Summer 2024 DLC Speculation

I have no problem with the Secretary Bird, yes I want more Tropical house birds like ibis or crowned pigeon and more African mixed ones like crane and hornbill, but I want the Secretary bird equally as much and I would love to see them in game and to build for them. One of the coolest most powerful species of land bird, the Secretary bird can exert a force 5 times its body weight - yeah this thing is like nothing we have in the game, definitely stands out on its own.
I have no problem with the Secretary Bird, yes I want more Tropical house birds like ibis or crowned pigeon and more African mixed ones like crane and hornbill, but I want the Secretary bird equally as much and I would love to see them in game and to build for them. One of the coolest most powerful species of land bird, the Secretary bird can exert a force 5 times its body weight - yeah this thing is like nothing we have in the game, definitely stands out on its own.
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Now that's a dinosaur. A dino in a white tux.
Even if we do have 2-3 more packs, I honestly don’t care if we get just animal packs onward, as long as we keep getting new foliage in the free updates.
I agree we dont really need any more full scenery sets but just individual pieces. Animals packs in barnyards style are more than capable of supporting the game with scenery going forward.
I think while it’s not my favourite pack, Barnyard is the most important animal pack, because while the other packs add rep to continents, there are very few animals in them that actually differ from the way you build enclosures. E.x. Cougar might be NA rep, but you still build for it pretty much the same as any other large cat.

Barnyard differs from this by introducing a (kinda) new way to build, or at least it gives the player something new to build, petting zoos, and petting zoos are a part of every zoo so it’s definitely an essential addition.
This is something so important that people are missing fundamentally barnyard is the most important pack since aquatic whereas every animal choice for the majority of the packs filled one or 2 niches at best this pack alongside the update has made it possible to decorate and populate whole new sections of a zoo.
Previously if you wanted to build a petting zoo or a farm section you just couldnt because at best we had 3 fairly aggressive domestic camelids and a wild horse breed. barnyard opened up a whole new world when it comes to building from petting zoos to farms and can help alot with story telling and zoo progression.
Yes the individual animals could of been better and there are plenty of single animals in other packs that do more than a single animal in barnyard but as a concept barnyard adds more to the game then any pack which at best adds a small section or way to theme a habitat.
Spent the last half hour reading some of the older messages in this thread cause I didn't want to get up and wanted to sit on my computer more lol - What month if you had to choose one, do you think the next (and possibly last) DLC is coming in? Cause I really think its in June since JWE2 had their final pack very close to their last one, but then again it could be all the way into Fall, but that feels like it would be too long of a gap and a) cause players to lose interest in the game and b) distract people from the new management game coming probably in November.
Spent the last half hour reading some of the older messages in this thread cause I didn't want to get up and wanted to sit on my computer more lol - What month if you had to choose one, do you think the next (and possibly last) DLC is coming in? Cause I really think its in June since JWE2 had their final pack very close to their last one, but then again it could be all the way into Fall, but that feels like it would be too long of a gap and a) cause players to lose interest in the game and b) distract people from the new management game coming probably in November.
Im still betting on a early to mid july release to give about 2 months space between packs. I also believe they will keep at least somewhat to the standard release schedule till the 5th anniversary. I do believe jurrasic world evolutions dlc proximity does mean something though we have been talking a while about the last dlc being significantly bigger because past games have done this what if instead of one big dlc frontier instead does 2 standard or slightly smaller ones in close proximity. Im thinking the fall one as normal and then a pack on the anniversary this is all heavy speculation though.
what if instead of one big dlc frontier instead does 2 standard or slightly smaller ones in close proximity.
But if they did this with JWE2 with the hybrids pack and park manager collection pack instead of 1 big pack since that games pretty much reached the end of support, wouldn't that mean we already got the first half of our 2 smaller packs with the Barnyard Pack? Actually is kinda cool to think about though, the last 2 regular packs be a petting zoo pack and a fan favorites pack, 1 takes care of a large portion of the community wanting farm animals and the other one satisfying the meta wishlist followers or exotic type animal lovers.
But if they did this with JWE2 with the hybrids pack and park manager collection pack instead of 1 big pack since that games pretty much reached the end of support, wouldn't that mean we already got the first half of our 2 smaller packs with the Barnyard Pack? Actually is kinda cool to think about though, the last 2 regular packs be a petting zoo pack and a fan favorites pack, 1 takes care of a large portion of the community wanting farm animals and the other one satisfying the meta wishlist followers or exotic type animal lovers.
that is if you assume barnyard is the first half which I dont think it is. Planet zoo has only ever loosely followed the jurrasic games timeline the first game started and ended before planet zoo and jurrasic 2 started 2 years in there is nothing saying they will end at the same time. As I already stated I think we have 3 packs left a standard summer pack the first half of the final in fall and the second half on the anniversary.
Spent the last half hour reading some of the older messages in this thread cause I didn't want to get up and wanted to sit on my computer more lol - What month if you had to choose one, do you think the next (and possibly last) DLC is coming in? Cause I really think its in June since JWE2 had their final pack very close to their last one, but then again it could be all the way into Fall, but that feels like it would be too long of a gap and a) cause players to lose interest in the game and b) distract people from the new management game coming probably in November.
I'm still thinking late August/early September (sometime in the four week period of 8/19 and 9/13). June feels too soon and July feels like a dead zone. It feels like a long time. But there was ~4 months between the Eurasia and Barnyard packs and that would be roughly the same amount of time.. So is it really that unreasonable at this point? A year ago or so I would have agreed with you, but not where things stand now...

"But wait! They already broke that pattern with JWE2!" They sure did. Secret Species pack dropped on March 13th. The Park Manager's Pack was released two months later on May 16th. June would be 1.5 months or so (maybe 2 if it were released tail-end of June) which just feels way too soon between DLC drops especially given the context they provided during the last Frontier Unlocked around what the PZ team was doing... And JWE2 has a key X-factor that PZ doesn't have to contend with at the moment: A new sequel in the pipeline! Makes good a sense as any to button-up those obligations and move along to the next one in a hurry, no? They can take a bit more time with PZ because the "washout clock" hasn't started ticking yet.

In contrast, PZ has the console game keeping general interest up and the die-hards are willing to wait. We all know something's coming.... Just a matter of when. And I'm still thinking the "later this year" word choice was super intentional during that last livestream to let people know that they just need to be patient. Heck, maybe they'll repeat that again this month just to be sure! I've also not given up hope on this last pack being a bit bigger given the length of time between the winter and spring DLC (and effectively, them cutting out a summer DLC entirely).

I'm happy to be wrong and get something in June, obviously, but if that were going to be happening I'd think we'd see an outsource_lqa update at this point...
I'm happy to be wrong and get something in June, obviously, but if that were going to be happening I'd think we'd see an outsource_lqa update at this point...
Last LQA was 9th & 11th of April for a 30th of April release (3 weeks between), so June's not technically off the table for a few weeks yet. Still wouldn't suspect June, but you never know.

Q2 DLCs have been July for Planet Coaster, and Barnyard being a month later than usual, late July seems pretty plausible for a normal DLC. As to August, it's been used because of Covid, and following a JWE2 June scenery update with no DLC, I don't think we're going to see it used for normal circumstances (School year starts in August in the US, some states right at the end, some in the middle, starts early September in the UK and Beijing. Australia has the school year begin in February.)
I don’t think we are getting another dlc after the next one, but I was wrong last time so I’m open to the idea. I’m gonna guess we will get the last dlc between July-August, if a new manager sim is coming out I imagine it will be in November/ around the holidays. So I’ll predict we get the last dlc before that, and maybe a treat for the 5th anniversary.
Spent the last half hour reading some of the older messages in this thread cause I didn't want to get up and wanted to sit on my computer more lol - What month if you had to choose one, do you think the next (and possibly last) DLC is coming in? Cause I really think its in June since JWE2 had their final pack very close to their last one, but then again it could be all the way into Fall, but that feels like it would be too long of a gap and a) cause players to lose interest in the game and b) distract people from the new management game coming probably in November.

I bet for August or October.

That's if it is the last DLC. If it comes up in June i'm expecting more than one DLC and something for Anniversary.
Last LQA was 9th & 11th of April for a 30th of April release (3 weeks between), so June's not technically off the table for a few weeks yet. Still wouldn't suspect June, but you never know.

Q2 DLCs have been July for Planet Coaster, and Barnyard being a month later than usual, late July seems pretty plausible for a normal DLC. As to August, it's been used because of Covid, and following a JWE2 June scenery update with no DLC, I don't think we're going to see it used for normal circumstances (School year starts in August in the US, some states right at the end, some in the middle, starts early September in the UK and Beijing. Australia has the school year begin in February.)
Fair points! I just really feel like June is way too soon. And I'm not convinced that what Frontier did for JWE2 is an indicator of what's to come for Planet Zoo. The spring DLC for JWE2 was maybe the "lightest" proper DLC pack they've ever released while the Barnyard pack was, while slightly controversial, pretty well-executed and added some completely new animals and features along with a bunch of scenery. So it's already apples/oranges!

Your points about the school year are interesting though I think July would have the issue of people generally being outside much more, taking vacations, etc. None of these months are ideal, hah! I was leaning toward the timeframe I suggested mostly because it felt like a reasonable gap (about the same as between Eurasian and Barnyard if you exclude the holiday weeks) that would give them ample time for a bigger DLC while still working toward a larger DLC and would line it up with fall (relatively speaking) before the new CSM game inevitably drops for the holidays.

But hey! July would be nice too! Personally, I would be a bit bummed for late July because I'll be out-of-country for two weeks straight but... That would serve as a nice distraction leading up to its release, I guess. Haha.
Whatever month you choose there will always be a situation for people - in the summer months students are off school, some stay home and play games with their friends, others go on vacations - but then if they wait til the fall students go back to school which has a larger chance of people being busy. A lot more kids go to school than they do go on vacations in the summer obviously.

So I think releasing it somewhere in the summer makes sense, either in the middle of August like the Australia pack way back, beginning-mid July so kids who are staying home for the summer have something, or near the end of June like the 18th or 25th cause nothing feels better than finishing exams and having a new pack ready filled with all your favourite animals in it - that is if your favourite animals are ungulates 💀
Don't want to spam this thread too much but wanted to let you all know that round one of our building competition is now complete and scoring is open if you want to take a look and vote for your favourite builds! See this post for details - link
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