Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

How much are you in for commando?
Yeah, the usual mindless retort. Not too much actually. I've spent more on ED than SC since I play both on and off, if you must know.
I really don't have the patience I used to have to engage in these discussions anymore. You do you, I guess. See you folks Next Year! :love:
Yeah, the usual mindless retort. Not too much actually. I've spent more on ED than SC since I play both on and off, if you must know.
I really don't have the patience I used to have to engage in these discussions anymore. You do you, I guess. See you folks Next Year! :love:

Hehe, until next year!

I'm sure not much will have changed, apart from us all becoming a year older.
and yeah what happened with Server Meshing...

It’s pretty absurd how the iCache section is essentially unchanged from his 2019 version. (Including the 'hopefully in 6 months' timeframe and everything ;)).

Getting on for 2 years later, it’s got another new name, another new deadline, and now it’s a coke can persisting in the forest instead of a coffee cup…


Always fun to revisit old favourites though. I enjoyed Chris’s description of how fresh servers stop working because players start playing the game… (IE travelling to locations and increasing the handled content).

The only slightly new news there was Chris defining the tier 0 'meshing' as being unlikely to sub-divide planets into multiple servers initially. IE the solar system will probably just be divided up into big, fat, instances…

Sounds like that’s been done before somewhere 🤔

Oh yeah, like in their own original plan, for a start. Before getting increasingly messy, and then meshy.

Maybe in a year or so they’ll catch up with 2012 ;)
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some alternative sovapid gameplay, literally, one of my alts.

doing one of the most intense things in star citizen, running refined mined goods from a refinery to sell it.

30k's dont happen as much as they used to, but they still happen. CIG is still the top griefer.


and since there are some new people in the thread that actually play.

if you do the r_displayinfo 1 thing in the console

if the 5th line, Bwin goes to 0 and stays at zero for a bit, thats a 30k. not much you can do with the info. but if people are calling 30k in chat and that isnt zero, it isnt a 30k.

almost a million UEC run baby!
Thought I was watching one of my videos there...did you actually mine all that ore as well? If so...I'm seriously impressed :D

...and you named your alt 'Paybacks'? My alt is where I have all my griefer build ships, strangely enough :)
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Volunteer Moderator
It’s pretty absurd how the iCache section is essentially unchanged from his 2019 version. (Including the 'hopefully in 6 months' timeframe and everything ;)).

Getting on for 2 years later, it’s got another new name, another new deadline, and now it’s a coke can persisting in the forest instead of a coffee cup…


Always fun to revisit old favourites though. I enjoyed Chris’s description of how fresh servers stop working because players start playing the game… (IE travelling to locations and increasing the handled content).

The only slightly new news there was Chris defining the tier 0 'meshing' as being unlikely to sub-divide planets into multiple servers. IE the solar system will probably just be divided up into big, fat, instances…

Sounds like that’s been done before somewhere 🤔

Oh yeah, like in their own original plan, for a start. Before getting increasingly messy, and then meshy.

Maybe in a year or so they’ll catch up with 2012 ;)
Geez. 720 Devs... When I think of Elite´s 100+. Nevermind NMS...
Lol, just watched that video and smirked at 'persistence graph'. Because of this:
However, still does not solve the issue of intensive interactions between the nodes in the octree, as required by dreams.txt
However, still does not solve the issue of intensive interactions between the nodes in the octree, as required by dreams.txt
Wow everybody's getting in on it these days. The article/design I was working on is from 2005. Thanks for the link was interesting, will look at it a bit more...

But regarding the octree-node message passing:

No, this remains a problem of network object synchronisation.

Especially in distributed platforms where the worker processes are not necessarily close by.

Partially alleviated and best approached by efficient, simple design decent encoding (simplified network object representation means less data to synchronise), but in general activity should be constrained within either a single node or a geographically colocated cluster of nodes. You don't want long round trip times in critical synchronisation.

For a realtime simulation, this becomes particularly problematic as well. I think Star Citizen's 'line jump' QD mechanism could actually help it here - that sort of information is easy to encode for cross-cluster synchronisation. If they're canny, they could use this to colocate the processes that cover an instance of a large game area (ie closer to root of the octree, or root of what I called a relevance graph / overall universe scenegraph (so a planet is hosted at one cluster of processes in one local datacentre) and pass players between disparate clusters when they jump. Something like Elite's free flying FTL / frameshift would have to be handled by a process closer to root and covering the whole system - meaning as players jump / frameshift they'd need to be updated according to client input rather than simply interpolated or intersecting with interdiction zones.

That's how I'd look at approaching it, whether that's what they're doing or not is another qustion.

Zero G push and pull - 65 weeks!

Now, before LA or anyone else jumps in and says "Its not 65 weeks on continuous effort", ok, we know. But hell, over a year until this questionable feature is done.

I'm wondering how they are planning on handling this, or do they need to get Richard Gariott in again to remind CR how things in zero G actually work?
Not sure what to make of this. Can't tell if its a faithful backer or someone parodying one....

I think the point of working on in-ship server object container streaming is to reduce the workload of the server, not just the local client. Chris' 9 year old daughter has kicked his rear end about making server performance a priority now we can rest assured, he will get it done with renewed vigour because which father would not wish to be his daughters hero? I have a daughter, there is nothing more soul destroying than your daughter looking at you with disdain!

Acronyms can end up getting brutally long can't they - the all new jebus tech! ISSOCS! 🤣

I know it seems like semantics and yes you and many others are probably well aware of the distinctions you've been around as long as any of us and more than many of us, the point is that in Star Citizen 'culling' happens in a specific way compared to other games and so that distinction needs to be made in order to help understand what the differences are between what CIG are trying to do and what other games normally do. If we use traditional game language terminology then it's likely people won't understand those subtle differences. The person who wrote that card was likely just using 'standard game dev speak', and so the point about a more accurate description on the update is valid.

I don't read minds, I could be wrong we're just having a friendly chit-chat about something a community team member wrote on a roadmap card, we'll all forget at the next announcement. I think, and it's just my instinct, that this has become a priority because of the conjunction of the possibility for large fleet battles and the urgency to improve server performance to give a more accurate plyer facing view of the quality of the work that has been done. Chris confirmed again what many of us have heard them say in the past, it is frustrating for them because they know that the NPC AI'S for example are 'out of this world' compared to other games and yet we never see it because of the limits of the AWS server architecture which CIG engineers are constantly having to account for in order to try and get the creative teams work seen.

We've had this 'It's not there because we can't see it, you're dreaming!' or 'deluded!' back and forth argument for years with the detractors the work has been done, it is amazing and when players do get to see it, the sunset and 'ship pretty' videos will pale into insignificance compared to how blown away the players will be by the game's 'life' all around you. But hey ho.. we do look like fools for saying it right now while chair and table standing and freakish doll eyes is a meme.

This is one of the joys of this project, they speak to us as informed individuals rather than just 'consumers' and it is nice to see them put some priority into accuracy on our behalf. We get what is normally behind closed doors high level briefings and information reserved for developer level activity only. We often get people acknowledging the sheer amount of information about this projects development, but it's not just the amount - they don't dumb it down for us which makes it interesting if you stick around and watch - we learn, and it's a huge steep learning curve for newcomers if they want to try to catch up... and of course a puzzle supreme for outsiders to try and decipher what the hell are CIG and it's fanboys talking about now!
Uhhhhh... what?

I mean, yes, the server work (lets simplify) is a major, major issues. But it's very much like saying 'lack of wings' is an issue with unpowered human flight. Non-trivial engineering problem.
EDO has FidelityFX CAS, not FSR, although I can see the latter being added too at some point.
There's an FSR too? Is that actually different to CAS, or ends up with similar result?

Framerates in EDO are good for me, not that I found much cause for complaint since Odyssey was released anyway. I just trimmed the supersampling down from 2.0 Horizon settings to 1.0 when I first fired up Odyssey and it ran fine. Inside the stations, the framerates have been bumped to almost double what I was getting previous to the latest patch...everything on ultra, all detail sliders etc all the way up... 1.0 supersampling and AMD FX-CAS on. 1080p though...I've got a matching pair of 5 year old 30" HDR monitors I can't be bothered replacing...I kinda like them :)

I could probably get slightly higher framerates or bump the supersampling up a bit judging by my CPU/GPU usage but I locked it at 60fps for EDO. I've always preferred quality over quantity not really fussed about silly high numbers. Also noted they've toned the gamma down for the space station interiors since I last played...hence why mine now looks a bit dark.

FDev are certainly moving fairly quickly (as expected) in the right direction as far as I can see, what I can't understand are folks panning them for Odyssey at every opportunity. Perhaps some of the serial whiners should try Star Citizen out for a might give them some much needed perspective 🤷‍♂️

As for the often slated lack of VR in EDO...the 6 DoF head and eyetracking for us non VR peasants (otherwise known as flat-screeners) works just fine on foot as well as in the cockpit ;)

I drop to 0.85, then add the CAS, and Im ok with that. That gives me around 25 fps and thats silk to me lol.

Im so not understanding why there are pages and pages of complaints about EDO. That energy definitely could be more focussed towards SC, or even NMS, so they get in gear. SC for obvious reasons...but NMS for things like entering and exiting your seat. Cant do that in there, yet. And those graphics still look like a storyboard mockup to me. Bump those models up, please. In the end, why compete? We'd have 3 awesome space games, each providing different but good stuff.
Some salt to be seen in this thread

And in this one

And yes, just what the game needs, more AAA actors sucking up funds

The common mistake that everyone makes is to view Star Citizen as merely a AAA game, it isn't and it was never meant to be so limited - Chris has always planned Star Citizen/Squadron 42 to be a living breathing universe as big or bigger than Star Wars and Star Trek.

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