
I do see this very concernd looking fellow
I’ve come across something kind of interesting. For all of you Americans on the forum, does the call of a Mourning Dive make you feel nostalgia? It does for me and a lot of other people apparently. I keep getting these “Early 200s Nostalgia” edits on my yt shorts and they all have the same background sound including a Mourning Dove call. My idea is that for us that grew up in the 200s and probably 90s as well, we played outside a lot. Therefore we hear the call but not really think anything of it. But now that we’re older, we think about those times and remember what we never originally payed attention to.
I’ve come across something kind of interesting. For all of you Americans on the forum, does the call of a Mourning Dive make you feel nostalgia? It does for me and a lot of other people apparently. I keep getting these “Early 200s Nostalgia” edits on my yt shorts and they all have the same background sound including a Mourning Dove call. My idea is that for us that grew up in the 200s and probably 90s as well, we played outside a lot. Therefore we hear the call but not really think anything of it. But now that we’re older, we think about those times and remember what we never originally payed attention to.
Yeah, which makes it funny because mourning doves aren't even from here, but they're so associated with many people's childhoods
@DarthQuell I got a cake decorating kit for my birth day :3
I am going to make my parents anniversary cake again this year for sure
Ooh, anniversary cakes are always good. I've never actually made a cake myself; I've never been good at baking. Any ideas of what kind of cake you're gonna make?

This is not the state or the game you are looking for...
The power of this gif is insignificant compared to the power of the thread
does the call of a Mourning Dive make you feel nostalgia?

Yeah, which makes it funny because mourning doves aren't even from here, but they're so associated with many people's childhoods
Huh, for me it's the wood pigeon. Cu-cooo coo, cu-coo. There are some living on my roof so I live in an eternal state of nostalgia. My favourite sits on the balcony, I call her Cloudy
Actually Cloudy is a collared pigeon. Slightly smaller and a little pinkish. We have lots of both types of birds living on my street. I'm listening to all their coos rn! Love the sound
Too many cats around every other house has a cat on this terrace. My feeder is up high on my balcony so I don't tempt poor birds to a terrible fate
Why stealing tho? Its a bird feeder and all three qualify as such i think 😂
I know it sounds bad lol but the bird feeders I have are for small birds, the bigger birds shake the feeders aggressively to get the food to drop out on the ground and then eat them. Then of course that then gets the mice in the field behind my house excited and then the cats come along, cycle of doom.
3 iconic bird sounds where I live and their meaning for me
  • Wood pigeon - stealing from my bird feeder
  • Carrion crow - stealing from my bird feeder
  • Oystercatcher (during spring) - stealing from my bird feeder but at night
You get Oystercatchers at your feeder? That's crazy. The closest I get is the turkeys and mourning doves that clean up after all the small birds throw their food on the ground.
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