Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Tired of waiting on Orison shuttles?

No problem.....


Yeah Grumpy's a funny one. Actually has a pretty full tank of hopium about the game's future under that snarky coating...

When this game works it is the best game you will ever play, and when it doesn't it is very rage inducing. But of course things are getting better over time, even though some bugs are getting neglected by the devs because they are waiting for Server Meshing to come online, which should happen in less than a year from now hopefully...


Goes on to assume salvage won't slip, yadda yadda ;)

Nice to hear that his $25K whale friend gets him to fly his fleet though ;)

Yeah Grumpy's a funny one. Actually has a pretty full tank of hopium about the game's future under that snarky coating...

Goes on to assume salvage won't slip, yadda yadda ;)

Nice to hear that his $25K whale friend gets him to fly his fleet though ;)

Yeah, Grumpy is a strange one...seems to tailor his views as well as both current and future expectations of SC depending on who he's talking to. I've never been a fan of his quasi-Yamiks style of content...he's either ranting or fan-boying or a bit of both.

Why can't we have a Star Citizen content creator who's genuinely Nano or Soviet Womble? 🤷‍♂️

From my favourite game of the moment...

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Yeah, Grumpy is a strange one...seems to tailor his views as well as both current and future expectations of SC depending on who he's talking to. I've never been a fan of his quasi-Yamiks style of content...he's either ranting or fan-boying or a bit of both.

Yeah I suspect he's partially just enjoying the sheer click-drama potential. Always something to grump about ;)

I still hold his theme tune in high esteem though :)

Why don't we have a Star Citizen content creator who's genuinely Nano or Soviet Womble? 🤷‍♂️

Will accidentally funny do? ;)

Yay, a prediction :)

AstroPub guy - 2021 said:
Between next year's CitizenCon and IAE, CIG is going to explode.

Always possible my friend ;)

Specifically he means:

AstroPub guy - 2021 said:
The madness that will happen at that time period will know no bounds. Because, if I'm correct, they will announce Squadron 42's release... for the next year. And they will release the first version of Static Server Meshing. Salvage... and.... ummm.... err... oh gosh, what do you have... umm.... You have Salvage.................. ummm....... Salvage, anddd... um.......... The the.... rework of... gosh what am I thinking about? The rework of... the rework of cargo. Possibly even repair and re-arm. Working tractor beams. So we're gonna have all of these things happening around the same time. Within, probably several months of each other. Like two or three months of each other. It's nuts! CIG, they could make 10 million in that month alone. 10 million in the months of October, November, in those two months alone. It's going to be massive.

And he goes on...

AstroPub guy - 2021 said:
CIG is a lot more cautious in terms of their predictions than they have been in the past. Two things have happened recently. One, CIG actually hired some people who are experienced in project management, fairly recently. Two, Jake's taken over the roadmap [IE the fan-turned-CM], and since Jake has taken over the roadmap it has been, there's a lot more information out there, so it's easier to tell what CIG are doing. And CIG seem to be a lot more dialling in their predictions. This year has been a lot better. I would say they've hit 50% of their goals from the beginning of the year. (?)

It's a bizarre world where all of this horrendously delayed stuff possibly arriving amounts to carnival time. But I imagine he's right about dollar pinyatas exploding at the screen ;)

Yeah, Grumpy is a strange one...seems to tailor his views as well as both current and future expectations of SC depending on who he's talking to. I've never been a fan of his quasi-Yamiks style of content...he's either ranting or fan-boying or a bit of both.

Why can't we have a Star Citizen content creator who's genuinely Nano or Soviet Womble? 🤷‍♂️

From my favourite game of the moment...

That wargame stuff reminds me of what happened to friends friend. That guy liked a lot of wandering in non-habited places, and war history. He visited in German positions at Finnish Lappland, found out German dugout. Then he realised that it may not have been visited since WW2. There were wooden boxes inside, he opened one of those. Full of German S-mines, type of what we Finns call as "Hyppy-Heikki" "Jumping Henry" Bounding antipersonnel mines. That was fine and dandy, untill he found out that one of the boxes was opened before, and was not anymore full. He was pretty certain said mines were nearby. No cell phone connectivity of course. And not likely that anyone would come to visit place anytime soon. So better remember EXACT route he had taken to get there. Well he got to civilisation, and alerted police, who alerted army engineers. They later called. Yep, they found out those missing mines near the dugout, and yes they were in full working condition after all those decades. German quality engineering :D
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Mike being pretty blunt.

He even points out that many new players come to SC having fallen for videos made by content creators making the game look playable, and that if you meet new players you have to manage their expectations, tell them the real state of the game. In short, tell them they were misled, lied to.
He uses the phrase "rip the band aid off". That's not the phrase I'd have used. I would have said "Open the poke, and show them the 'pig' they've bought"
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