Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Before you go all waxing lyrical once again about the recent trickle of folks discovering SC for the first time...there have always been ED commanders in SC and vice versa, cross pollination at it's best.
Y'know when "Kate" is part of this so-called "trickle" ... it's bad news for ED.


So far since you've dive bombed into this thread all spitting fire and informing us of current Bitcoin prices, you haven't written much worth talking about...2014 backer hanging about in Arena Commander seemingly wary about entering the PU?

I didn't want any spoilers for Squadron 42 and the PU until I was ready to play again in a year or so.

But then... Odyssey happened and an Elite Focused YouTube channel mentioned SC and I started to listen to their commentary about Odyssey and the massive defections to SC.

Started to watch the YouTube videos from Kate and many others from ED and so Im back for better or for worse.

On a side note... Crom Bless Bitcoin. I still pray to him but... well you know the rest.
Y'know when "Kate" is part of this so-called "trickle" ... it's bad news for ED.


I didn't want any spoilers for Squadron 42 and the PU until I was ready to play again in a year or so.

But then... Odyssey happened and an Elite Focused YouTube channel mentioned SC and I started to listen to their commentary about Odyssey and the massive defections to SC.

Started to watch the YouTube videos from Kate and many others from ED and so Im back for better or for worse.

On a side note... Crom Bless Bitcoin. I still pray to him but... well you know the rest.
I'm still calling bollox...for one, there's no 'massive defection' at all, just some reasonably well known content creators and some other open minded folk, slightly disappointed with EDO, mentioning they like what Star Citzen has to offer after previously not checking it out. If you actually played in the PU instead of just regurgitating what the latest fashionable trend is on the SC subreddit, you'd probably know this the same as I do. Hook me up in the PU or current PTU build and we'll see how it goes from there, until then...I'm calling bollox.

I really don't have the patience to un-troll yet another internet keyboard rattler's claptrap surrounding Star Citizen, a game I play a lot, have done since 2015 and happen to enjoy doing so. You don't play the game by your own admission...which is kinda where the discussion ends for me ;)

I follow and subscribe to Kate's YouTube channel, her enthusiasm is infectious :)
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and I started to listen to their commentary about Odyssey and the massive defections to SC.

As with all things (including your funny Server Meshing predictions), time will tell friend.

Is it really a 'massive defection'? Or is it, as Mole says, the natural cross-pollination of space heads? Something which can easily waft in other directions as the drama winds, or personal preferences, shift?

For a bit of fun I've snagged a load of 'refugee' examples, and intend to check how they're doing in 6 months time. We know about the sunnier ones, but that's not the only reaction cropping up repeatedly by any means:

ED Refugees:

The Bug & QoL Strugglers:


The Quitters:


The 'Not Playing Either' Gamers:


The ED No. 1 Fans:


The $500+ in The First Month Guys:


Etc etc.

Will be interesting to see where all the honeymooners are at after 6 months :)

But speaking specifically to Mole's point, it was fun to see posts like these too...

The SC Refugees:




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As with all things (including your funny Server Meshing predictions), time will tell friend.

Is it really a 'massive defection'? Or is it, as Mole says, the natural cross-pollination of space heads? Something which can easily waft in other directions as the drama winds, or personal preferences, shift?

For a bit of fun I've snagged a load of examples of 'refugees', and intend to check how they're doing in 6 months time. But they already break down into some interesting types:

ED Refugees:

The ED No. 1 Fans:


The Bug & QoL Strugglers:


The Quitters:


The 'Not Playing Either' Gamers:


The $500+ in The First Month' Guys:


Etc etc.

Will be interesting to see where all the honeymooners are at after 6 months :)

But speaking specifically to Mole's point, it was fun to see posts like these too...

The SC Refugees:




It's really OK to like's also OK to hate both a little bit too ;)

Wow this is just amazing, i had no idea that their 10th year is going to be their 2nd best one out of this 10.

Chris need to write a book about this. This is like the best Success story i have ever seen. He managed to increase pledges after 7 years with out releasing a single game. He is like a super hero in a business world.

Wow this is just amazing, i had no idea that their 10th year is going to be their 2nd best one out of this 10.

Chris need to write a book about this. This is like the best Success story i have ever seen. He managed to increase pledges after 7 years with out releasing a single game. He is like a super hero in a business world.
There are quite a lot of other very apt descriptions I use for CR, unfortunately...most of them aren't that nice :D
It's going to fun regurgitating these posts when SQ 42 releases. Just as fun as regurgitating the original posts when Odyssey was announced. :)

Its going to be brilliant either way. If SQ42 fails to release, yeah, it will get some laughs (but there again, its already 7 years later than its initial planned release date).

But if it launches, we get to see the creative brilliance of CR once again!



Volunteer Moderator
Chris need to write a book about this. This is like the best Success story i have ever seen. He managed to increase pledges after 7 years with out releasing a single game. He is like a super hero in a business world.
Success for Chris, his family and "senior" CIG directors, yes. Given the info available at the UK financial filings those should have probably made a killing in salaries and bonuses at the expense of backers money over those 10 years (and more to come). Success in terms of actual products released and delivered seems a tad more sketchy tho. If I remember correctly the number of those is 0.
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I've never bought a bitcoin in my life :eek:


I do on occasion kick myself for not getting into it back when it all started. A friend of mine started raving about it early 2000s and started mining. I guess he stopped at some point because he's not wealthy now, or sold too early, or whatever.

But at least i'm not like the guy who paid for a pizza with bitcoins before it all took off and would have been a millionaire if he'd held onto them for a few more years or the guy who trashed his hard drive with his key on and lost a load of bitcoins.

It is worth remembering though, for every person crowing about how much money they have made with crypto, there is someone who lost a ton on it as well.
What is this, may I ask? A shameless copy (attempt) of ED's wave scanner effect? :ROFLMAO:
Oh, how I do not want this game to fail - this endless source of premium comedy...
It only looks similar...functions very differently since it's a scanner plus a sonar-like ping. Overall, I kinda like it compared to what we works 2 ways though, you can fire an active ping to find ships running low emissions or objects hidden in lagrange clouds or asteroid fields but using the active ping also advertises your position.

The scanner mode gives a ton of info about targets of all sorts...from space stations to ships to rocks, you can focus the scanning beam to a narrower but more powerful passive mode once a target/object/ship/asteroid/rock formation has been ID'd by the active ping. It gives more info on the target the more fucused the beam is.
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I have to admit... The quality of ED players we are receiving is impressive. A shot of energy needed for Backers like me.

I also have to admit, the quality of the single SC edgelord we have just received is impressive. A shot of pure comedy gold needed for thread lurkers like me.

Don't try so hard Savage, you might pop a vessel from all the sheer cheering effort, it's not good for the health.
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