
The worst news for Tigger is the vet said no more big games of fetch. It's what he lives for! I'll obviously be more careful but he's such an athletic dog (even though he's tiny, he's incredibly fast and agile). I think he'll be chasing some more balls in his time. Damn he's only 7! And his breed are meant to be very long lived. Sometimes he jumps up and twists in the air to catch it and that's what happened yesterday, will have to play more football with him than high tosses.
I had to take my dog to the emergency vets tonight :( he got a back injury playing fetch! I thought his stomach was distended and got really scared, cause that is a sign of very bad things. Luckily it wasn't anything so serious, although I feel so bad for him having back pain. He's hitting middle age and so am I so I can relate! He got some pain meds and is sleeping them off now. I got so freaked out I should have gone to bed hours ago, but being me I had to calm myself with a gin and some gaming first. Waiting in the emergency room at midnight is not great, but my main focus was poor Tigger and making sure he was okay. I wish I could speak dog so he could tell me what's wrong. I read his signs the best I can and I swear he and I have a telepathy thing going on, but it's never enough. I also wish our lifespans were more in sync 😥 I'd give him some of my years if I could.

Sorry for the sad ramble, I just love him so much.
Oh man I’m so sorry. Best wishes to you guys.
Since last month I was without a job, unfortunately I got dismissed because of ridiculous reasons...that's also why I had so much time for PZ in the last couple of weeks btw.😅
Anyways, now I found something new🥳 It's a PhD position about wildlife disease monitoring (my topic specifically will be the virological diseases), so excited for this! Didn't need long to think about this position since I got the positive answer yesterday. Originally I've applied for another position but they need someone for this position short-termed and this is so lucky as the wildlife topic is even more fitting for me. Wildlife/exotic animals and virology were like equally interesting for me during my study.
I soon have to move from South of the country to the very North, so this won't be fun and really exhausting in the next weeks. But I just had to say yes to this position, I probably won't find anything more perfectly fitting to me again😅

Sorry for the long post and I don't want to boast with this, but I'm just so happy and excited😊
Since last month I was without a job, unfortunately I got dismissed because of ridiculous reasons...that's also why I had so much time for PZ in the last couple of weeks btw.😅
Anyways, now I found something new🥳 It's a PhD position about wildlife disease monitoring (my topic specifically will be the virological diseases), so excited for this! Didn't need long to think about this position since I got the positive answer yesterday. Originally I've applied for another position but they need someone for this position short-termed and this is so lucky as the wildlife topic is even more fitting for me. Wildlife/exotic animals and virology were like equally interesting for me during my study.
I soon have to move from South of the country to the very North, so this won't be fun and really exhausting in the next weeks. But I just had to say yes to this position, I probably won't find anything more perfectly fitting to me again😅

Sorry for the long post and I don't want to boast with this, but I'm just so happy and excited😊
Sounds super interesting, congrats!
Honestly viruses are something that most people dont think about like at all, but they are so fascinating when you give them a chance and learn about them
Since last month I was without a job, unfortunately I got dismissed because of ridiculous reasons...that's also why I had so much time for PZ in the last couple of weeks btw.😅
Anyways, now I found something new🥳 It's a PhD position about wildlife disease monitoring (my topic specifically will be the virological diseases), so excited for this! Didn't need long to think about this position since I got the positive answer yesterday. Originally I've applied for another position but they need someone for this position short-termed and this is so lucky as the wildlife topic is even more fitting for me. Wildlife/exotic animals and virology were like equally interesting for me during my study.
I soon have to move from South of the country to the very North, so this won't be fun and really exhausting in the next weeks. But I just had to say yes to this position, I probably won't find anything more perfectly fitting to me again😅

Sorry for the long post and I don't want to boast with this, but I'm just so happy and excited😊
Since last month I was without a job, unfortunately I got dismissed because of ridiculous reasons...that's also why I had so much time for PZ in the last couple of weeks btw.😅
Anyways, now I found something new🥳 It's a PhD position about wildlife disease monitoring (my topic specifically will be the virological diseases), so excited for this! Didn't need long to think about this position since I got the positive answer yesterday. Originally I've applied for another position but they need someone for this position short-termed and this is so lucky as the wildlife topic is even more fitting for me. Wildlife/exotic animals and virology were like equally interesting for me during my study.
I soon have to move from South of the country to the very North, so this won't be fun and really exhausting in the next weeks. But I just had to say yes to this position, I probably won't find anything more perfectly fitting to me again😅

Sorry for the long post and I don't want to boast with this, but I'm just so happy and excited😊
What an awesome turn of events! Just goes to show there is always something better out there if you're feeling stuck where you are :) congratulations on the post, it sounds amazing! Hope the move goes okay and that you have some helping hands
Thank you all!

@Marvinb Yes, viruses are pretty interesting. I mean they are not considered as life and still have such an impact on living species. Also, since Covid-19 a monitoring program for viruses and other diseases in wildlife is more important than ever. And we basically have no clue what potential zoonotic diseases they carry here.

@Villanelle You are probably right, I would have never gotten this job, if I didn't loose my old one:) Although it sucks that I have to move again, after I just moved here for this job 9 months ago...
My Archaeopteryx had its big reveal the other day.
Since the 21 of may was dinosaur day, the museum had a workshop for children themed about dinos with educational presentations and creative activities, centerpiece of which was my model.
For now its sitting in the workshop room, but eventually its gonna be mounted on a branch, sitting above the fossil exhibition area.
Honestly this is so cool to me and im really proud :D
My Archaeopteryx had its big reveal the other day.
Since the 21 of may was dinosaur day, the museum had a workshop for children themed about dinos with educational presentations and creative activities, centerpiece of which was my model.
For now its sitting in the workshop room, but eventually its gonna be mounted on a branch, sitting above the fossil exhibition area.
Honestly this is so cool to me and im really proud :D
View attachment 393617

Your talent is most impressive and awesome! Really! Chapeau, Mister! 🤩
Favourite animal movies, not including documentaries?

For me:

1. Watership Down (1978 version)
2. Wolfwalkers (2020)
3. Life of Pi
4. Song of the Sea (2014)
5. White Fang (2018 version)
6. The Jungle Book (60s version)
7. War Horse
8. Homeward Bound
9. The Lion King
10. Babe
I love animal cinema! No order, besides the first. (Not counting overtly anthropomorphic ones like Robin Hood, Looney Tunes, or Zootopia)
  1. The Lion King (my favorite movie of all time)
  2. Finding Nemo
  3. Babe
  4. Happy Feet 1 & 2
  5. Ice Age trilogy
  6. Storks
  7. Migration
  8. A Bug's Life
  9. The Jungle Book (1967)
  10. Jurassic Park (DOES IT COUNT??)
I love animal cinema! No order, besides the first. (Not counting overtly anthropomorphic ones like Robin Hood, Looney Tunes, or Zootopia)
  1. The Lion King (my favorite movie of all time)
  2. Finding Nemo
  3. Babe
  4. Happy Feet 1 & 2
  5. Ice Age trilogy
  6. Storks
  7. Migration
  8. A Bug's Life
  9. The Jungle Book (1967)
  10. Jurassic Park (DOES IT COUNT??
Migration is so underrated. Glad someone else thinks so too
Favourite animal movies, not including documentaries?

Without any special order:

  • Watership down
  • Felidae
  • Plague dogs
  • Animal farm
  • Animals are beautiful people
  • The Jungle Book (the old 1940's one with Sabu. But I haved mixed feelings about this, since even though the movie itself is great, I don't think the animals were treated nicely during the production :/ )
Kinda random question, but is anyone using Youtube, and by extention the internet in general without an adblocker?
Ive been using one for quite a while now, on my computer anyways. On my phone i dont because there were no options that worked proberly, but i pretty much stopped watching Youtube on there when they started to really ramp up the amounts on videos a couple years ago.
But i recently had a couple glimpses of how life without one must be like at the moment, and oh boy its horrible. Wanted to show my dad a tutorial video on YT 2 weeks ago and it started with a fricking unskipable 2 minute ad. But the absolute worst thing i expierence was when we visited some family and my little cousin wanted to show me something on her laptop, firstly Youtube rolled one of these very obvious "do this to become a millionaire" scam ad directly at the start and one for a flipping genitalia enlargement miracle cream shortly after, needless to say i promptly installed an adblocker on her laptop. Like honestly is Youtubes moderation on what kind of ad they allow on their platform really this atrocious? Between this garbage, the endless ads for scummy mobile games and Youtubes attempts of not only slowing their platform but also the whole computers down for users with adblocks to get them to pay for their ridiculously expensive YT Premium they are quickly becoming even worse than the traditional TV everybody came here to escape
Kinda random question, but is anyone using Youtube, and by extention the internet in general without an adblocker?
Ive been using one for quite a while now, on my computer anyways. On my phone i dont because there were no options that worked proberly, but i pretty much stopped watching Youtube on there when they started to really ramp up the amounts on videos a couple years ago.
But i recently had a couple glimpses of how life without one must be like at the moment, and oh boy its horrible. Wanted to show my dad a tutorial video on YT 2 weeks ago and it started with a fricking unskipable 2 minute ad. But the absolute worst thing i expierence was when we visited some family and my little cousin wanted to show me something on her laptop, firstly Youtube rolled one of these very obvious "do this to become a millionaire" scam ad directly at the start and one for a flipping genitalia enlargement miracle cream shortly after, needless to say i promptly installed an adblocker on her laptop. Like honestly is Youtubes moderation on what kind of ad they allow on their platform really this atrocious? Between this garbage, the endless ads for scummy mobile games and Youtubes attempts of not only slowing their platform but also the whole computers down for users with adblocks to get them to pay for their ridiculously expensive YT Premium they are quickly becoming even worse than the traditional TV everybody came here to escape
I sort of am, I deal with the annoying ads on the youtube mobile app since that's where I am most likely to watch youtube. Thankfully the ads are not too bad for me, just generic uk tv adverts or the odd cringe mobile game ad (none of the inappropriate ones thankfully). Unskippable long ads don't really occur, 20 seconds is probably the longest I have encounterd so I must be lucky I guess. I do use an adblocker on my tablet when I need it, since some websites are so cluttered with ads that the content is unreadable (recipe blogs for example since I cook new stuff fairly often). On my pc, I use an adblocker since it does work all the time, and that's where I'm browsing multiple pages or managing my youtube channel, I have noticed youtube now making videos load slower but a small price to pay to avoid ads.
I sort of am, I deal with the annoying ads on the youtube mobile app since that's where I am most likely to watch youtube. Thankfully the ads are not too bad for me, just generic uk tv adverts or the odd cringe mobile game ad (none of the inappropriate ones thankfully). Unskippable long ads don't really occur, 20 seconds is probably the longest I have encounterd so I must be lucky I guess. I do use an adblocker on my tablet when I need it, since some websites are so cluttered with ads that the content is unreadable (recipe blogs for example since I cook new stuff fairly often). On my pc, I use an adblocker since it does work all the time, and that's where I'm browsing multiple pages or managing my youtube channel, I have noticed youtube now making videos load slower but a small price to pay to avoid ads.
Yeah, i also have problems with youtube being super slow, stutters and generally being annoying, but its still by leaps and bounds more enoyable then the absolute hellscape that is YT without an adblocker.
I mean ive been watching youtube today for like a hour and a half maybe and my blocker has blocked 450 ads on youtube alone lol

And honestly i really do feel bad for the content creators who do lose the revenue because of that. But before i pay 14€ for premium id rather take 20€ and support my favorite creators via patreon.
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