News Skimmer Massacre Mission - Temporary Removal

Good afternoon, Commanders.

Thank you for your patience during our investigations into this issue. We have identified a fix and expect it to be fully implemented within the next few weeks. After a careful review of the situation, we have decided to allow the rewards earned to be kept by participants and we'll not be removing them at this time (similarly to Sothis, Quince, and Smeaton).

In regards to ‘mission board flipping,’ we've taken on your feedback and the team are looking into how we can improve the mission board. However, we want to do this in a fair and balanced way, and as soon as we have any more information on this we’ll let you know.

Regarding other bugs or issues that have been highlighted in this thread, the Beyond series of updates is set to address many of these concerns and we will have more information, including dedicated feedback forums and live streams, in the coming months.

Thank you.

There you go.. Just posted a suggestion that should solve it permanently..

But then again suggestions seem to be like that, only get read by other players and bashed around a bit, till they get forgotten :)

I earn my credit by mostly trading, and never combat cause I suck

I have made about 300 hundred or so million, but what good is that when it took me (ugh) weeks to get there. I am a casual player and dont have all the time in the world, but I still play cause I eventually want a fully upgraded annaconda.
There are days I sometimes think I should stop playing elite cause the grind is too much (Only EvE was worse for the grind). Cause why should it take me so long to be able to get a the ship I want so that I feel I can go exploring.

Also, for those whining (seriously its what it is) here about the people that made money using the skimmers ..... how does others making a lot more than you affect you? News flash, there where already people with billions more than you cause they never stop playing. None of this affects me at all. My trading earns me based on what I trade and what good routes I find, and the day I finally go exploring that's all about seeing and being amazed and not about credits at all.

For those worried about new people getting a better ship for combat, people like me exist. I could get the most expensive/best ship in the game and you would probably still beat me with a sidewinder cause I suck.

also there is no real player economy in all mostly algorithm based. So again what those players did wont ever affect you. So why keep whining[haha]? good day

An Asp Explorer is much better for actually exploring than an Anaconda. You'll get better jump ranges with lower heat and all the internal slots you could need at a fraction of the price.
Well you guys excel at destroying any meaningful and reasonable method of earning credits in this game. Passenger missions nerfed into the dirt, skimmer missions nerfed into the dirt. What is the point of this game other than to fly around aimlessly, PVP and this mindless Thargoid story line?

Now now now.. I was reading through all the comments and even though I've seen plenty that I wanted to reply to.. but this is the one that really made me want to ask some questions...
So.. you call THIS.. 'meaningful'? AND 'reasonable'? Like seriously? you actually think that? You actually think that meaningful game-play is: docking at a station and opening the mission board, then constantly re-logging to the main menu until you can fill up your mission log with the same ones.. then going there and firing missiles at npc robots that instantly respawn... then firing again.. and again.. until all your quests update.. then commit suicide to be back at the station... so you can repeat this all over again?. This is the fun and engaging gameplay nowdays? That.. is slightly disturbing :)

I understand that it gave you a bunch of ingame money... I also understand that you LIKE said in-game money... but really?.. meaningful? and.. reasonable? :)

And don't worry, your comment isn't the worst around here, there are people who genuinely believe this should be a part of the game, like for real :))
Still endless grind, still puts new players off, there's a reason why Elite's retention rate on steam is abysmal

More hyperbole. Funny how I can easily make 10 million just by doing less than half a dozen planetary scans, usually over the course of less than 2 hours. Even though I feel bad about how horribly easy it is to do them, they are more difficult than pre-3.0, so that is something. Personally, I'm not sure where you are trying to get to, if you think that amount of reward is insufficient to get you there.

Still endless grind, still puts new players off, there's a reason why Elite's retention rate on steam is abysmal

What people here seem to repeatedly ignore is that ED is not a race - there is no "end game".

It's not a sprint, its more of a marathon or as my Cross Country coach put it "The race is not always for the swift, it is for those that keep on running.

Been playing for years, and have this game to thank for getting me through some of the absolute worst periods in my life to date.
Never used an exploit, get rich quick, or any method that felt "cheap".
Have several ships Vette, Conda, T-9, Python, AspX, Sidewinder - got enough to cover rebuys and can earn more when I want to upgrade or get another ship.
Tried Mining, CG, Combat, Exploration, Rares, and Trading.
Currently working on Engineers at my own pace - no G5 upgrades yet but not stressing about getting there.
Acually just recently spent an obscene amount of real world cash on building a new SFF gaming PC that does Elite @ 4K Ultra settings, has a 32 inch monitor, HOTAS, X56 HOTAS, G933 Surround Headset, Voice attack with 9 profiles (for Singularity), and have a Pimax 8K for VR on Kickstarter.

I play ED to escape the confines of the physical restrictions inflicted upon me by someone that made a conscious decision to value their own convenience over my safety.

At this point I am in no rush, I have learned to savor the experience.

I grind for nothing and no man it will be there when I get there.

I live and play the game, and that relaxed attitude allows me to enjoy what I am doing - whatever, wherever, and however I chose to do you?

what if my choice is to have a PVP worthy ship? I don't want to sink 6 months of my life trying to get it then get blasted on pvp and get back to a sidewinder because I can't be bothered to grind for another 6 months for credits enough for 1 or 2 rebuys, is the current system allowing me to play the game the way I want or forcing me to play the way YOU want?
The odd thing about these credit making events being "discovered" then squashed by FD, the subsequent salt on the forums is this has been going on since release & will continue to occur for the life of the game.

It's a procedurally generated mission system, there will always be extremes because of the very nature of PG.

Stop complaining and use one of the many other ways of making 100+ mill an hour... :p

Reading the exact same rubbish about "progression", "needing big ships", being able to "do what i want" not "grind" that has been repeated on these forums for years now is pretty depressing.

Nothing scales in ED and those people that are complaining about "progression" do not realise that they are already "enjoying" all the game has to offer, nothing changes with a bigger ship (in fact id say its a lot less fun the bigger the ship/balance)

Its unfortunate to read this type of confused posting when you know the game doesn't change at all with more money/ships.

Just try and enjoy your journey in ED, stop caring about the credits and maybe you'll learn to enjoy the game for what it is...not what you hope -or hoped- it would be.

translation: enjoy just the content you are willing to grind for
That.. is slightly disturbing :)

Now now now..I was reading your comment and thought. Why are you disturbed so much by something that really does not affect you? :)

No really, think about it. try to explain how this REALLY affects you :)....And don't worry, your comment isn't the worst around here
there are people that genuinely want to control the way others play, like for real :)

Really though I am willing to hear from someone how this event really affects them. Cause so far I just see complaining. Maybe I am missing something, but I feel unaffected by the skimmer killing players.
also most of those credits they made will go away naturally if they are the type to do combat and have no experience.

Oh and the board flipping. You did not have to board flip for this one according to the youtube video I just saw. In fact he said you dont have to board flip
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why are you yelling XD....ok I am on your side though
the grind is way too long right now...and they keep killing the payouts for even normal things
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That's a terrible idea. We should be able to kill skimmers with missiles, with our ships. In the ED universe skimmers wouldnt be checking for the presence of SRVs. The only issue is being able to explode, respawn, and collect payment. That is the only problem here.

We should be able to stack 20 skimmer missions. Then, go fire missiles at skimmers that respawn. All the while, we take fire from turrets. The longer we stay, the more likely system security will respond, perhaps even ATS. The trick, we have to complete the mission AND make it back to base alive to collect payment.

I know man, it would be logical for people on the year 3304 just to carpet bomb a place instead of risking a ground mission, I wouldn't expect it to be other way, but the forum Dads are the only ones FDev listens or so it seems, I'm trying to come with a skimmer mission solution that would make those imbeciles happy while still giving good rewards for us normal people who don't dread fun, and I agree with you on the make it to base alive, hell add a whole new risk, have every g bounty hunter in the system drop on your position the moment "bounty incurred" message comes, hell make them inderdict you every 2 seconds for all I care, have a whole wing made of Anaconda's, Cutters and 'Vettes trying to blow your to kingdom come, it would be more fun and would give a semblance of high risk high reward
I could get about 3-6 million sometimes doing good trade run round trip and that would take about 30 minutes round trip.
and that is "good" pay apparently.
But I went to find out how much it would cost fully fit an anaconda. and that is about 600ish million
so even if I MAXED every time at the 6 million mark for trades it would take
600mil / 12mil an hour = 50 hours
a normal player lets say he can manage 4 hour playtime and maybe can do that 4 days a week
it would take that person about 3 weeks to get an annacond
those are not normal payouts that if you happen to find the best trades
at the 3 million mark it would take the same player about a month and 1/2 to earn the same ship

And if he only wanted to explore and view the galaxy, or do the alien puzzles then basically he is forced to grind for over a month to just get a ship.

TBH.....I think if they doubled the pay of some things it would be far more attainable and people could then focus more on actual game play and not grinding so much.

to FDEV.....have you ever considered if people decide they cant buy every ship in the game...they will stop trying to do so...then they wont but your skins
SO your taking away reasons for them to buy the skins that help fund the game. All because its too frustrating. Help us focus on the story or real PVP by helping eliminate some of the grind.
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Now now now..I was reading your comment and thought. Why are you disturbed so much by something that really does not affect you? :)

No really, think about it. try to explain how this REALLY affects you :)....And don't worry, your comment isn't the worst around here
there are people that genuinely want to control the way others play, like for real :)

Really though I am willing to hear from someone how this event really affects them. Cause so far I just see complaining. Maybe I am missing something, but I feel unaffected by the skimmer killing players.
also most of those credits they made will go away naturally if they are the type to do combat and have no experience.

Oh and the board flipping. You did not have to board flip for this one according to the youtube video I just saw. In fact he said you dont have to board flip

You should really learn to read and interpret before your respond :)
I didn't say the way he plays is disturbing or that it affects me in any way... I said the act of calling it 'meaningful' is the disturbing part.

And whether it affects anyone else or not is completely irrelevant if you actually read the title or the opening post, since it's already decided.
This is not a debate.. it's the comment section of a decision that has already been made by the company.
It's their game and they develop it in whichever angle they choose to and you as a player can decide if you want to stick around or not, or do you disagree?

So again, they said it was an unintended bug and not a feature, end of story..

As for your more recent post about 50 hours needed to get a fully kitted Anaconda.. That is actually a surprisingly low amount of time. Take any MMO ever made as an example, 50 hours won't get you anywhere near the best equipment.

I am debating people like you. Who have no consideration for other play styles.
you said "whether it affects anyone else or not is completely irrelevant" and "This is not a debate"
then why are debating me or why whine about others opinions... LOL

well the fact that his so called by people like you "exploit" (gold rush missions as others say) existed for longer than you think and only got pulled cause it gained popularity. Tells me the devs did not care, but they hated the whining from people.

Also, who are you to take meaning from anyone and dictate how they feel about anything. If someone finds something meaningful to them then its still meaningful. Just cause you differ in opinion does not change how THEY feel.

BTW....I did read and my response to you stays the same [haha]

had your read my previous post, you would see I did not partake of the skimmer mission, but I do understand why people would. Nor do I condemn them for having done so. Which part of this community would seem to want.
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For a combat player 100 mil/h is just barely enough to justify the effort. If you are flying one of the big 3 combat fitted.

The hell with grinding 3 hours for a rebuy that a couple of over engineered pricks can destroy in less than 2 minutes. Cascade torp, super pen, fsd interrupt, target lock breakers.

The rebuy on my combat fitted Anaconda is around 30 million. I'm assuming everyone else is similar. So really we don't need to make 100 million an hour to cover that. I'm perfectly fine with 40 to 50 million an hour as that still gets me a profit if I die once an hour.

On top of that, you really shouldn't be dying all that much to stuff in standard combat with a big ship like an Anaconda. Those ships are designed to be tanky as hell and as long as you don't bite off more than you can chew, then you should be fine. I have yet to actually die in combat with my Anaconda but I have had a few close calls in conflict zones because I got greedy and inattentive to the surrounding situation.

I do think the payouts for some things need to be higher though but it doesn't need to be at 100 million credits or higher.
I think both sides have valid points. Instead of working against each other, lets learn to work together make it easier for the devs. I just watched a stream that was talking about just this. FDEV.....they do their best honestly.
Its really hard for them to decide what to do in issues like this. I mean they really LOVE all their fans. They also have a vision of the game and its not about them destroying the "fun" for anyone, but more about fulfilling THEIR vision.
Its was all games are like.

Thank you FDEV for all your hard work and for making the hard decisions that you know will sometime give you flak
I am debating people like you. Who have no consideration for other play styles.
you said "whether it affects anyone else or not is completely irrelevant" and "This is not a debate"
then why are debating me or why whine about others opinions... LOL

well the fact that his so called by people like you "exploit" (gold rush missions as others say) existed for longer than you think and only got pulled cause it gained popularity. Tells me the devs did not care, but they hated the whining from people.

Also, who are you to take meaning from anyone and dictate how they feel about anything. If someone finds something meaningful to them then its still meaningful. Just cause you differ in opinion does not change how THEY feel.

BTW....I did read and my response to you stays the same [haha]

had your read my previous post, you would see I did not partake of the skimmer mission, but I do understand why people would. Nor do I condemn them for having done so. Which part of this community would seem to want.

I'm not sure which one of us is currently 'whining'.. :)

Also, what you just said completely applies to you as well. If you find it meaningful, then how does me not finding it meaningful affect you? :) and who are you to dictate how I feel about it?.. hmm?

Anyway, you're missing the point.. It's not that 'us people' called it an "exploit", it's the developer stating that indeed, it was an exploit, that's why I said it's not up for debate.

Now if you enjoyed it so much, just get on the suggestions forum and post a feature requests, like everyone else who would like to see something done in this game. You can request a feature where you have to pick up 20 missions, fly to a base in a small cheap ship, fire some rockets, then suicide and get hundreds of millions of credits. If your suggestion takes off and they actually implement it on purpose, it will no longer be an exploit, see? That's pretty much how it works.. :)

Is it possible to get these notices posted to other social media outlets like Twitter @Frontier_Help or @EliteDangerous? Unless I missed them (I skimmed the feeds) I didn't see them.

For those of us who don't frequent the forums to get notices like these.
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