Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

CIG have a small skunkworks team working on a fantasy MMO. It is intended to broaden CIG's portfolio after SQ42 & SC launch. CR sees CIG as a successful name in the gaming world and is planning accordingly.

They could call it Shroud of the Citizen... no, wait, too obvious, Citizen of the Avatar.

Anyway, good to see backers funds going toward something they never gave money for. I'm sure its just a small team though, will only take a few months and not much effort, just like Theaters of War.


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They could call it Shroud of the Citizen... no, wait, too obvious, Citizen of the Avatar.

Anyway, good to see backers funds going toward something they never gave money for. I'm sure its just a small team though, will only take a few months and not much effort, just like Theaters of War.
Citizen's Gate 3: ULTIMA-te edition (includes all of the future DLC's and a private servers modding PDF manual, coming soon!)
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