Star Citizen Discussion Thread v11

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You seem to be under the misapprehension that we haven't seen such vacuous hype before. People have been spamming YouTube with second-hand theorycrafting and uncritical regurgitation of whatever CIG are currently putting out for years. Such clickbait videos for the 'citizens' are utterly useless as an indication of anything meaningful regarding what is actually going to happen.

If you want to discuss the merits of SC, do so on the basis of what it offers now, in your own words. Or read the previous ten versions of this thread, and then explain to us why BoardGamer's current predictions about the future of SC are of any more credibility than all the previous 'what's coming' videos and regurgitated marketing drivel the hype-merchants have previously inflicted on us.
I'll be interested when they have a release date for my 2012 $35 investment.

Oh, that's easy:
“Our purpose today is to allow our fans to join us in this process early,” says Roberts. “It will likely be another two years before the full product is ready for release, but early backers will be able to play a version of the game a year from now.”
That's from 2012. It must be coming out in 2014.

I`m really sorry (hashtag not sorry) but I cant be optimistic nor supportive. Imagining what some tiny talented indie teams could possibly produce with CGIs money/studios/talented programmers is just depressing. I say that at this point I`m not even sure if I want this to success at any form. This gigantic mismanagement shouldn't be rewarded.

Heh, he was so hopeful for the new flight model, and it was this year he had his mini-meltdown over the new flightmodel.

Heh, physicalized components prediction - nope.

Full persistence? Leave an object and it will still be there a day later... ummm, nope.

Meshing won't be done this year - yay, he got a prediction right, that CIG wouldn't do something!

SQ42 features will be "subsumed" into the PU.... lol.

SSOCS at some point - yup, he got that one.

Excepts something from gamescom or citizencon, but probably will be a SQ42 trailer... ooops.

"expect concept sales" - well, that's pretty much a guarantee with CIG

"SQ42 is aimed at being content and feature complete by the end of this year or at least extremely close to it" - oh my poor sides.

And this is all why you cannot take BG as a good source of info. He just repeats whatever CIG say.

His only use is as someone to watch to get a summary of what CIG have said. Since CIG are completely unreliable in their statements, this makes him pretty useless as a source of information about what will actually happen.
Can he though? His history of sims and strategy games may be impressive, but they weren't really story-driven and his only film (the one he directed, I don't count the ones he contributed to as a producer, because he didn't have any creative reign over them) was beyond cheesy and terrible. :LOL:

It all comes down to the target demographic.

I thought "Top Gun" was a great movie when I first saw it at tender 13yo and its impressions stuck with me through the years. 20 years later I spot Top Gun in my Netflix library and plan to make a nostalgic evening out of it.

.....switched off after 10 minutes of cringe. Geezus the lines were cheesy, the whole setup just so.....american it really was just bad.

Star Wars was an iconic movie back in its days, it affected me and a whole generation BUT no doubt, a movie like star wars today would just flop (story-wise).

At its time Chris Robert was able to tell a story even tho I doubt very much it was considered "good" in any way. But as mostly kids and teenagers were targeted it was a "great" story. Well the audience from back then has moved on, grew up and for the most part has refined their taste and preferences. Another "Wing commander story" simply isnt doing the trick. We expect movies to advance along with our taste. To become more realistic, incorporate more scientific basics , become more complex or dark. And I guess Chris Roberts promised exactly that in 2012. A new and improved state-of-the-art Wing Commander....only that the last 7 years havent shown any of it least of it story-telling

Its hard to say as we have next to no information about SQ42 at all but the footage we do have tells me that Chris Roberts operates on the 1990 format and thats simply outdated and wont be perceived well. Well at least not by me that is :)

I know it sounds daft, but I'm just running out of ideas. What else could be the motive for experienced, grown up people to throw all their hopes, lifetime and money into this cash grab? Btw, I know enough people (older than me and even in my own family) who never learned anything from their mistakes, are seriously vulnerable to almost any sort of scam - and yet still somehow manage to survive...

Welcome then to an impossible challenge. Because its impossible to get an honest answer for this. At least from the extreme backers who are responsible for this project to go into year 8 of development. We wondered about this as well and it soon degenerated into "discussing the poster" territory which the mods dont look upon kindly. At its core you observe behavior you dont understand, thats about it. If we are talking about strangers all you can do is accept it and move on because trying to get to the source wont be easy. People will make up stuff, lie, deflect and distract just to one-up on you and let you look like a petty little hater for wondering about something like this in the first place. If its friends well be careful and sensitive, I read reports about friendships breaking up over this and from personal experience.....Star Citizen can be a very sensitive topic to discuss. Best I can do in this regard is tap into my PM history with various people across multiple platforms.

Trying to understand their point of view. To understand their motivation and why the heck they deem (IMO) critical issues "unimportant". My conclusion?

They got fooled and either continue to get fooled or realize they got fooled but play it over for various reasons.

If its people I like and respect I usually back down and avoid the topic best as I can. They are entitled to their opinion, they are grown-ups deciding over their own money but I watch on with worry because what I see is friends of mine being taken for a ride.

I recently have learned a lot about co-addicition. Star Citizen appears to be "the stuff" which makes dreams reality for some people....just like drugs do. Its all fine and dandy as long as it doesnt start to affect you personally but as soon as it does you realize the severity of the topic.

Its also wrong to assume that these people are vulnerable to "any kind of scam". Its just that Star Citizen checks all the right boxes to a specific group of people and we have to consider that anybody else then Chris Roberts (playing the wing commander card heavily in 2012) wouldnt have managed to get the support for this. We are all like that. We might be vigilant, aware and suspicious and then something specific fools us and leaves us feeling like idiots.

It's so easy, convenient and dismissive to assume anyone who has bought into Star Citizen on any level is somehow maladjusted or fiscally irresponsible...isn't it? I'm certain fluffing out your chest feathers and brandishing your highly developed perception and wit on here instead of discussing Star Citizen will get you a few likes and equally silly comments in reply, that's fer sure ;)


Generalization is always easy. If you are truthful to yourself you do it too. Things change when I deal with people I dont immediately dismiss. Friends, family, relatives or just folks I came to respect for the interaction I had with em over the years. And the truth is always more complex, has more depths or a specific background story to make it work. But then, every generalization has a core of truth to it also. When i was younger I tended to dismiss older people as one. Now that I m older I see it from the other side and realize how ignorant and unknowing my younger self was. I remember how various folks picked YOUR brains for the reasons to understand why you bought into this project as heavily as you did. But that took how many posts and what kind of timeframe right? In one-post-exchanges all you do have is generalization at first and go from there (or dont).

(love the GIF btw) :D

Wow if we look back at CIG. They Games are in development since 2011.

burned ~250 - 300$
It was lied about Bank loan remember it was only a tax loan or something like that.
it was lied about Sq 42
it was lied about AI / OCS (1000 Players per instance)
it was lied maybe about the switch to LY
Has 16+ Shell companys

and so on.

I can‘t believe people still giving money to this company.

Isnt it funny how just the simple facts manage to let appear CIG and SC in a bad light?

Well if you know of a better insider then please name the person cause if i wanted to ask specific questions i would ask bored on youtube or go on their forum and ask or have you all watch the interview and conferences? It would help answer most of the questions here about the lack of trust and confusion on Star Citizen. :) And show you where the game is heading! :)

Not sure if you are new to the whole topic but as was stated before most people here know about BoredGamer. I have watched his videos in the past to get an impression. I disagree with you on the various qualities you credit him with. I think he is simply playing to the masses who frequent his channel and support him financially. How independant he is really cannot be said. He acts like a borderline-shill to me, something others call "neutral" or even (lol) "critical". I understand that if I want to learn about SCs problems or shortcomings BoredGamer is the LAST guy I would hit up because he serves mostly hype and old news. He also doesnt create anything on his own. As far as I remember he regurgigates SC news from CIG or other sites 1:1 or uses his own words to relay the exact same message and mostly depends on his voice and charisma to be successful.

Basically....what you suggest is...."consume more hype to understand the dream". Well yeah that always works. Ignore ugly reality and flee into a dream. Thats what BoredGamer is to me.

Will update you all with progress on SC when I can in this link!

Looking forward to it but we already have a couple folks who simply relay everything possibly positive or present mundane things as the best thing since sliced bread. But hey, jump right in :)

I`m really sorry (hashtag not sorry) but I cant be optimistic nor supportive. Imagining what some tiny talented indie teams could possibly produce with CGIs money/studios/talented programmers is just depressing. I say that at this point I`m not even sure if I want this to success at any form. This gigantic mismanagement shouldn't be rewarded.

Its hard to say as we have next to no information about SQ42 at all but the footage we do have tells me that Chris Roberts operates on the 1990 format and thats simply outdated and wont be perceived well. Well at least not by me that is :)
If you haven't you should (or, well… perhaps shouldn't) check out Tesla Effect. It's achieves pretty much exactly what Chris seems to attempt: the same old FMV game but with updated graphics video. It's even almost kind of not half-bad for a Tex Murphy game, but that's probably because they were all deliberately cheesy and chances are that Chris will not manage to duplicate that success because he very distinctly never had that kind of self-distance.
You don't see this type of behaviour on the Sc forum where they go to length to discredit elite dangerous

Here is Chris Robert making positive remarks on Elite Dangerous
And if you look closer, you can see David Braben doing the same service to SC - by not commenting on it at all. Because that's the best (most positive) thing about SC competent developers can do.
The players, on the other hand... I refer you to the image above.
I just stumbled across it and I'm shocked how well Monty Python managed to predict SC's development by almost 50 years in their “Scott of the Sahara” skit. All the key features are there: sand painted white for “fidelity”, trenches dug to compensate for the boxes the actors stand on, scene 1 (from the middle of the movie) being cut except not, lions and electric penguins terrorising the desert, unconvincing fight scenes, and toothed chest of drawers. All corresponding to very real and equally silly design decisions on CI¬G's part.
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