Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

They're rubbing something too much...
We got WOOD!!!!

The 'Erin email' dev is back with some fun sass...

On SQ42 vs SC / resource allocation:

The same engine/assets/devs is a grey area (well to me it's a straight up lie).

-It's the same engine, but with some differences in the tools used. SQ42 can do more in some areas as it does not have to be replicated on servers. It is also in very distinct branches, so I assume there's plenty of other differences that I don't know of.

-Almost no assets are shared except maybe ships and some weapons. You cannot use SQ42 assets for SC. It really is 2 different productions on that front.

-About the devs... Yes and no. Only a few teams work on both and by both I mean working on SQ42 and neglecting SC because they don't the time and because it's not labelled as a priority. SC had crucial teams that were straight up sent to SQ42 instead and that was it.

You know how they shot the LOTR movies simultaneously using the same resources and being more efficient? SQ42 and SC is the opposite.
heh, the best tech streamer was just talking about it, maybe you have seen the video.

This point is very salient and one I 100% agree with, @3:09 when talking about those who've invested 10K+ (or any substantial amount relative to their income I'll add) into the game:

what ends up happening in terms of player behavior at this point is you start getting this idea where somebody will buy into this and then they rabidly have to defend, not the game, but the idea of their purchase being valuable, and they'll have to defend that against other people that don't agree, and it becomes an emotional fight over "I spent all this money so I feel emotionally invested" and that's the thing that's rough right?
And this is the sort of thing that spills over into other areas, where certain folks who are in this situation will draw on this to justify attacking any perceived threat to what they are so invested in, and/or in a different way, justify trying to get others to buy into it. This is human nature and exploiting that is, as Thor says, highly predatory. But yet, these are the means and methods of how CIG market the game, deliberately perpetuating this cycle, as their main means of income.
This point is very salient and one I 100% agree with, @3:09 when talking about those who've invested 10K+ (or any substantial amount relative to their income I'll add) into the game:

And this is the sort of thing that spills over into other areas, where certain folks who are in this situation will draw on this to justify attacking any perceived threat to what they are so invested in, and/or in a different way, justify trying to get others to buy into it. This is human nature and exploiting that is, as Thor says, highly predatory. But yet, these are the means and methods of how CIG market the game, deliberately perpetuating this cycle, as their main means of income.
It's not that nobody knew that the gullibers suffer from sunk cost fallacy. Well, they did maybe 4 years ago - today it's just sumk cost idiocy.
He's right. SC's business practices are super greedy and bad for consumers. They sell stuff that is unfinished, buggy, sometimes it's just a sketch or concept with macro-transactions (costs $100- $48,000).

Yes Citizen, but, remember these are very earliest stages of development! You cannot expect CI-G to build all the studios and corporate entities and development tools in just a few days. They are not "selling" you anything, you are pledging toward a Vision, and you will be able to stand proud and tell future generations that you built the BDSSE.

Answer the Call, Hold the Line, Buy an Idris!
Yes Citizen, but, remember these are very earliest stages of development! You cannot expect CI-G to build all the studios and corporate entities and development tools in just a few days. They are not "selling" you anything, you are pledging toward a Vision, and you will be able to stand proud and tell future generations that you built the BDSSE.

Answer the Call, Hold the Line, Buy an Idris!
Answer the call for Chris Robert's wallet. 💰💸💲
Hot Gossip:

More intel from our friendly neighbourhood insider :)

  • The 'Star Engine' branding is primarily to attract new investors. It is not intended to be used by other studios.
  • The engine itself is still essentially Cryengine. Folders, branches, server data, file extensions, the structure inside the engine etc. Even the parent folder is still called Cryengine ;)
  • The first land sales are considered a mistake, due to the dimensions used.
  • In the new system the first land claim will be cheap but then prices will rise steeply. They want to steer players towards building enormous bases.
  • CIG did very well out of the first golden ticket event. They will continue them as long as they're making money.
  • CIG have a small skunkworks team working on a fantasy MMO. It is intended to broaden CIG's portfolio after SQ42 & SC launch. CR sees CIG as a successful name in the gaming world and is planning accordingly.
  • Tony Z is working on an unnamed project. Possibly the same one.
  • Building Blocks is very awkward to use, comes with no documentation, and like many of CIG's in-house tools, lacks even an undo function.
  • Fans who join CIG are most commonly found in QA. There are fans at various tiers of the organization though, and they tend towards being uncritical of project deliveries / state / progress. They are just happy to be working on these projects etc.
  • It has been known for experienced devs to join, see the state of the project, and leave as soon as possible. (Waiting ~2yrs, or until they've secured a solid new role elsewhere, is more usual though).
  • The UK branch seems to have a tendency to promote inexperienced devs to senior roles. Where they then tutor inexperienced devs in turn.

(I think you can probably tell I've asked a few of my favourite questions in there ;). But I tried not to lead their answers etc.)

And on the skunkworks project, who knows 😁

But I want to believe...

  • The first land sales are considered a mistake, due to the dimensions used.
  • In the new system the first land claim will be cheap but then prices will rise steeply. They want to steer players towards building enormous bases.

Are they still selling land for real money for base building? The planned scale of these bases will be enormous?
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