Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

The game is almost finished, just some polishing required.
Mmm, not gonna watch a 2 hour vid. Caught the start though. "How did that happen?" is a catch phrase he'll have to get strongly acquainted with. I hear SC streamers say it all the time. I think it's like a prayer or talisman to their Lord Roberts. 🙏

Also, a "friend" that tried to drag me into SC for 8 years would probably lose that designation real quick. :p

The game is almost finished, just some polishing required.

"I died immediately. All I did was wake up, and I've died."

As a 2 hour vid, I wasn't going to watch, but the start now has me hooked, damn you, Dooguk! :LOL:

Update: Oh gawd, the immediate reply from his friend, "I've often wondered that when I've woken up at a girlfriend's house, man. I woke up and died too."
This has the potential to be a cult classic.
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I skimmed the rest of the vid expecting some redeeming gameplay, but there was none. Has to be one of the worst 1 hr 52 min introductions to a game ever. And those NPCs would be embarrassing for an indie game 1 yr into development, but for a 12 year, $600M game, it's truly pitiful. Crobbers needs to hang up his hat and retire to shameland.
Selling Server Meshing is going to make CIG a "trillion" dollars. Not sure if trolling or not...
Also, aren't SC and SQ42 basically remakes, too?

Selling Server Meshing is going to make CIG a "trillion" dollars. Not sure if trolling or not...
Also, aren't SC and SQ42 basically remakes, too?
View attachment 388347

Some backers are completely disconnected from reality.

I suppose you could say SC is CR failing to deliver on what he failed to deliver on with Freelancer and SQ404 is a modern reimagining of Wing Commander.

Nothing wrong with remakes if they are good (often they are not of course).

But saying 60 million was in the initial investment flies in the face of what CIG were saying at the time. CIG were literally saying, give us X and we will deliver Y. To date, backers have delivered X*100 and CIG have delivered Y/100.


Volunteer Moderator
But saying 60 million was in the initial investment flies in the face of what CIG were saying at the time. CIG were literally saying, give us X and we will deliver Y. To date, backers have delivered X*100 and CIG have delivered Y/100.
I think that post was referring to the initial Calder investment no? Not that he gets the figure right anyways.
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