Icefalls* of Mylaifaa.


*Not to be confused with the actual glacial phenomenon known as icefall. I just thought those looked like waterfalls made of ice :D
I can imagine this beauty with the future improvements of the icy planets.
Mining at a brown dwarf. It's a long drive (1000LY) but this is the coolest place I have found to mine. A giant red nebula, bright galactic disk, a seething mini-star boiling, all orbiting a black hole with no other main star. A system in perpetual darkness. Turn off EVERYTHING you don't need to mine or live though. It's hotter than Hades in here.

That's a deep space, rock cracking 'conda miner... Do you only carry a seismic charge launcher? What is your loadout like?
Annie Miner

No she’s got dual size 2 mining lasers which are plenty for 6 collectors. That’s a compromise for a big fuel scoop making her able to go out deep. I can mine, explore, mine some more, change hotspots and never see a pirate till I head home. She’s got enough guns to fight back too if I have to (PvE of course).

It’s still a work in progress. Hope to make her tough enough to survive a PvP interdiction long enough to high-wake but all those boosters cost a ton of mats to get upgraded.
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