Spring dlc Speculation 2023

First of all, they don't need to walkthrough if you're creative. I've seen many builds where the WEs aren't walkthrough.

Second, not everyone here agrees that "exhibits suck"; you keep pushing your opinion and acting like it's universal, but a lot of members here have disagreed with you, so knock it off. They have their fans, like it or not. The only reason that it seems that opinions of having some animals as habitat instead of exhibits seem bigger is because those people are extremely vocal about it while the ones who are satisfied get drowned out.

Third, this is Frontier we're talking about. I don't think they'd go back on this, so realistically, if they were to compromise, as they tend to do, then the best we could get is the WE iguana. As far as I can remember, they don't eliminate features, they modify them to be true to the original purpose while satisfying customers. I'm pretty sure that taking an animal that's not meant to be fully interactive and making it fully interactive is not on their list of goals, and if they were to do anything about it, then this is the best option.
You are compeltly missing my point.
What im saying is, that those people unsatisfied by the iguana being an exhibit animal wont be satisfied by them being an WE animal, that putting them into the WE thats made for animals that do not touch the ground and "hover" in the air if they arnt interacting with an enritchment would propaply equally if not more work then making them habitat animals and that im speaking hypothetically.
While yes i am demanding them to be freed vocally, i very much know that frontier will do what they choose to do. But my main point here is, that if they even go back on their work at all, they better should do it right and not waste time and effort into something that will still displease those that just want to build freely for iguanas.
If they stay in the boxes okay, theres a mod for that but taking the effort and changing around the WE system to include the iguanas wouldnt be a compromise, as nobody who wants them not in the exhibit boxes wants them in the WE.

And to be quite honest, no matterr what anybody thinks about exhibits good or bad, gaining the iguanas as free extra habitat animals is a gain for anyone and if you dont like it, dont use it, just keep them in the exhibit. By now it isnt one or the other, its exhibits or both, cause why should frontier retroactivly take out their work?
Its a gain for everybody so i dont get arguing about it.
Personally any kind of arboreal pack screams heavily scenery pack to me, filled with new climbable plants, ropes, logs and other pieces for better climbing frames, maybe even hanging barrels now that we have the pvc door with similar physics.
I also would have a clear roster for such a pack in my mind consisting of:
  • Treekangaroo (among the most unique climbers left out of the game so far)
  • Squirrel (Id prefer the red but any tree dwelling squirrel is welcome)
  • Parsons Chameleon (Propaply the most wild arboreal animal that realisticly could be a habitat animal)
  • a Spider Monkey (South american monkey and propaply the one that climbs the most unique)

With the exhibit being whatever.
Are 4 animals that all would need a ton of effort to animate and move around in one scenery pack be unreallistic?
Sure but you cant tell me this wouldnt be an absolute killer line up
An arboreal scenery pack would be cool but not with that roster. For me would have to be something like:
  • Spider or Howler monkey
  • Tree kangaroo
  • South American Coati
  • Sloth
  • WE: Macaws
Changed it
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What im saying is, that those people unsatisfied by the iguana being an exhibit animal wont be satisfied by them being an WE animal, that putting them into the WE thats made for animals that do not touch the ground and "hover" in the air if they arnt interacting with an enritchment would propaply equally if not more work then making them habitat animals and that im speaking hypothetically.
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't understand. I got confused
While yes i am demanding them to be freed vocally, i very much know that frontier will do what they choose to do. But my main point here is, that if they even go back on their work at all, they better should do it right and not waste time and effort into something that will still displease those that just want to build freely for iguanas.
Ok, ok, I'm understanding better now. I had thought, for some reason, that you were saying that they'd be moved to be habitat animals
Its a gain for everybody so i dont get arguing about it.
You're right. Apologies for this actually very petty argument. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, but that's no excuse
If it were scenery only (and I'm also of the opinion that a treetop pack lends itself more to scenery than an island pack) I'd be hoping for a treetop roster of -

1. South American monkey
2. Mantled Guereza
3. North American porcupine
4. Grey crowned crane (crowned cranes are the only cranes to perch in trees)

For enrichment we could get a naturalistic "perching tree" item. A dead tree which the new crane and the peacock can flap into to perch, and climbing mammals can drape themselves over the branches to sleep in a specific animation sequence.

If an animal pack, I'd add on -

5. Coati
6. Indian giant squirrel
7. North American black bear (I tend to throw this one into animal packs where it would fit because it's an easy clone, popular, and has a lot of color morphs)

... but I would be okay taking out a habitat animal to have both a traditional exhibit animal - Chameleon - and a WE animal -any bird(s) associated with forests.
Yes. Didn't you hear? Mosquitos and gnats are arriving in the upcoming spring DLC:
Pests DLC
  • Black rat
  • American cockroach
  • German cockroach
  • Mosquitos (WE)
  • Gnats (WE)
Scenery: poisons and traps
Oh if we are talking about pests , the Scottish midge rightfully deserves its place, not enough expletives describe summer in the Scottish Highlands
I’m hoping for a rainforest pack - it’s an opportunity to represent different continents, with a wide variety of animals, and selfishly because so many of my top wishlist animals could be included:
  • Coati
  • Fossa
  • Manatee
  • Goodfellow’s tree kangaroo
  • Cotton Top Tamarin
  • Shoebill
  • Colobus monkey
  • Red River hog
  • Toucan/Macaw walkthrough exhibit

Could otherwise be an alpine/cold region pack:
  • Echidna (shoehorned in, but they do live in alpine areas)
  • Walrus
  • Leopard seal
  • Saiga
  • Takin
  • Pallas Cat
  • Tasmanian devil
  • Wolverine
  • Walkthrough exhibit: snowy owl

Or we’re way overdue for an Indian pack:
  • Nilgai
  • Chital
  • Grey langur
  • Blackbuck
  • Indian leopard
  • Fishing cat
  • Sloth bear
  • Walkthrough exhibit: Indian vulture

Scenery wise, I’d love more generic zoo items as always. New fences, gates, locks, sun shades, food troughs, that sort of thing.
These are some great lineups. It may not be much wanted by you, since its your wants and lists, but i feel that if they do a rainforest pack a sloth is almost mandatory. I can’t imagine reaction here if they did a rainforest pack without one.
These are some great lineups. It may not be much wanted by you, since its your wants and lists, but i feel that if they do a rainforest pack a sloth is almost mandatory. I can’t imagine reaction here if they did a rainforest pack without one.
It would probably mean that Frontier couldn't figure out how to implement sloths into the game. It would be unfortunate but as long as we get monkeys and tropical birds out of it I wouldn't be too upset.
It would probably mean that Frontier couldn't figure out how to implement sloths into the game. It would be unfortunate but as long as we get monkeys and tropical birds out of it I wouldn't be too upset.
I really think that if Frontier can figure out brachiation, they would be able to do sloth animations and behaviors accurately. I have no background in game development, but from the outside looking in, siamangs seem much more difficult. By no means are their animations perfect, but definitely better than I ever expected them to be.
I thought it might seem like a fun idea to discuss primates in further detail (I don't know if this has already been done as I popped in and out of discussion recently). I think we can all agree that they are one of the most underrepresented mammalian orders in the game regarding their popularity in real-life zoos, so it seems only fair that the roster should be bulked up quite a bit. I would honestly like to see, five more at least. This can be either a wishlist or pure speculation, but I honestly think there really aren't wrong answers when comes to primates, as such a wide variety of them are kept in captivity successfully. Here's mine divided into hopefully easy-to-understand groups that aren't totally taxonomically accurate:

Blue-Eyed Black Lemur
Collard Brown Lemur
Coquerel's Sifaka*

Old World Monkeys:
Allen's Swamp Monkey
Common Patas Monkey
De Brazza's Monkey
Celebe's Crested Macaque
Francios's Langur
Hamadryas Baboon*
Manteled Gueraza*
Francios's Langur
Northern Plains Gray Langur*

(Northern) White-Cheeked Gibbbon

New World Monkeys:
Cotton-Top Tamarin
Emperor Tamarin
Golden-Lion Tamarin*
Pygmy Marmoset
Guianan Squirrel Monkey*
White-Eared/Bolivian Gray Titi Monkey
White-Faced Saki
Black Howler Monkey*
Geoffroy's Spider Monkey*

My list looks big, but it's mainly just options I would be happy with filling certain niches. I put an asterisk next to each primate that I personally want, put all are ones that I think are possible inclusions. What do you all think?
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I thought it might seem like a fun idea to discuss primates in further detail (I don't know if this has already been done as I popped in and out of discussion recently). I think we can all agree that they are one of the most underrepresented mammalian orders in the game regarding their popularity in real-life zoos, so it seems only fair that the roster should be bulked up quite a bit. I would honestly like to see, five more at least. This can be either a wishlist or pure speculation, but I honestly think there really aren't wrong answers when comes to primates, as such a wide variety of them are kept in captivity successfully. Here's mine divided into hopefully easy-to-understand groups that aren't totally taxonomically accurate:

Collard Brown Lemur
Coquerel's Sifaka*

Old World Monkeys:
Allen's Swamp Monkey
Common Patas Monkey
De Brazza's Monkey
Celebe's Crested Macaque
Francios's Langur
Hamadryas Baboon*
Manteled Gueraza*
Francios's Langur
Northern Plains Gray Langur*

(Northern) White-Cheeked Gibbbon

New World Monkeys:
Cotton-Top Tamarin
Emperor Tamarin
Golden-Lion Tamarin*
Pygmy Marmoset
Guianan Squirrel Monkey*
White-Eared/Bolivian Gray Titi Monkey
White-Faced Saki
Black Howler Monkey*
Geoffroy's Spider Monkey*

My list looks big, but it's mainly just options I would be happy with filling certain niches. I put an asterisk next to each primate that I personally want, put all are ones that I think are possible inclusions. What do you all think?
I would also add the blue eyed black lemur to the lemurs list but apart from that it looks pretty good
I thought it might seem like a fun idea to discuss primates in further detail (I don't know if this has already been done as I popped in and out of discussion recently). I think we can all agree that they are one of the most underrepresented mammalian orders in the game regarding their popularity in real-life zoos, so it seems only fair that the roster should be bulked up quite a bit. I would honestly like to see, five more at least. This can be either a wishlist or pure speculation, but I honestly think there really aren't wrong answers when comes to primates, as such a wide variety of them are kept in captivity successfully. Here's mine divided into hopefully easy-to-understand groups that aren't totally taxonomically accurate:

Blue-Eyed Black Lemur
Collard Brown Lemur
Coquerel's Sifaka*

Old World Monkeys:
Allen's Swamp Monkey
Common Patas Monkey
De Brazza's Monkey
Celebe's Crested Macaque
Francios's Langur
Hamadryas Baboon*
Manteled Gueraza*
Francios's Langur
Northern Plains Gray Langur*

(Northern) White-Cheeked Gibbbon

New World Monkeys:
Cotton-Top Tamarin
Emperor Tamarin
Golden-Lion Tamarin*
Pygmy Marmoset
Guianan Squirrel Monkey*
White-Eared/Bolivian Gray Titi Monkey
White-Faced Saki
Black Howler Monkey*
Geoffroy's Spider Monkey*

My list looks big, but it's mainly just options I would be happy with filling certain niches. I put an asterisk next to each primate that I personally want, put all are ones that I think are possible inclusions. What do you all think?
Unpopular opinion: I would love to see lion-tailed macaques and lar gibbons too :p
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