Star Citizen Discussion Thread v11

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lol 50km wow that was a Long trip. But realy the Screenshots you posted looking realy outdated. Is this Max setting? This isen‘t looking like the demo they showed on the con.

I use very high graphics on the computer, but, have to edit the photos below the 1MB threshold that Frontier has on the website.

As for 50km, when your going 5 - 40 m/s it takes a while to get that far out, but, due to where we landed, we were able to see a ton of things within that area. That was just the furthest we went from the ship.
Large scale battles on planets with actual objectives can also add more players to actually test combat unlike the more limited AC or Star Marine which is very contained.

  • AC space combat testing
  • SM ground combat testing
  • ToW Combined arms testing and ground combat
  • PU/PTU general multiplayer testing and prototyping area (the flipflopping with hover mode is a good example)

It's all testing grounds and prototyping for mechanics mainly for SQ42 one way or another and then it will be carried over to SC.

given the success of AC and SM and how, after many years, there has been no progress in space and ground combat, they still sucks, I am afraid that to add a new game mode will be a waste of time and efforts.
given the success of AC and SM and how, after many years, there has been no progress in space and ground combat, they still sucks, I am afraid that to add a new game mode will be a waste of time and efforts.

Well good thing your not developing the game..... :)

As I welcome the new the new mode to try things out and progress the game.
Or is it a good way to test balance and see how large scale combats will turn out and how it will tax the server.
No, for a very simple reason:

Nothing in the way SC is set up or rolled out — not even (in fact, especially not) evocati and the multi-tiered levels of “testing” platforms — works for any sensible testing purposes. They are bespoke solutions lacking all kinds of useful feedback, tracking, and testing tools that would let those backers contribute with any kind of significant data that would be relevant to a large-scale live scenario. It's for show, and to make different tiers of schmucks feel special for having paid their way into their specific schmuck-tier.

Also no for a much more laughable reason:

Nothing in the way CI¬G is set up suggests that they would have any idea how to collect, much less evaluate such data. They don't have the net tech competence to handle it; they don't have the FPS competence to handle it; they don't have the MMO competence to handle it; they most definitely do not have the stamina or ability to focus to go through with that kind of long-term development.

To do what you're suggesting, they would have to have a completely different testing environment set up by a completely different company in a completely different decade (i.e. early in the last one). Here, now, this way, by and with these people? Nah. It's just window dressing.
Well, I'm sure the 64 bit base makes it easier to pick up speed to quantastic amounts and make the procgen not look like fractal tilesets at some point
You do see the pattern "joints" at some specific coordinates though. But not everything is procgen and most human made assets are manually placed... Which takes an infinite amout of time obviously, and fills up both their famous pipelines and our computer RAM...
No, for a very simple reason:

Nothing in the way SC is set up or rolled out — not even (in fact, especially not) evocati and the multi-tiered levels of “testing” platforms — works for any sensible testing purposes. They are bespoke solutions lacking all kinds of useful feedback, tracking, and testing tools that would let those backers contribute with any kind of significant data that would be relevant to a large-scale live scenario. It's for show, and to make different tiers of schmucks feel special for having paid their way into their specific schmuck-tier.

Also no for a much more laughable reason:

Nothing in the way CI¬G is set up suggests that they would have any idea how to collect, much less evaluate such data. They don't have the net tech competence to handle it; they don't have the FPS competence to handle it; they don't have the MMO competence to handle it; they most definitely do not have the stamina or ability to focus to go through with that kind of long-term development.

To do what you're suggesting, they would have to have a completely different testing environment set up by a completely different company in a completely different decade (i.e. early in the last one). Here, now, this way, by and with these people? Nah. It's just window dressing.
Don't agree with you on the testing process since it's not dissimilar from the playtest process used by other developers, FDev being one of them...but then again, you're not involved with the project at any level and merely surmising in order to reinforce your own entirely negative viewpoint. You state the common misconception that the PTU process, including evocati is associated with the dollar level of backing. It's not...since you can be invited into evocati as a base level $50 backer.

As for the new Theatres of war mode, it's exactly as Agony suggested...a distraction to draw attention away from the persistent removal of content from the PU and to pander to streamers like RexZilla...nothing more. It's the Star Citizen version of CQC, completely disjointed and disconnected from anything relevant to the PU since large scale land (or space) battles are only in the child-like imaginations of the Orgs and their associated Eve with cockpits (and now with on foot battle mode!) clique.

A waste of time and develoment resources since it'll be dead in the water a month after release.
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...But still not as pretty as the sun coming up outside my house just before 0900 this morning...days are getting longer once again, it won't get dark until at least 1500 :) Too pretty to hide with spoiler tags..

Wow stunning. Erm. But doesn't your broadband suck though? (Not throwing 'shade' just it looks like it ought to.)

(MFS 2020 does indeed look epic - can't wait for its arrival.)

OT: My humble pic is not well focused and resolution sucks but I too had to stop and capture this evening view of the north of Madrid skies :p :

Nice. But no zombie cattle. Mole wins!
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Wow stunning. Erm. But doesn't your broadband suck though? (Not throwing 'shade' just it looks like it ought to.)

(MFS 2022 does indeed look epic - can't wait for its arrival.)
We have TVWS broadband up here in the frozen north since we don't have a subsea cable. TV White Space tech was developed with Microsoft to utilise the high bandwidth, low latency analogue frequencies used by the old TV unused since TV services switched over to digital. It's not superfast broadband by any means at an average of 16Mbps down and 8Mbps up...but it costs the same as a standard landline average bandwidth broadband service... compared to satellite broadband which is hugely expensive at consumer level and dogged by high latency.

I have a receiver stuck on the gable end of my byre about the size of a truck door mirror and the signal is line of sight to a radio mast on the highest part of the island...or via a relay for those not in direct line of sight to the transmitter. We like it...since a traditional broadband service via landline wasn't available.

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...It's not superfast broadband by any means at an average of 16Mbps down and 8Mbps up......

Honestly, that's not as bad as I feared! A friend of mine is moving to Unst this year, however she's not a big consumer of internet bandwidth so really isn't bothered.

I hadn't heard of 'TV White Space' - love tech like that - stuff that 'fits in the cracks'. Got to love the people who can think round the corners and come up with this stuff.
Honestly, that's not as bad as I feared! A friend of mine is moving to Unst this year, however she's not a big consumer of internet bandwidth so really isn't bothered.
I think Unst has a subsea cable with fibre optic...quite a few of the western isles have. Unfortunately for us up here...we only have a population of around 300 on this island so it's not really commercially viable for BT or even the electricity board to lay a cable...we have our own generating sub station on the island too.

Edit: I had a look...Unst doesn't have fibre option...average broadband speeds are states, more than likely only 1-2Mbps download knowing BT :(

TVWS might possibly be available there though...I'd suggest she has a look and asks around once there.
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Don't agree with you on the testing process since it's not dissimilar from the playtest process used by other developers, FDev being one of them...but then again, you're not involved with the project at any level and merely surmising in order to reinforce your own entirely negative viewpoint. You state the common misconception that the PTU process, including evocati is associated with the dollar level of backing. It's not...since you can be invited into evocati as a base level $50 backer.
Speaking of common misconceptions. :D

You'll note that I didn't actually equate Evocati with backer level (although I'll admit that the wording is perhaps less clear there), only that Evocati isn't really set up in a way that benefits testing in any way, but rather as a way to placate the backers.

Speaking of which… what are SC's integrated crash reporting tools like these days?
Speaking of common misconceptions. :D

You'll note that I didn't actually equate Evocati with backer level (although I'll admit that the wording is perhaps less clear there), only that Evocati isn't really set up in a way that benefits testing in any way, but rather as a way to placate the backers.

Speaking of which… what are SC's integrated crash reporting tools like these days?
Kinda crap...although they've never been good to start with. A full game crash, thankfully rare these days, just dumps a crash reporting tool on your desktop to fill in and send off. The problem at the moment is server stability...constant drops every couple of hours or so. Not as bad as it was when they chucked 3.8 out of the door way too early, but still irritating. The IC is already full of reports so pointless adding to the backlog accumulated over the holidays. The amount of serious bugs in 3.8 is should never have been released from PTU until the fighting season had finished and Ci¬G got back to work...but, release schedules seem to be more important than working builds or actual content these days :rolleyes:

Evocati is still evocati though, they help Ci¬G stabilise a build to get it nearer a release candidate for general PTU. Not really for me, I prefer the game client not crashing every 5 minutes and filling in more IC reports...or evocati reports which are different.

Some folks like it...I tried it first time around but not for me this time. Evocati get specific areas to direct their testing from does the PTU but evocati reporting tools are direct to Ci¬G and not solely via the issue council. Not that anyone tests anything anymore during general PTU since Ci¬G opened first wave up to's now turned into a farcical version of the PU and serves mainly as a playground. At least this time around they didn't give 5m credits and all the ships which chased the folks not really interested in the testing away. Hope they keep it like that.
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I'm playing catch up on the thread, but, the only reason CI`g have bothered with the Battlefield clone is purely because of Rexilla, he is their most successful streamer, he has funneled the most money and visibility to CI`g from his 'fans?', so it stands to reason that CI`g want to look after him and the money and advertising he generates for them. If Rexilla was suddenly to stop playing, CI`g would immediately forget their BF 'clone' even exists.

You can't test balancing or server stability/perfoirmance issues in an 'open' game by closing it off into a small arena with limited players. That would make the data incomparable and completely useless.

For any uninitiated into how CI`g works as a company, based on the last 8 years of their visible operational attitude. The absolute only thing they care about is : MONEY.
Nothing else matters, not development, not being transparent, not honouring promises, and certainly not making a game, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, and how best to extract it from gullible gamers and even how to get those same gamers to extract it for CI`g from family, friends, anyone and everyone. Here's a referal code : lol

The one thing they've accomplished over 8 years? MONEY.
The one thing they target with advertising, progress videos, "trade" shows, dinners, perks, badges, ranks? MONEY.
The one thing they've touted as their biggest success? MONEY.
The first thing you'll read about in the press relating to CI`g? MONEY.
Why they have so many weird 'on the side' companies with similar names? To hide the MONEY when people want it back.
Why do they allow their communities to cast out doubt or worry and act all weird? To protect the MONEY income train.
Why do they promise so much yet deliver so little? Because if you can sell a promise without spending a penny to make it happen that means free MONEY.

I find the whole thing hilarious tbh, Get free money, give nothing back, it's the CI`g way.
Aye...may be just that...but to put a bit of perspective on it, all those SC fans don't have to rely on a fan made imaginary atmospheric world demo using the Unreal engine to fly around in since the demo they're currently playing already has them...they can even land, mine rocks in ships or on foot, drive about, do missions, deliver and pick up cargo, walk around a bit to stretch their legs whilst standing next to hot geysers or fumeroles, visit caves and cities, do a bit of shopping on them and pick some weird alien fruit off the bushes too...hell, on one of the planets in the demo they can even park their ships, climb out, wander over to sit under the trees and look up at the orbital station in the sky they just flew down from in real time whilst talking to the turtle they rescued from one of the cities on a whole other planet.

As awesome as the Unreal engine demo appears, and props to the fan that made it...the current tech demo of SC, besides all it's somewhat dodgy physics, bugs and foibles, is still a tad more substantial than shoving a non working rendered cockpit graphic onto a free fly to make it look like you're flying a ship...just sayin' ;)

I'd love for atmospheric worlds to be in Elite...always been a dream....but until that happens, I'll just have to suffer through Star Citizen...
Very nice post and makes me want to install SC again (am trying to to until it's closer to finished,)

The 1 think you didn't mention which it really needs tho (imo of course) is VR add that in and I would be playing and burnout be damned.
Nothing in the gaming world is funnier to me than imagining CR pushing a trolley around the 'software' section of a Walmart, browsing all the 'on the shelf' software boxes looking for new, amazing, never done before 'tech' that he can take the credit for making, with his trolley full of such things as 'Cryengine 3.6' and 'SSOCS for the modern nineties programmer' and 'Quicktrees' he shuffles his squeeky trolley with a wonky wheel up to the check out where he pulls out his wallet, glances at the near $300m stuffed inside, the cashier totals all the boxes up and asks "that'll be $19.99 please", CR then peels away a $20 note and cheerfully says, "keep the change". :D
I'm playing catch up on the thread, but, the only reason CI`g have bothered with the Battlefield clone is purely because of Rexilla, he is their most successful streamer, he has funneled the most money and visibility to CI`g from his 'fans?', so it stands to reason that CI`g want to look after him and the money and advertising he generates for them. If Rexilla was suddenly to stop playing, CI`g would immediately forget their BF 'clone' even exists.

You can't test balancing or server stability/perfoirmance issues in an 'open' game by closing it off into a small arena with limited players. That would make the data incomparable and completely useless.

For any uninitiated into how CI`g works as a company, based on the last 8 years of their visible operational attitude. The absolute only thing they care about is : MONEY.
Nothing else matters, not development, not being transparent, not honouring promises, and certainly not making a game, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, and how best to extract it from gullible gamers and even how to get those same gamers to extract it for CI`g from family, friends, anyone and everyone. Here's a referal code : lol

The one thing they've accomplished over 8 years? MONEY.
The one thing they target with advertising, progress videos, "trade" shows, dinners, perks, badges, ranks? MONEY.
The one thing they've touted as their biggest success? MONEY.
The first thing you'll read about in the press relating to CI`g? MONEY.
Why they have so many weird 'on the side' companies with similar names? To hide the MONEY when people want it back.
Why do they allow their communities to cast out doubt or worry and act all weird? To protect the MONEY income train.
Why do they promise so much yet deliver so little? Because if you can sell a promise without spending a penny to make it happen that means free MONEY.

I find the whole thing hilarious tbh, Get free money, give nothing back, it's the CI`g way.
But you can test weapons and vehicles balance there, and it wont have less player since player cap is 50 already. It perfectly simulates battle scale though, a ground battle would probably take place in a certain areas radius. So would you feel better about the testing if CIG said that you just all spawn in the same place but you the whole galaxy is out there and you arent confined so you can get along with the ground battle.
Basically if lets say I was superhuman it wouldn't matter where I punched you I would still knock you out if I was super human, only difference terrain provides is tactical and there is no need to nerf tactical and strategic advantages.
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