Thargoid invasion - Next target systems?

AXI discord just updated their current target to Ildano.
It only has a single orbital station, and that's an outpost. I don't know the status of that port.
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Not sure; I think they want to clear the entire Taranis front first. For next week they've marked some systems that are completely under alien control, so you have to find them in NHSS or deliberately get interdicted. They also want to announce some staging points in nearby systems for players to wing up. Otherwise I consider this task virtually impossible for the AX non-veteran or solo player. I guess for the non-organized players it will probably be smarter to engage at that other Maelstrom, forgot the name.
It is in ways easier not soloing the ax czs. I get the impression they are very much intended to be a group activity. Especially since they fixed it so everyone involved in a take down gets credit. Didn't used to be that way.

My carrier is near taranis and we've been working the area since the beginning. I have a young friend who has taken to taking down thargoids quite handily. Another is into rescuing as many people as she can, that's her thing and she does well.

It is an interesting change. Used to be on par with staged duels when fighting thargoid interceptors. Many a build optimized for that. Had to change up a few things for mixed content and less control over the battle.
Victory in 29 e Orionis, and a very special non-Taranis victory in Lahua! Ildano (38%) continues to surge, and Muruidooges (48%) and Obamumbo (36%) are absolutely ripe for picking off this cycle, but unless there is a targeted effort to wean Commanders away from M. Taranis and top them off, that progress will be gone.

By the numbers we are on course for 10 Invasions, if the congregation at Ildano follows the existing effort after that one is taken. Insofar as that has not happened much by now, my guess is that it will not, in which case it will be 8 Invasion systems taken.

Top targets at 19:20 20th December 3308:
Muruidooges Invasion + 4 ports – 48%
Ildano Invasion + 1 port – 38%
Obamumbo Invasion + 1 port – 36%
HIP 20527 Alert – 28%
HIP 8525 Invasion + 3 ports – 24%
HIP 23716 Recovery – 18%

AXI discord just updated their current target to Ildando.
It only has a single orbital station, and that's an outpost. I don't know the status of that port.

If you mean Ildano, I noticed that surge almost twenty hours ago—thank you, though! Present or upcoming target information is very much appreciated, as indeed are notices of actual progress occurring which I may have missed.
Running cold doesn't make you invisible, it makes you impossible to target. The interceptor's cannon acts like a gimballed weapon; with a target lock it can lead its shots to hit you accurately, without a target lock it can still fire directly forward so if the thargoid lines you up and you're moving in a straight line, you'll still get hit.
Thanks. I'm aware of that. But that aside, usually you have time to boost away when those encounters start and can keep your distance. In that case, they gave me zero chance to boost away, stayed right on my tail (so it had to be a Basilisk), and didn't care how I maneuvered while cold. I will admit I was going straight-in-a-line near the end (well, maybe a little jinking) because I'd gone to flight assist off and was tumbling my ship to keep them from hammering the backside and blowing out my thrusters.

Meh. Lesson learned. I don't know how I missed it, when I was pouring over my fleet of ships trying to figure out which would be good for fast recon, but I've now switched from the DBX to DBS (build here) and that is working much better. Yes, the jump range is shorter, but the boost speed is much faster. Already had fun using the DBS to scout out the current invasion target (Ildano, per AXI), and then my flight path back to my carrier oddly routed me through a Thargoid controlled system. I had fun dodging them and still did a FSS scan of that system. :)
Top targets at 19:20 20th December 3308:
Muruidooges Invasion + 4 ports – 48%
Ildano Invasion + 1 port – 38%
Obamumbo Invasion + 1 port – 36%
HIP 20527 Alert – 28%
HIP 8525 Invasion + 3 ports – 24%
HIP 23716 Recovery – 18%

I'm going to focus on Ildano, then switch to Muridooges because I personally want to prioritize Imperial space.
In which case step 1 is to get a list of how many damaged starports are in each of the defended systems, from which we can select which to start repairing come Thursday.
WIth CMDRs' hands full, with the uncertainty about how this works, and considering that Humanity isn't all that organized yet, there may be something to be learned from inaction as well. I presume it's inevitable anyway.
If you mean Ildano, I noticed that surge almost twenty hours ago—thank you, though! Present or upcoming target information is very much appreciated, as indeed are notices of actual progress occurring which I may have missed.
Not many plans announced for next week yet that I can see - lots of groups seem to be prioritising Alerts so won't decide until they see what there is - but AXI have decided to try to take back some control systems and will be targeting HR 1737, Swahku and Hupang from the start of next cycle.
Quick update without a full check; coming up to the end of the cycle, the top Invasion system total is dropping below the 1000% projection (10 systems), though to be fair the Invasion drive is moving along nicely enough. Muruidooges (50%) will still only complete if Commanders have a mind to follow the progress, and the group at Ildano (50%) has the capacity to make it happen quite easily.

Even if that does occur, Obamumbo (38%) would be a poor gamble at this point. Unfortunate, though conversely all of this is already well beyond expectations a week ago, so a two-system finish with Muruidooges and Ildano should be considered quite satisfying.

Top targets at 23:20 20th December 3308:
Muruidooges Invasion + 4 ports – 50%
Ildano Invasion + 1 port – 50%
Obamumbo Invasion + 1 port – 38%
HIP 20527 Alert – 30%
HIP 8525 Invasion + 3 ports – 24%
HIP 23716 Recovery – 20%

Not many plans announced for next week yet that I can see - lots of groups seem to be prioritising Alerts so won't decide until they see what there is - but AXI have decided to try to take back some control systems and will be targeting HR 1737, Swahku and Hupang from the start of next cycle.

Thank you! Hupang was on my prediction list, though for some reason I expected Ixbalan to be in there, and potentially Matshiru being closer to the core systems. In any case, known targets are important and it is great to have them named in advance.

I'm going to focus on Ildano, then switch to Muridooges because I personally want to prioritize Imperial space.

As do I! Seeing the Majestic arrive is quite the event, and M. Hadad is a modest journey away from where I hunt. Would that hunting Thargoids within the territory of the Empress also gave a 20% bonus...
It does. Although you don't even need to hunt them there, just hand in the bonds at the right systems.

I was referring to the passive 20% increase to bounty at the moment of receiving the voucher (provided by Arissa Lavigny-Duval and Yuri Grom), though honestly I was not aware that either that bonus or the 100% rating 5 bonus at Administration applied to combat bonds—I had just been using Carrier redemption when I return for more repair limpets. If that is true, the Powerplay description has been quite incomplete for a long time.
The projection for the top Invasion systems is dancing around that 1000% amount which would put three more systems in theoretical reach; the direct number this time was 1019%. I still would not want to bet on Obamumbo (40%), and it still needs Commanders with a mind to help out elsewhere if Muruidooges (58%) is to reach completion, though it is quite pleasing to know that the capacity exists.

Top targets at 08:30 21st December 3308:
Ildano Invasion + 1 port – 76%
Muruidooges Invasion + 4 ports – 58%
Obamumbo Invasion + 1 port – 40%
HIP 20527 Alert – 32%
HIP 8525 Invasion + 3 ports – 28%
HIP 23716 Recovery – 20%

Im doing Muridooges

Great! An Interceptor army is falling from the skies over Marriott, and I saw the occasional Beluga Liner just fly right past it all while running evacuations. If it helps anyone looking for a fight there, the medium conflict zone close to ABC 1 was in use for completing Hydra missions.
Working out of Ildano in my ax python it's looking good hopefully we can get the w for these guys. Lots of other cmdrs here too
Ildano has been won. Let's hope for a victory in Muruidooges before tomorrow morning...

Great to hear! It can be done; if enough Commanders are pointed in its direction, their time is welcomed most gratefully. That said—

Interesting to note that the success is not down to Fdev lowering anything. In fact it is tomorrow that they will be reducing the effort needed to fight back.

Source: Thargoid War Rebalancing

This makes me hesitate to ask that Commanders give their time prior to that change, even at the expense of not taking Muruidooges for now. Please be sure that anyone giving their time this evening is aware of the change, happy to continue regardless of the outcome, and thanked appropriately!
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