Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

...Real game developers make basic design, build on it, possibly adding some tech if feasible that has been released between start of process and release point. But always there is some point where developers make decision: This is it, we are going to release this now. ...
Absolutely 100% spot on. And true of all software projects. There's a point where you fix the scope and the technologies and start work, and you only ever fix forward. Every project is difficult and has problems, but you fix them, you never switch horses mid race.

You are also utterly ruthless with any scope creep. File them all under 'Phase 2'. Maintaining focus is key.

The is the big-picture reality of any development that stands a decent chance of success. I've never worked in game development, but I am a retired Programme and Projects Manager and have seen big projects that both worked and failed.
It will be at the most, an outdated interactive movie style of game (judging from what we've already seen of it), so out of touch with modern gaming trends it's almost dinosaurian in concept...lots of walky-talky bits interspersed with badly scripted action sequences.

Do you honestly think it'll be good? 🤷‍♂️
I think there’s space for a game like that - bit of flying, lots of shooty scripted bits, walking around your mothership talking to recognisable actors off the telly & films, occasionally dodgy dialogue - unfortunately for CR it’s called Infinite Warfare and came out 6 years ago 😁

(Wish it got a sequel or a spin-off)
I think there’s space for a game like that - bit of flying, lots of shooty scripted bits, walking around your mothership talking to recognisable actors off the telly & films, occasionally dodgy dialogue - unfortunately for CR it’s called Infinite Warfare and came out 6 years ago 😁

(Wish it got a sequel or a spin-off)
I still reinstall and play through the Infinite Warfare campaign every now and then, fantastic entertainment, even nowadays...Can't resist muttering the immortal words every time Kit Harington reels off one of his evil Martian dictator monologues though :D

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I still reinstall and play through the Infinite Warfare campaign every now and then, fantastic entertainment, even nowadays...Can't resist muttering the immortal words every time Kit Harington reels off one of his evil Martian dictator monologues though :D

Yup, I’ve been through the campaign 3 times now - great fun, but I thought Kit was hard done by the script.

Instead of being a moustache twirling super-bad guy who shoots his own men to make a point and says things like “dEatH iS No DisGRaCe” (like, yeah, that’ll stop people fighting you 😅) they should’ve made him a more nuanced doing-the-sorta-right-thing-but-in-a-bad-way antagonist. Like Mars decides Earth cannot be trusted with humanity’s future and they’re the only ones who can make the harsh choices.

Still, great set pieces (loved the zero-G ship boardings) and I even eventually liked the cinematic lock-on feature in the flying bits.
For 'some reason', reading the recent run of posts, the 'parable' of the Spruce Goose sprang to mind.

Hughes H-4 Hercules, better known as the Spruce Goose and also the Grey Goose, was the world's largest plane. It was a massive undertaking, hugely engineered, the largest wooden plane ever made. It was built for a war that was already over by the time it arrived, and never found its place thereafter. It also only flew once, and then at only very low alititude and for only 26 seconds.

An interesting part of the story is that the aircraft took so long to design and build thanks to Howard Hughes’ perfectionism that the project's instigator and 'co-author' (shipbuilder Henry J. Kaiser) dropped out.

Ah! Summer grasses!
All that remains
Of young warriors’ dreams
Hughes actually produced the plane and it flew! I don't think it took him 10 years either. Roberts can only dream of that kind of success.
Yup, I’ve been through the campaign 3 times now - great fun, but I thought Kit was hard done by the script.

Instead of being a moustache twirling super-bad guy who shoots his own men to make a point and says things like “dEatH iS No DisGRaCe” (like, yeah, that’ll stop people fighting you 😅) they should’ve made him a more nuanced doing-the-sorta-right-thing-but-in-a-bad-way antagonist. Like Mars decides Earth cannot be trusted with humanity’s future and they’re the only ones who can make the harsh choices.

Still, great set pieces (loved the zero-G ship boardings) and I even eventually liked the cinematic lock-on feature in the flying bits.
Ja, zero-g action has been something I've been looking out for the last decade. I guess it probably isn't gonna happen soon.
You know that it can be then "never" there are always new games coming out, and if Roberts insists being on par with them it may well happen that SQ42 is not released ever. Because "oh no they released GTA6, we need as much and even more shiny stuff as it has..." One is racing against moving finish line.
So much this. As others have pointed out it was "or, now CoD:IW" in 2016, a game which, hilariously, is still more polished and playable than anything CIG has shown, let alone delivered. Soon it will be Starfield that triggers another ground-up "refactor." A couple more years and it'll be something else. There's a certain pace CIG needs to maintain to stay relevant, and they're way below it. But they make money all the same, and it's clear Roberts has long since lost interest in making the games.

CIG could have made a straightforward, updated take on Wing Commander in a reasonable timeframe (say, 3-4 years) and it would have checked the boxes and given them both credibility as a developer and a base on which to build sequels with incrementally more advanced features. Instead, for no real reason other than Roberts' ego, they decided version 1 had to be the BDSSE, and they doomed themselves to failure.
So much this. As others have pointed out it was "or, now CoD:IW" in 2016, a game which, hilariously, is still more polished and playable than anything CIG has shown, let alone delivered. Soon it will be Starfield that triggers another ground-up "refactor." A couple more years and it'll be something else. There's a certain pace CIG needs to maintain to stay relevant, and they're way below it. But they make money all the same, and it's clear Roberts has long since lost interest in making the games.

CIG could have made a straightforward, updated take on Wing Commander in a reasonable timeframe (say, 3-4 years) and it would have checked the boxes and given them both credibility as a developer and a base on which to build sequels with incrementally more advanced features. Instead, for no real reason other than Roberts' ego, they decided version 1 had to be the BDSSE, and they doomed themselves to failure.
Between COD:IW and the upcoming Starfield, there was another interim game that led Roberts to scope-creep-again: Star Wars Squadrons.

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