Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Hellion was amazing, pity it didn't sell well - very likely due to being constantly plagued by "why should I play that? SC will have all that and more next year..." comments
Hellion was dropped from early access because Zero G had a huge falling out. Half of the devs wanted to continue with the development of Hellion...the management and other half wanted to take the money brought in through various private backer and patreon donations as well as Steam early access to cut and run, perhaps starting a new project under another banner.

There were arguments over intellectual property and all the trappings of game development so it all got heated and rather dirty...usual falling out stuff. Basically, the devs at Zero G who felt obligated to continue with Hellion didn't have the funds, development resources or assets to see it through. Those of us who had supported the project via private donation or patreon support were (very) roughly informed of the mess via a single email from one of the devs.

Apart from that leaked insight, we read about Hellions ultimate demise like everyone else, via the constant updates from the remaining Zero G devs posted on Steam throughout the latter part of 2019.

Screenshot (35).png

I was sad to see it fail, considering how much potential it had...but the very act of giving a small financial incentive (as opposed to making a genuine investment) to any ambitious indie start-up project is basically writing that donation's a basic rule of thumb. At the end of the day, you win some, you lose some. 🤷‍♂️

SidAlpha did a post mortem expose on his YouTube channel (albeit a tad one sided) of the whole Zero G debacle....

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Volunteer Moderator
Ahh but, my dear Golgot - what if I told you CI-G have just introduced a never-been-done before concept called "prototyping"!

Release is right around the corner!

We are at the very earliest stages of development!

Buy an Idris!
I would be also surprised if CIG didnt make some kind of "imminent" announcement for SQ42 this CitCon (end of 2024, promised!). Even if it is just for a crappy prelude mini chapter. Or, god forbid, even if it is "another answer the call 20XX". A flashy video or "demo" is guaranteed either way. It looks like CIG can not just continue affording a "ready when it is ready" for much longer this year.
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Volunteer Moderator
Hellion was amazing, pity it didn't sell well - very likely due to being constantly plagued by "why should I play that? SC will have all that and more next year..." comments
So true.
Either the channel owner or someone else viewbotted it, directly or through a third-party service.

Indeed. I do not think this creator is an exception though. I strongly suspect SC related views in general are view botted to a significant extent in both YT and Twitch. One could think that more views for a game that has sold much less units than Elite can be just an exceptional blip. But when SC also gets much more views than a game that is orders of magnitude more known and popular, that stills gets constant attention and updates, and has sold orders of magnitude more units such as No Mans Sky, you know something just does not add up.
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It's definitely possible. Interesting that only his ED vs SC vid blew up either way. (Standard SC vids just did OK, all coming off a baseline of low/no content prior).

Oh no the comments are great. So many 'SC Refugees' in there. So damn many 😁

Here's a quick sample...

Also a guy who's pledged enough $ to buy a car. And is slightly annoyed...
This is weird, jumping on the band waggon of a game that's been in development for 10 years and still in Alpha.
Hellion was dropped from early access because Zero G had a huge falling out. Half of the devs wanted to continue with the development of Hellion...the management and other half wanted to take the money brought in through various private backer and patreon donations as well as Steam early access to cut and run, perhaps starting a new project under another banner.

There were arguments over intellectual property and all the trappings of game development so it all got heated and rather dirty...usual falling out stuff. Basically, the devs at Zero G who felt obligated to continue with Hellion didn't have the funds, development resources or assets to see it through. Those of us who had supported the project via private donation or patreon support were (very) roughly informed of the mess via a single email from one of the devs.

Apart from that leaked insight, we read about Hellions ultimate demise like everyone else, via the constant updates from the remaining Zero G devs posted on Steam throughout the latter part of 2019.

I was sad to see it fail, considering how much potential it had...but the very act of giving a small financial incentive (as opposed to making a genuine investment) to any ambitious indie start-up project is basically writing that donation's a basic rule of thumb. At the end of the day, you win some, you lose some. 🤷‍♂️

SidAlpha did a post mortem expose on his YouTube channel (albeit a tad one sided) of the whole Zero G debacle....

I wonder what they're doing wrong? Passionate devs, crowd funding, space game, management are money grabbing. They need to take some lessons from Chris Roberts.

In a world without Star Citizen do you think they would have stuck with the game instead of running witht eh money?
I wonder what they're doing wrong? Passionate devs, crowd funding, space game, management are money grabbing. They need to take some lessons from Chris Roberts.
People got greedy. I would say it's the major pitfall of crowd funding. Of course CRoberts is a prime example, but grab&run schemes are common on crowd funding platforms.

In a world without Star Citizen do you think they would have stuck with the game instead of running witht eh money?
I didnt see much overlap with SC which is not a sim, and where the gameplay consists of artificial hurdles and time sinks as there's no real physics to start with (see how even with flawed physics KSP was a huge success) - the main point of Hellion was no compromise physics, making the very hostile environment the keystone of its gameplay mechanics. It would be like comparing DCS with Sega Afterburner (or your favorite arcade shoot-em-up) - there's a common theme but realism was not really the point of Afterburner.
This is weird, jumping on the band waggon of a game that's been in development for 10 years and still in Alpha.

I wonder what they're doing wrong? Passionate devs, crowd funding, space game, management are money grabbing. They need to take some lessons from Chris Roberts.

In a world without Star Citizen do you think they would have stuck with the game instead of running witht eh money?
A team without a neurotic narcissist at the helm?
Road to Pyro looking good!

Coming up on 4 years since the Con showing jumping to Pyro​

Then we had the "Road to Pyro" hype train and "Journey to 4.0" after that.

And guess what?
  • We still don't have jump gates
  • We still don't have Pyro
  • We still don't have static server meshing

So try to keep your expectations firmly in check when watching the next con.


Don't worry, at CitizenCon they're going to show Nyx, base building, fauna and a few other things inspired by the Starfield trailer, and then in his end of year letter CR is going to talk about "cruising to 4.0 and beyond",

Then Q2 - 2024 they will realize, after a year of postponement, that the separation of the replication layer does not work as it should, and will not be introduced before the end of 2024, which will shift 4.0 to 2025, and we will be entitled to a new letter, and then in 2026 SM tier 0 will not work as it should and will be postponed to 2027, and then...

We also don't have the other things to implement in those demos like
  1. 2949/2019 - Working Suit lockers, Coffee Machine [bugged], physical clothes and armors, AI piloted ship with planet location skins, Tarp  
You can contribute to that bug here if you want to. I hope you do as we are still in Alpha year 8.
2. 2951/2021- Storm Clouds with lighting vfx, Ground AA turrets, "New" hair tech, colonial outpost [They make more sense in a developed system like Stanton vs Pyro to me or in both, Pyro should have the pirate outpost we have now in Stanton or both in both.] Bartender/Shopkeeper/Vendor [bugged]? I have no clue what they are doing with that tech anymore but here are 2 IC reports to upvote.

2952/2022- I don't want to put anything here as if citcon are things we are supposed to get in the PU within a year it hasn't passed its time ... yet   Also knowing or assuming this makes me wonder what the January whole month of Planning meeting are for if Citcon is the feature backer facing years outlook. What do I know Im just and armchair dev.  

If you have already upvoted please contribute and or update your patch contribution. This is what the devs NEED to further the alpha state from backers and why some IC reports get archived. Thanks for reading.

The Road to Pyro

"Hey, let's fill up all these bumps with ship-sales!"



View attachment 362682

Surprise surprise!

Hi all,

Based on the inaccurate and unfounded assertions made in some replies, we're closing this discussion.

Anyway, 4 years ago wasn't the first time they showed off the jump to Pyro right? Wasn't the first time in 2016-ish? 7 years ago?
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