut flavor)
Beanboozled :D
This game where there are two types of jellybeans for each color, one with a normal taste the other one has rotten fish taste or something.
Not sure if that really counts tho
But I have another question, what's the WORST candy you've tried?v
Hm, that’s a tough one. I don’t think I’ve ever tried a candy and hated it, more like liked it a first but started not liking it a few years down the road. This happened for things like Skittles and Candy Corn (Honestly I don’t know how people like that stuff🤣)

I do have a story I guess kind of similar to your Salt Drop.

Back in middle school, me and a few of my friends were at one of their houses and didn’t know what to do. He was really into cooking and it was the middle of summer so we decided to cook some limeade. We got most of it done but ended up having to cut it short cuz two of them had to go. Anyways fast forward a few days, it’s just me and him and we decide to finish making the limeade. Well, once we tested it out, it was completely not what we were expecting. It tasted like straight salt liquid. It was so bad neither of us could swallow it. We figured one of the friends that was over the previous time must have (probably knowingly) sabotaged the drink, putting salt instead of sugar. No matter how much sugar we put in it after the fact it just wouldn’t balance out. We even tried honey and that didn’t work either. We gave up and poured it down the drain. To this day it’s still the worst thing I’ve ever tasted. 🤣
Edit: grammar
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Hm, that’s a tough one. I don’t think I’ve ever tried a candy and hated it, more like liked it a first but started not liking it a few years down the road. This happened for things like Skittles and Candy Corn (Honestly I don’t know how people like that stuff🤣)

I do have a story I guess kind of similar to your Salt Drop.

Back in middle school, me and a few of my friends were at one of their houses and didn’t know what to do. He was really into cooking and it was the middle of summer so we decided to cook some limeade. We got most of it done but ended up having to cut it short cuz two of them had to go. Anyways fast forward a few weeks, it’s just me and him and we decide to finish making the limeade. Well, once we tested it out, it was completely not what we were expecting. It tasted like straight salt liquid. It was so bad neither of us could swallow it. We figured one of the friends that was over the previous time must have (probably knowingly) sabotaged the drink, putting salt instead of sugar. No matter how much sugar we put in it after the fact it just wouldn’t balance out. We even tried honey and that didn’t work either. We gave up and poured it down the drain. To this day it’s still the worst thing I’ve ever tasted. 🤣
Oh no, too much salt is really hard if not impossible to balance out! And that in lemonade! :LOL: I'm not surprised you couldn't swallow this
A pity to have to pour it down the drain, but better than hurting your stomach 😅
I‘ve been getting a little bored around here lately, it’s either dead silent for hours or the same discussions we’ve had a million times. I feel like now is the perfect time to reboot this thread.

I’ll start off with a new topic: What is your guys’ favorite candy? If I had to choose, I would say peanut M&Ms. There’s just something about them. But coming in at a pretty close second is Reese’s Pieces. Both are superior IMO.
I mean im no expert but im pretty sure the sticks are supposed to be in the nest instead of on the ground :D
Idk maybe these two pigeons are inexperienced and dont really know how to build a nest? I feel so bad for them :D
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