Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Of interest in the recent Financials release is that their reserve is the outstanding Calder loans + 1 months costs. The moment that loan is revoked this falls like a stack of cards. Despite massive funding they are dependent on that loan. By now having taken 400M+ you would have expected a sizable reserve to cover the remaining development or at least several years more. Any time funding dips and the loans are called it's lights out.


Volunteer Moderator
Of interest in the recent Financials release is that their reserve is the outstanding Calder loans + 1 months costs. The moment that loan is revoked this falls like a stack of cards. Despite massive funding they are dependent on that loan. By now having taken 400M+ you would have expected a sizable reserve to cover the remaining development or at least several years more. Any time funding dips and the loans are called it's lights out.
Not exactly. CIG can in theory continue operating at the same staff level hand to mouth without the Calders reserve if funding continues at the same alleged rhythm. It may need to adapt the staff number according to the funding received etc.
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What you described is covered under labour and compensation laws and does not apply here. Fundraising drives with gifts in return for a pledge are very common and perfectly legal.

Yes, i know its legal. I just find it funny, especially when backers talk about how its a pledge and the ships are just a gift. Take away those gifts and watch funding tank. They aren't pledging just because of the game and out of the goodness of their hearts. They are doing it for the ships. So saying the ships are just a "gift" is a bit silly.
A theory I have seen posited, and personally find very believable, is that Chris truly believes it can be done, but the real brains of CIG, like Ortwin, know damn well that it can't, but will happily feed at the Star Citizen "Pledges" trough until it all crashes and burns.
If Chris and his family weren’t the major beneficiaries of the millions his family (and to a lesser degree Ortwin) have siphoned out of this project, I might be inclined to agree with you. All I see is an utterly unethical abuse of the crowdfunding model, millions more spent frivolously on creating the illusion of success, via lavish conventions, full-scale sculptures, and hundreds of artists who endlessly refactor their own work as the project languishes in development hell.

And AAA CEO executive and director salaries, stock options, and now dividends, of course.


I don't know why everyone's so concerned about their financials. They should be doing just fine for a [checks CR's model] 1.6 billion dollar (USD) crowdfunded project.
Yes, i know its legal. I just find it funny, especially when backers talk about how its a pledge and the ships are just a gift. Take away those gifts and watch funding tank. They aren't pledging just because of the game and out of the goodness of their hearts. They are doing it for the ships. So saying the ships are just a "gift" is a bit silly.

Well of course it is, and that is what absolutely amazes me. It really shouldn't in any way shape or form work, yet it does.


Volunteer Moderator
Well of course it is, and that is what absolutely amazes me. It really shouldn't in any way shape or form work, yet it does.
Yeah, couple of things there though. All we really know is that CIG is “still going”. CIGs financial blogs lack key basic elements to form a proper judgement about how well it is all, in fact, “working”.

We also have very little info about concurrency numbers to see if in terms of actual player interest it is “working” well. And the little info we have there (from a letter by Chris Roberts himself a year ago if memory serves) suggests relatively low concurrency figures, much lower even than ED post EDO. Plus some anecdotal evidence of players relatively often bumping into each other randomly which would also suggest low concurrency numbers.

Last but not least the market is lacking one of the fundamental pillars of information usually provided by the game press critiques and reviews (for good or worst) which, given the state of development, would probably not be too flattery. The lack of this information is probably contributing to things “working”.
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Out of morbid curiosity, I tried that. It three pages to for me to even get a hint of something critical regarding regarding Star Citizen, and that was about it not meeting UK advertising standards. It’s only after five pages do I hit something genuinely critical about the project.

Interesting, and probably not surprising given that CIG would have full time staff managing organic search results and social media.

Also out of morbid curiosity, I connected via VPN through a country I never use, and with a browser I don't normally use (my "untainted" browser) and searched for "Star Citizen". The following critical review was near the bottom of the second page. Most of the prior results were CIG / RSI controlled sites.

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Yeah, couple of things there though. All we really know is that CIG is “still going”. CIGs financial blogs lack key basic elements to form a proper judgement about how well it is all, in fact, “working”. We also have very little info about concurrency numbers to see if in terms of actual player interest it is “working” well. And the little info we have there (from a letter by Chris Roberts himself a year ago if memory serves) suggests relatively low concurrency figures, much lower even than ED post EDO. Plus some anecdotal evidence of players relatively often bumping into each other randomly which would also suggest low concurrency numbers. Last but not least the market is lacking one of the fundamental pillars of information usually provided by the game press critiques and reviews (for good or worst) which, given the state of development, would probably not be too flattery.

Player concurrency numbers, player satisfaction and enjoyment does not seem to matter in this case as evidenced by the large and increasing amount of pledges still rolling in. Unless they are fudging those numbers by way over inflating them. Those are things that in any other circumstance would be very bad for the company, yet in this particular case, the money keeps rolling.
Spectrum has lots of salt.

Fortunately the defenders of the faith are ever present, ensuring no thoughtcrime is being commited and the mods are locking threads and deleting posts. All is well.

No they didn't? You set that expectation, everyone else expected them to reveal a new hover vehicle that would go on sale. Anyone who didn't was being flat out delusional that CIG would give 1.5 million people a new ground vehicle worth between $50-$80. Are you actually being serious with this? That is equivalent to them giving away avenger or nomad starter packages to everyone in the community.

They teased it in a picture and then revealed it in another, there was 0 indication they'd give away the vehicle for free. Anyone expecting that has themselves to blame.

Yeah, why would CIG give away a ground vehicle "worth" 50-80 dollars?

Its not like other companies would ever introduce something for free is it, especially around Christmas.

Theres a reason CIG attracts some of the brightest software engineers in the industry in a big bad way.

LOL, yes, i'm sure CIG does, that's why the engine works so amazingly well!

Awwww locked...

Someone poking fun

Mods active on this one, editing posts and PMing users


Volunteer Moderator
Player concurrency numbers, player satisfaction and enjoyment does not seem to matter in this case as evidenced by the large and increasing amount of pledges still rolling in. Unless they are fudging those numbers by way over inflating them. Those are things that in any other circumstance would be very bad for the company, yet in this particular case, the money keeps rolling.
Indeed, with the caveats I mentioned above: There are key basic financial elements missing in CIG’s blog. So it is really hard to conclude exactly how well things are really working just based on that pledge counter. We don’t know for example what return conditions the Calders have stipulated, or if there are any other main loans outstanding. We don’t even know how accurately that pledge counter represents revenues as the figure is not shown within an actual financial report audited by an independent party etc.

Also remember that your “in any other circumstance” includes the usual cases were the product has been reviewed by the game press with numerous and in depth critiques and scores, which SC lacks. That lack of transparency makes SC different and it probably helps support the “working” part.
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Is that what makes it a scam?
To me, what makes it a scam, is they keep promising things that they cant deliver, currently. They can pretend not to know that, but I think they do know that. That's why it's a scam. Do they hope to release SC as they've promised? Probably. That doesn't mean they believe they can.
What they're counting is for someone like FDev to figure this stuff out, then implement it in their game as if they came up with it. With all they've promised over the years, and all things that amounted to broken promises, do you think they think they can deliver well...anything?
It's nice some folks are enjoying whats in there now, because that's about it. And there must be a lot of good stuff in there. But 101 star systems? How about 3? Not likely.

Its a product you can try before you buy and if you do buy you get it instantly, or at least as fast as you can download it, beyond that you even get a 30 day return policy, that's more than CIG are obligated to do.
It's a pre-alpha you can participate in. Just like Odyssey. If it was a product, and I think we're all talking of a released game, it'd have reviews all over the place. And there'd be lots of noise about it being released. It's not like it'll be something the can slip past the gaming community. "oh you didnt notice...we released it last Thursday.." Nope, all eyes on this one.
I dodged nothing. You just "forget" each delivered promises as soon as they are delivered by CIG, just focusing on the promises not delivered yet. You try to convince us that after 10 years, the alpha is just empty, that's not the case.
What did i "forget" ? Where are the thousands of systems, deep space exploration, etc. ? Where is salvage ? Thousands of NPCs with subsumption AI ? Dynamic mission systems ? Newtonian flight model (yes, that was a promise) ? You REALLY want us to play this stupid game again ? The progress rate of this development has been more than glacial. In 10 years they have only delivered one game loop (mining). Everything else is either at embryonic stage ("tier 0" = quick and dirty implementation that barely stands on its own), or many years in the future, or not even on any roadmap. Not to mention the hare brained ideas for mission givers that will fall completely flat on their face if they manage to increase the player count per location (didnt say "when", because that much is now really uncertain).

There is a long list of "potential things" already provided by CIG that we are currently playing with in the current alpha.
Please lets have a proper list. Everytime i try a new patch to see if it's finally the "jesus patch", well i find out it's not, and there's nothing much to do apart from what I was doing last patch, save from different bugs and random deaths, with now the addition of me losing my stuff when getting killed by these random bugs. The new one in 3.16 seems to be ship doors and ramps not closing at all.

You just choose to ignore them while clamoring "but what are doing people in this alpha ? There is nothing in it..."
Where did i say that ? please quote me.
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Now now... let's be fair! CIG never promised thousands of systems. They only took money for 110! Of course, it's only taken them nine years to produce one, but I'm sure the pipelines will be unclogged any day now...
That promise was from the 2011-2012 crowd funding campaign. The reduction to 100 and some was later (after 2014 IIRC). And yeah we'll be lucky to have 5 complete by 2030.
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