Soontill Relics, the Regor Permit Sector and DB's cryptic hints....

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Correct me if I'm wrong everyone, but UAs came in with 1.2, right? The Wings release. And, we now see UAs featured in the Wings trailer involving combat between wings. On this information alone, I would be somewhat surprised if a wing of players wasn't *required* to recover a UA. It may be that scanning WSS is the wrong approach, and wings need to be dropping into SSSs like the one of 9 Vultures described above. That idea kind of assumes a solo player couldn't survive the aggro long enough to scoop the UA and escape...

Kind of bummed by the idea since I'm strictly a solo player for various (family related) reasons.

I was playing solo when I picked up UA's.
I never attempted the SSS cos it was pointless when I was alone and in a viper.
So yeah, you can still get involved. I'm still going through WSS's.
I'm by the two binary stars at I bootis. I'm literally chasing a USS that is travelling way faster than me. Every time I get close enough to destination lock I drop out and in normal space it flies off in the distance. Reminds me of the old Frontier Elite 2 and FFE bugs but not sure what to do with it. I'll try and get right next to it instead of as soon as get the drop zone right under 1mm

Deleted member 38366

I was playing solo when I picked up UA's.
I never attempted the SSS cos it was pointless when I was alone and in a viper.
So yeah, you can still get involved. I'm still going through WSS's.

I took on many Strong Signal Sources both in an Asp (bascially unfit for that) as well as in a Python (dedicated heavy-duty setup to handle SSS).
The best I found in Strong ones was an AI Relic setup as bait for 3 Anacondas - managed to swoop it right under their noses ;)

Still, nothing we'd be looking for, just standard stuff.
Same with USS or the Weak ones - all generic stuff.


Hint for surviving Strong Signal Sources in ships that aren't made to normally enter them :
Note that after entering them, there's always some delay before bad guys spawn (1-5 sec, Open Play might have higher delays).
Use that delay to kick Afterburner immediately after entering (what momentarily might be empty space or only i.e. some bait Canister(s) ).

Regardless of what will spawn there - it'll do so at low ship speeds, while you're already at max. speed, ready for a fast retreat and quickly out of the dreaded <2km range where Vultures/Anacondas/Pythons/FdLs can quickly reduce the Ship's Shields to rubble.
If there's no Canisters floating around, no reason to stick around anyway...
If there are Canisters - all their content is displayed conviniently in the Contacts Tab, so no need to point the Ship's nose at them while bad guys spawn around.

That trick kept even my 5D-Shielded and unarmed Explorer Asp in good shape every time.


My general observations from my own tests looking for it :

My priority was the area ~500LY to ~1000LY from civilization, as that's the "not so normal/everyday" area of Signal Source spawns.
In the elevation levels of +150 to +250 (above galactic plane), with X-orientation towards the Galactic center, I got just about zero Signal Sources. 1 Weak one after many hours of traversing that area and scanning tons of Objects.
In the elevation levels of -150 to -300 (below galactic plane) however (X-orientation towards the distant Phantom Streak Nebula), those spawns were occuring far more often for some reason.

Might be nothing, but to me it was something I definitely took note of (and I didn't expect that).
If that means anything indeed AND what we're looking for is "seeding" or "scanning" suitable Planets - it might come from below the galactic plane rather than from above.

To me, it would make sense if "they" basically followed the same goals as we do - search for suitable Planets and candidates for future expansion/resource-rich Objects.
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Sorry if it was mentioned already, but I saw that UAs are mentioned in the Wings trailer. In it, a Type 7 was taking one (or more?) to Leonard Nimoy Station. If I were you, I'd check it and all surrounding systems for it. Could be a special NPC carrying it in a Type 7 with a wing composition like in the trailer (FDL and 2 (Maybe 1 since one got destroyed) Eagle(s) along with the Type 7). Wish I had time to actually follow this thread and keep up with the investigation. Good luck, fellows! o7
I'm just suprised none of us have found one yet....

I must admit, a new small clue would be nice. Just a little hint.

Response from the poster: "The video of course isn't genuine, but the clue is. Be bold, wing up, look closely and be persistent. "

Basically to me it sounds like he's saying that it's either a WSS (floating amongst the wreckage) or in a SSS (cargo hold etc).

I'm not sure how he can have "clues" to give, but alas, take it for what it's worth. Doesn't sounds like it really changes anything.

Ha ha, the only way he could have 'clues' is if he's from Cambridge.
Since I was in my Cobra and can run real fast if I had to I decided to drop in an SSS and it was a Federal Navy formation.

Looks like a T9 was being escorted by Anacondas. Unfortunately I don't have a cargo scanner so I couldn't figure out what the T9 was carrying but a ton of firepower for one Space Cow wouldn't you agree?

It was between the binaries and Maher.
Any t9 I've scanned in SSS usually have hafinium or painite. I'm hoping I don't get called in to work this weekend. I'll be out hunting SS if any one wants to add me in game they can send me an invite. We can tackle some larger signal sources. CMDR Dread Naught.
Since I was in my Cobra and can run real fast if I had to I decided to drop in an SSS and it was a Federal Navy formation.

Looks like a T9 was being escorted by Anacondas. Unfortunately I don't have a cargo scanner so I couldn't figure out what the T9 was carrying but a ton of firepower for one Space Cow wouldn't you agree?

It was between the binaries and Maher.

Previous ones have been Battle Weapons, Reactive armour and Hafnium
There are some conveys with 2 Lakons plus escort that carry Hafnium and Painite

Functionally Military arms shipments include WMDs
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From the Q/A they said its something out there in the deep space. Deep space for me is beyond habitat space. And something we should listen for.
In "deep space" there is no USS.
After the game was released for 5 months ago and all exploring that have been done. Iam sure someone would stumbled upon something unusual in deep space.
if there is something out there, I think its just an/some Easter egg whiteout importance.

Although, I checked some files and for the conspiracy there is a faction called Thargoids :)
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Sorry if it was mentioned already, but I saw that UAs are mentioned in the Wings trailer. In it, a Type 7 was taking one (or more?) to Leonard Nimoy Station. If I were you, I'd check it and all surrounding systems for it. Could be a special NPC carrying it in a Type 7 with a wing composition like in the trailer (FDL and 2 (Maybe 1 since one got destroyed) Eagle(s) along with the Type 7). Wish I had time to actually follow this thread and keep up with the investigation. Good luck, fellows! o7

Apologies for the double post and replying to myself, but in the Wings trailer the person carrying the UA is named Ishamel... Which is close to Ishmael, and important religious figure (Wikipedia: Could be clues here. Key facts:

Ishmael translated:It is translated literally as "God has hearkened", suggesting that "a child so named was regarded as the fulfillment of a divine promise. David Braben and the dev team is the closest thing to divinity for E:D, they said somewhere that Thargoids would be in the game at launch in a Kickstarter comment, and they promised stuff for exploration.

"Genesis 16:7-16 describes the naming of Ishmael, and Yahweh's promise to Hagar concerning Ishmael and his descendants. This occurred at the well of Beer-lahai-roi, located in the desert region between Abraham’s settlement and Shur."

Could be important stuff here guys! Perhaps the name of the Well is a system name? Once again, good luck!

Deleted member 38366

From the Q/A they said its something out there in the deep space. Deep space for me is beyond habitat space. And something we should listen for.
In "deep space" there is no USS.
After the game was released for 5 months ago and all exploring that have been done. Iam sure someone would stumbled upon something unusual in deep space.
if there is something out there, I think its just an/some Easter egg whiteout importance.

Although, I checked some files and for the conspiracy there is a faction called Thargoids :)

Oh, there are Signal Sources in Deep Space far outside civilization.
They spawn much more rarely than in inhabited Systems - but occasionally they do (USS, Weak/Strong Signal Sources).

But despite checking out dozens between 500LY and 1000LY from SOL, I haven't found anything one couldn't find in any inhabited System :(
AFAIK their spawns stop entirely 1000LY away from the nearest inhabited System.

That's the caviat... Since Deep Space might very well be inside that 1000LY Signal Source spawn boundary... Or the "Deep Space" displayed right in a busy, inhabited System when moving a few Ls from the nearest Planet or Sun. Can't tell.
Since inside civilization I often got Signal Sources spawn right when fuel scooping or very close to Planets (not "Deep Space" but already within the Gravity well of the Planet/Sun) - my best guess was that ~1000LY bubble in "real" deep space.
At least to me, it would make much more sense finding really weird stuff far out there - instead of inbetween two Stations back in "Hometown Eranin" with tons of traffic.
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From the Q/A they said its something out there in the deep space. Deep space for me is beyond habitat space. And something we should listen for.
In "deep space" there is no USS.
After the game was released for 5 months ago and all exploring that have been done. Iam sure someone would stumbled upon something unusual in deep space.
if there is something out there, I think its just an/some Easter egg whiteout importance.

Although, I checked some files and for the conspiracy there is a faction called Thargoids :)

On the flip side, the system info panel on the left switches to Deep Space as you travel away from inhabited planets and stars in SC
Previous ones have been Battle Weapons, Reactive armour and Hafnium
There are some conveys with 2 Lakons plus escort that carry Hafnium and Painite

I dropped in to find convoys of three T9's (plus escorts) in multiple cases. They were each carrying varying quantities of an identical four commodities, which IIRC included explosives and H.E. suits, plus some that you already mentioned.

(Heh, when you deploy hardpoints and start cargo-scanning them, they don't like that, but no-one got aggressive. Maybe because I was "friendly" with their faction?)
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I dropped in to find convoys of three T9's (plus escorts) in multiple cases. They were each carrying varying quantities of an identical four commodities, which IIRC included explosives and H.E. suits, plus some that you already mentioned.

(Heh, when you deploy hardpoints and start cargo-scanning them, they don't like that, but no-one got aggressive. Maybe because I was "friendly" with their faction?)

They start to manoeuvre about for me, but I am neutral but didn't shoot.

I have even been in a SSS that was a battle between Wanted Pirates and Federal Security Force and I could scan the larger ships (limpets and hydorgen fuel alas) unmolested despite weapons fire from both parties shooting each other.
I dropped in to find convoys of three T9's (plus escorts) in multiple cases. They were each carrying varying quantities of an identical four commodities, which IIRC included explosives and H.E. suits, plus some that you already mentioned.

(Heh, when you deploy hardpoints and start cargo-scanning them, they don't like that, but no-one got aggressive. Maybe because I was "friendly" with their faction?)

You just need to be clean so they don't turn on you for the bounty.

A tactic I've used is to scan the hauler only. It then panics and starts to evade. Eventually it will move out of range of its companions but it can take a long time. You have to kind of fly another direction to pull the other ships away and then when there's a gap, boost over to the hauler. If you've pulled them far enough they won't follow straight away, giving time to limpet the hauler. I only ever did it if the cargo was really worth it otherwise not worth the time/effort/credits.
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