SleepyDelegate's Chronicles - taking the DBX around the Galaxy

Try quitting and logging back in?
I should have mentioned that in my original post - yes, I actually landed on that planet, went to bed, logged in the next day, received the same message, but lagrange clouds are still nowhere to see... I relogged again, again and again... Nothing...

I tried exploring neighbouring systems, also nothing...

So where are those lagrange clouds? :oops: :unsure:
After recent fiasco with Lagrange clouds, I decided to give up and continue my trip... After a couple of jumps, I have discovered this system with multiple NSPs and Bio signs... They are 163k ls away, Im on my way... Looking forward to what these turn out to be when I arrive... 🙂
Not one, but two systems in a short succession with NSPs!

But before I show my todays trophies, here is something else I have discovered recently... A planet with atmospheric pressure of more than 1.000.000 atmospheres... As far as I know, in our own solar system, there are planets like Neptun or Uranus, that have more than 1.000 atmospheres, but this is 1.000.000!

Now what I have seen today! :)

In one system, there were three locations with NSPs. All of them contained different Peduncle Trees, what a sight in VR! I have to say, that VR makes everything look million times better than my 4K monitor! The scale and magnificence of stuff is just beyond anything 2D screen can portray... And with these huge trees it is truly breathtaking!






I have also found some crystals mixed with Peduncle Trees...


And of course the Pods...


You just fly around, listening to the ominous sounds these huge trees make, study the beauty of these little pods (they are of a size of a Volkswagen), your minds wanders away, when this pod ejects something and whizzes away... I almost pooped my pants... :)


I gave the trees another long stare and continued my trip...

This body was very close to its main star...


So were these Peduncle Trees... I wonder how is it possible that they are not burning already...



I have found out, that the thing that these pods eject, this gelly like smoke, has some interesting optical properties... It mirrors and wobbles and diffuses the light in very interesting way, difficult to describe using just a static picture...

But what you see bellow is in reality wobbly mirroring difused image of a couple of Peduncle Trees...

Last week or so was the longest 4500ly ever... Normally, I would traverse such a distance within one or two days, exploring as usual... But this time, there were NSP's in every second system... I did not think that I would ever do that, but I still have 12 jumps to reach my destination and I am already ignoring NSP's... It is always the same Peduncle Trees...

But I've seen UFO!

I have entered a system and immediately, even without honking, I see an NSP in front of me, roughly 500ls away... So I decided to not stop for the FSS, but instead first travel to the NSP and then do the FSS to save precious seconds...

I reach the "Disengage" zone of the NSP, throttle down, honk the system and enter the FSS, before dropping to the NSP...

As I am scanning the system signals, suddenly something swooshes over my screen from left upper corner to the bottom right...

A quick "Wow!" and my heart start beating fast! The first thing that crosses my mind is "Aliens!"

I immediately started searching the FSS and looking for that fast moving signal...

And I found it... It was the NSP signal that I was so close to, that it was moving rapidly in my FSS as I was approaching it...

Hmmm... My hopes of encountering an undiscovered alien civilisation are back close to zero... But it was exciting couple of seconds... :)
After my rant regarding abundance of Peduncle Trees... I have today traveled 360.000ls to inspect - yes, another Peduncle Trees... But since they were close to a Class I Gass Giant, I have scanned its rings and found out, for the first time in my ED life, that there are some intersting hotspots...

How rare is it to find a ring with 3x Tritium, 5x LTD and 4xVoid Opal hotspots?

Today marks my first year of exploring Elite universe... 🥳🎉🎂




˘I am close to finishing my first Galaxy circumnavigation... It has been almost 6 months now since I have been out in the void... Looking forward to make it back to bubble for some social interactions...

I noticed that I have recently started talking to myself...

The scary part is, that I am learning new stuff that way...
How rare is that?

A system, where at the same time, you have:
  1. an HMC orbiting a Class 1 GG
  2. a WW orbiting a Gas giant with Amonia based life
  3. a landable rigned high gravity HMC
  4. and a shepherd moon
I have never seen a combination like that in one system before...




I was having some fun with Odyssey...

The sunset and sunrise is beautiful,I have to give it to them... I still dont know how to control the external camera though...


I have found some plants, but since I am too far from any shipyard, I only have the basic suit with no sampler...



Then I have also found some wreckage and colision sites, but nothing really interesting, except for:

An active installation! 25000ly from inhabited space! I did not know whether the turret will be friend or foe.. But it was only following me, without shooting at me...


I pulled my balls out of my purse and enjoyed some "brave" moments by clibing up the turret... :)

With this newly gained confidence, I went to investigate "Irregular Markers"...


And that was where I nearly died... I was observing the skimmers for a while and since I have no weapons and I thought "Why risking my life for a coupe of containers?" I decided to leave, but as I was leaving, one of the skimmers was in my way...

So I thought "Lets play a game!" and started pushing him off the site... He was backing up as I was slowly advancing towards him, when he finally stopped and opposed me...

So I thought "I have shields, you little toy, I will just ram you!"...

That was a mistake...

As the skimmer exploded, I lost my thrusters, shields and 17% of my hull and the ship started falling towards the ground...

I thought I am going to die there, after I hit the ground with no shields...

Luckily the thrusters came online in a second and I was able to regain control f my ship and fly away... But my heart was beating and I thought for my self "What a stupid idea!"


(No shields and 82% of hull - was 99% before the accident...)
So it seems that they seeded EVERY planet with those turrets and trash. :(
So far I have only encountered the installation with a turret in a system, that was previously already discovered by someone else... The plannet was not mapped though, so you have to wonder how did the built an installation without mapping the surface first?
So far I have only encountered the installation with a turret in a system, that was previously already discovered by someone else... The plannet was not mapped though, so you have to wonder how did the built an installation without mapping the surface first?
I have found installations in non-explored systems. Way below galactic fact in every planet I have landed.
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