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Mengy, you are overreacting. Ed simply pointed out that after one hour devs will be able to spend some time to answer questions. No doubt they will follow thread and it's commentary in upcoming days too. All they did they changed format, because previously it was three threads plus endless stream of other threads, which frankly didn't change a thing from how Dangerous Forum works. Now they will have one. It's even more focused like that.

With all due respect Cmdr, the other FFFs allowed the community to properly give input, and there was enough time to actually implement changes that players suggested. Not that FDev had to, but they had the option to.

Explorers have been saying for years that FDev has neglected them, so I think it's fair for us to be disappointed that we are not getting a proper FFF, only being told "here are the changes we made for explorers, as non-explorers. We hope you like them, because the beta is almost ready whether you do or not".

I mean, we can wait for the thread to come out and then express our disappointment, and there is always a chance that the exploration changes will hit the nail on the head, but based on past experiences FDev don't quite understand explorers. They have plenty of vocal explorers that could help them understand us better, but we are not being given the chance to, even though we were told we would.

We have been waiting for this FFF and our chance, we have a right to be disappointed.

Deleted member 148280

There's a huge difference in scope between "the probes don't reveal enough of the planet" and "the entire probe gameplay sounds terrible".

Yeah, but they have given enough information about probes in advance. If there would be someone saying 'stop, this looks terrible' and he might convinced FD, then would be heard by now.

I think you must realize that there's very finite amount of change community can expect about product. Developers don't do this in vacuum. There's been loads of exploration threads and comments and discussions even between Mengy and Sandro. I really don't think there were much needed before actual visualisation of gameplay.
Hold up, you're overblowing all of that.
I'm talking about the Focused Feedback Forum, not the beta. Beta is "in the coming weeks", I'm talking about the Devs being on hand to answer questions in the FFF for only an hour or so after it goes live. That only really catches people who are on the forum during that hour or so. Hence, we'll (collectively, as a community) need days to digest it and formulate questions about it.

Beta is a good place for relatively minor changes and tweaks, but I don't see major changes happening and they usually don't in betas, as the broad strokes are pretty much done. The only way FD could have had a chance to make any major changes if the proposals come out sounding pants, is if we had months of being able to give feedback on them. There's a huge difference in scope between "the probes don't reveal enough of the planet" and "the entire probe gameplay is terrible".

And no, I am not in salty mode at all. I am excited for the FFF, but I am lamenting that we didn't get it sooner AND concerned that it's not going to be an effective tool because of how late it is.

The purpose of the FF is basically Frontier shows us all what they've worked on and are thinking to release - the Q4 beta is basically around the corner so to speak - and to receive feedback on what they've done.

If someone brings up a decent point or three about What Has Been Done, then Frontier hopefully have enough time to tweak What Has Been Done before it goes "gold".

That's the way it's been for all the other FF (apart from Mining which admittedly has been there for months now).

Also, it took me a while, but ED isn't Space Exploration Simulator Game - it's primarily a Space Combat/Trade/Exploration/Bounty Hunting game, and as such needs to cater for all.

Now IMO exploration has been pretty neglected over the last year or so in terms of interesting things to keep one compelled to keep playing. But I've stopped feeling salty about it, and stopped my own Expectations from controlling me. That's helped a lot.

So now I'm just mildly interested. When this exploration topic is started, I'll just read what's been written and comment on stuff if I feel the need to.

I just don't think this is anything to get worked up about - it's only a videogame, there are many more important things to expend one's life's time and energy on - and get upset about - than a videogame. :)

We also wanted to take a moment to talk about the Powerplay discussions. Whilst this was never planned as part of the Q4 update of Beyond, it is still a feature that we wanted to collect feedback on and investigate and we thank you for that. The discussions players have had about Powerplay give us strong guidance on how we may revise the feature in the future.


Thanks, Will.

As a BGS player who has never pledged to any PP power, I must say though: the way FD is stringing along and dragging out PP changes is getting close to offensive. Forget about open PP, at least do the Control System/BGS changes.

Wait another year, and there isn't really anything left to salvage...
Will focus feedback also be used during the next "step" of ED?(dont know if you guys still call them seasons)
Or will the focus feedback forum be retired after beyond?
Hello Commanders,

We also wanted to take a moment to talk about the Powerplay discussions. Whilst this was never planned as part of the Q4 update of Beyond, it is still a feature that we wanted to collect feedback on and investigate and we thank you for that. The discussions players have had about Powerplay give us strong guidance on how we may revise the feature in the future.

What’s next?

Very disappointing. We currently have 5C rampaging over smaller powers who dont have the player base or the votes to stop getting fed crap preps / expansions. We have 1 power thats still using the exploit of healies for feelies in AFK mode to rack up massive merits for combat expansion.. and yet the PP community is being pushed off yet again on any reforms to address this and other issues.

Powerplay has been left stagnant for a long time. We've gone from chatting with Sandro about his plans, and then the open forum, to complete silence for the last few months..and now this

There must be a huge development and server cost to PP that you guys at Fdev are paying for Powerplay. You really should either fix it or scrap it.. rather then let it die a slow death.
I just don't think this is anything to get worked up about - it's only a videogame, there are many more important things to expend one's life's time and energy on - and get upset about - than a videogame. :)

Some of us view the Elite franchise as more than just a video game. Especially those of us who have been playing Elite games since 1984. ;)
One question :

Will the exploration topic that will come later today also cover the CODEX ? We didn't heard much about it and I feel it'll work closely with exploration so it would be nice to learn more on it !

Thanks :D
Some of us view the Elite franchise as more than just a video game. Especially those of us who have been playing Elite games since 1984. ;)

Include me in "playing video games since 1984" - earlier than that if you include my ZX81 ;)

There has been a pretty large gap in terms of decades for playing videogames for me though - the only reason I play them again was becuase "whoa a new Elite game" nostalgia. Then I wrote an application for it but that's another story :p
One question :

Will the exploration topic that will come later today also cover the CODEX ? We didn't heard much about it and I feel it'll work closely with exploration so it would be nice to learn more on it !

Thanks :D
I'm guessing you'll just have to wait and see :)
Some of us view the Elite franchise as more than just a video game. Especially those of us who have been playing Elite games since 1984. ;)

Sadly some of us newcomers are tired of having to spend hundreds of millions of credits each week on useless Powerplay prep materials to 'play' the game and stand still against commanders blatantly exploiting poor design. Be thankful FD have developed new stuff for you.
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