More to the point, people can criticise one freely, while the other can't be critcized because it has a +5 Holy Shield of ALPHA!
A lot of folk seem to make a whole new online career out of criticising the holy just because some official flump 'journalist' from some random fan site on t'interweb hasn't done it yet means nothing. Folks are playing and reviewing it, other folk aren't or have never played and yet still reviewing and offering comment on it, there are countless content creators perpetually streaming or recording vast amounts of hours of gameplay and features, posting them publically ever single day...some good, some bad, some completely indifferent. It's all out there for anyone who may be slightly less informed to go spend most of their waking hours for an entire year just taking a fraction of it all in, both positive and negative.
Yet detractors of the project, halfarsed internet accountants, armchair business analysts and self sworn defenders of the internet who continually pass comment on SC by the hour seem to be obsessed by making the persistent and rather irrelevant point that metacritic hasn't offered it's opinons to make all their one sided and somewhat disparate opinions somehow valid.
What happens in the extremely unlikely fantasy event that Sqn 42 releases to high acclaim or some official review process for SC appears as 'mostly positive'? I take it that such rampant abuse of common sense will be decried as shill pieces too?