Spring dlc Speculation 2023

Probably de kangaroo. Devil is highly requested and the top most wanted animal in the wishlists, kiwi would be literally the only animal from NZ in the game which has currently non-existing rep (not even an exhibit tuatara) and i doubt they will go for ANOTHER lemur for Madagascar (and i think Madagascar has to be represented in an island pack by something... i can see maybe the aye-aye but they also love their carnivores and the fossa has that going on their favour as well).

Maybe they will choose the sumatran rhinoceros, japanese serow or the tanuki. Maybe even from colder regions like Iceland or Greenland.

All that said, we don't even know for sure if we are ever getting an islands pack lol
Good possibilities. I think Iceland only has one animal that was there naturally, which is the Arctic Fox. I may be wrong on that but I remember reading it somewhere. Greenland is a possibility, though I'm not sure what. As has been mentioned before, almost all suggestions have been from the Old World and Oceania. I really wish we could pull in something from the Americas, be it the Caribbean or Galapagos.
Good possibilities. I think Iceland only has one animal that was there naturally, which is the Arctic Fox. I may be wrong on that but I remember reading it somewhere. Greenland is a possibility, though I'm not sure what. As has been mentioned before, almost all suggestions have been from the Old World and Oceania. I really wish we could pull in something from the Americas, be it the Caribbean or Galapagos.
Musk ox is the logical choice for Greenland and besides from harbour seals for Iceland, they would have to look into the more complicated task of making puffins one way or the other. And I'm not sure they want to spend so much time on a bird
Good possibilities. I think Iceland only has one animal that was there naturally, which is the Arctic Fox. I may be wrong on that but I remember reading it somewhere. Greenland is a possibility, though I'm not sure what. As has been mentioned before, almost all suggestions have been from the Old World and Oceania. I really wish we could pull in something from the Americas, be it the Caribbean or Galapagos.
No offense but regarding a zoo game new world islands kind of suck.
They are either a. Just mainland species, b. Species not kept in captivity, c. Reskin territory or d. Are outside the games current limits afawk (Manatee, Seeturtle)
There has so far been no suggestion from the new world that fullfilled all of the 4 criterias with many being just plain forced and boring.
Like look i like the american flamingo as much as the next guy, but if you ask me american flamingo or tasmanian devil, fossa, tree kangaroo, lowland anoa, pig nosed turtle, victoria or nicobar pidgeon, shetland pony, scottish highland cattle, sulawesi crested macaque, javan langur, parsons chameleon, cannarys, Bali mynah, kuneku pig, nene, solomon island skink and the list keeps going and going and going.
Simply put, madagascar is basicly its own continent that just so happens to be next to africa and indonesia and oceania are literal island groups.
You cannot compete with that if your best options are the cuban crocodile and a red flamingo
No offense but regarding a zoo game new world islands kind of suck.
They are either a. Just mainland species, b. Species not kept in captivity, c. Reskin territory or d. Are outside the games current limits afawk (Manatee, Seeturtle)
There has so far been no suggestion from the new world that fullfilled all of the 4 criterias with many being just plain forced and boring.
Like look i like the american flamingo as much as the next guy, but if you ask me american flamingo or tasmanian devil, fossa, tree kangaroo, lowland anoa, pig nosed turtle, victoria or nicobar pidgeon, shetland pony, scottish highland cattle, sulawesi crested macaque, javan langur, parsons chameleon, cannarys, Bali mynah, kuneku pig, nene, solomon island skink and the list keeps going and going and going.
Simply put, madagascar is basicly its own continent that just so happens to be next to africa and indonesia and oceania are literal island groups.
You cannot compete with that if your best options are the cuban crocodile and a red flamingo
The same goes for all the cold climate islands, to all thise trying to force the Walrus and musk ox into such a pack.

These are their distribution maps:

I can't call an animal that has more than half their dostribution on the mainland, or an aquatic animals that is common on both island and mainland coasts island animals (especially when both used to be more common on mainlands for obvious reasons).

Expecting an islands pack to have a non oceanic+madagascar* focus is like expecting a tundra pack to not focus on the arctic. Yes tundra exists in bits of south america and arguably oceania, but it has very uninteresting animals compared to what the arctic has to offer in that regard.

*South-east asia as well, but the region already had a dedicated pack plus some, so I don't see it getting focus sgain anytime soon.
There are several small regions where I'd love to get a mini pack of like 3 species dedicated to them.

The philippines is one, as well as Japan, Ethiopia, Antarctica, New zealand and several more small areas with interesting endemic animals.
Just for the fun of it, what would you put in a 3 species mini-pack for these regions?

Or any other secluded region that has lots of interesting and endemic species.
I don't even think that Islands Pack would be the next dlc, I know why peoples think it's so likely and I have to agree, but I feel like the next dlc would be something similar to the Twilight Pack but better.
I do think the dlc would be something that related to easter (that's a least what I think) what Animal probably would be the Headliner? Probably any Rabbit!
what would be the animal from the 10 top of the Meta Wishlist? I think it can be one of those African Crested Porcupine/Linnaeus's two-toed sloth/South American Coati!

the fact that this might be our last support year, it just make me feel that something that will have Easter vibe Pack will come in the spring, of course it can be something like really Islands Pack or Rainforest Animal Pack or Mountains Animal Pack, but just because Twilight Pack I feel like we will get something that will have some Easter vibe and also Children's Zoo vibe. I hope if we will get something like that I hope frontier will give us a least two of the 10 top, and this time they will give us something that the community will LOVE.
I don't even think that Islands Pack would be the next dlc, I know why peoples think it's so likely and I have to agree, but I feel like the next dlc would be something similar to the Twilight Pack but better.
I do think the dlc would be something that related to easter (that's a least what I think) what Animal probably would be the Headliner? Probably any Rabbit!
what would be the animal from the 10 top of the Meta Wishlist? I think it can be one of those African Crested Porcupine/Linnaeus's two-toed sloth/South American Coati!

the fact that this might be our last support year, it just make me feel that something that will have Easter vibe Pack will come in the spring, of course it can be something like really Islands Pack or Rainforest Animal Pack or Mountains Animal Pack, but just because Twilight Pack I feel like we will get something that will have some Easter vibe and also Children's Zoo vibe. I hope if we will get something like that I hope frontier will give us a least two of the 10 top, and this time they will give us something that the community will LOVE.
Islands or not next, but if we do have only 4 more packs left I think the Tasmanian Devil will find its way in somehow, due to more active and dedicated players requesting it(ie, us on the forum/social media/reddit)

I also think a Sloth is the other “almost for sure” animal to make it in due to high recognition among the general public and casual players.

I’m not worried about those two, though I may when quarter 3 rolls around. More concerned about the Wolverine, Red River Hog, Porcupine and of course any birds be they habitat or exhibit based
Islands or not next, but if we do have only 4 more packs left I think the Tasmanian Devil will find its way in somehow, due to more active and dedicated players requesting it(ie, us on the forum/social media/reddit)

I also think a Sloth is the other “almost for sure” animal to make it in due to high recognition among the general public and casual players.

I’m not worried about those two, though I may when quarter 3 rolls around. More concerned about the Wolverine, Red River Hog, Porcupine and of course any birds be they habitat or exhibit based
Red River Hog is popular enough that I guarantee even if we don't see a Rainforests Animal pack it will at the very least find its way into a scenery pack. With Conservation and Twilight being themes last year, anything is possible.
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