Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Star citizen fans - OMG CIG has created seamless planetary landings! They said it could never be done! Revolutionary!
Who said it couldn't be done? It's already been done before.

Star citizen fans - OMG CIG has created GAS CLOUDS! They said it could never be done! Revolutionary!
(a year after ED:Beyond Lagrange clouds and nearly 20 years after Tachyon)

But SC does have pretty new clouds on (some? one?) their ickle planets. Credit where credit is due.

But revolutionary tech? Why do you believe this guff?
I'm not moving the goalposts, its not the same if aspects of it are missing.
What you said:
The claim was procedurally generated planets with streaming from full macro scale to micro level surface detail, like a blade of grass, or a man's pupil. seamlessly in a single instance. IE without load screens.
As you've already been informed, those achievements were already done by Elite Dangerous Horizons, Space Engineers, Kerbal Space Program, and possibly other games too. Maybe even Spore (I've not played that)?
"I'm the fastest runner ever."

"Really? I didn't know you've won Olympic Races? Wow! Which ones?"

"Those don't count. I ran to the corner shop faster than anyone else."

"Sure thing, Bob, I'm sure your wife is very proud. Anyway, it's still your round, so stop dawdling and get the beers in."
I recall similar scepticynicism back when CIG said they wanted to make procedural planets with their Crysis FPS engine, this was around the time we got the Horizons expansion, and remember to laugh at that idea. No way I thought. Well, they not only they delivered but surpassed the expectations.
They've modelled earth like planets with volumetric clouds while Frontier is still playing around with it's meatballs gamma values.

On today's episode of "Challenge Dan" we challenge Dan to make a post about Star Citizen that doesn't mention Elite Dangerous or Frontier. Is it possible? Can he big up Star Citizen without using Elite Dangerous as a prop? Tune in to find out!

Also, nice screenshots. Have you seen this thread?

"The Old Continent, and specifically the UK, will soon be blessed with Chris' presence, sometime in 2022.!"

Wasnt it confirmed recently that Chris and family have been in the UK already for several months? May be remembering wrong though.

Some backers were claiming this despite CR saying it would be in the new year.
Right so its instancing, you're loading into a new instance, ok that's fair enough but what SC claimed they would do is instance the entire planet, that's what people found so funny, not only are they instancing and entire planet, they are instancing an entire star systemem about 70,000,000 KM in diamiter with about 20 celestial bodies in it along with a crap load of other stuffs.

Yup, FD break down instances as you go between certain areas. Those instances can still load dynamically rather than with the transition. For example, fly down to a planet not in supercruise (it will take a while), you'll eventually merge with the instance of anyone else (if the matchmaking service allows it) in the same vicinity. Instances are dynamic bubbles, its how people can meet up at places even if they don't drop out in the same location.

CIG deals with it by having just a single instance, which is why its (currently) limited to 50 people per server. ED doesn't have that limit. There are thousands of people at any given time all playing on what is effectively the same "server" (just no server) and as long as they are in open, anyone can meet anyone else. Just instance size is limited, with a soft cap of something like 32, no hard cap, and its very dependent on the P2P networking to see how many people can get together.
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