Thargoid invasion - Next target systems?

I'll commit my carrier (LLV Negotiator) to HIP 10118 since I can solo that. I can also hold any one of the Arietis Sector systems if I get help collecting those samples (buy order would be in place)
Victories in HIP 3006 and Cephei Sector FB-X b1-1!

Looks like a good start for the week, particularly at M. Leigong; despite being slightly below a seventh, it is ahead of the previous completion at M. Taranis. The party is still at Arietis Sector YE-R b4-3, but remember that the completion moves along with HIP 9180!

The Invasions have formed a nice gradient and all project completion, notably with the Outpost last, so those seeking Planetary port defence need to visit HIPs 116360 and 18075 quite soon. Interestingly the activity at the non-peripheral Mapon has resumed; it reached 32% last week, but now it has a possible completion trajectory, and suspicion is rising regarding whether AX Reactivation missions are available more sensibly now.

Peripheries at 07:30 1st December 3309:
Seven systems with 13.6%Leigong 9–15 Ly, 2 matrix, 2694–23.7k strength

HIP 116360 Invasion 38% *39.5%Raijin 21 Ly, 4 ports, 462 Ls 0.2g planet attack
HIP 18075 Invasion 26% *26.5%Thor 21 Ly, 3 ports, 2930 Ls planet attack, Peripheral system
Vistnero Invasion 12% — Raijin 21 Ly, 4 ports, 365 Ls outpost attack

Holvandalla Alert 18% — Raijin 21 Ly, 86 Ls starport, 19 Ls outpost, 43 Ls planet
HIP 11111 Alert 6% *7.2%Oya 24 Ly, 2567 Ls outpost, 2474 Ls planet, Peripheral system

HIP 22524 Control 58% — Indra 20 Ly, 1922 strength, Peripheral system
Lei Hsini Control 54% — Indra 21 Ly, 1816 strength, Peripheral system
Mapon Control 12% — Cocijo 18 Ly, 8240 strength

Arietis Sector YE-R b4-3 Matrix 60% *61.6%Leigong 15 Ly
Hyades Sector NN-S b4-3 Control 40% — Indra 19 Ly, 921 strength, Peripheral system
Hyades Sector JH-V c2-13 Control 38% — Indra 19 Ly, 1024 strength, Peripheral system
Hyades Sector PI-S b4-3 Control 38% — Indra 20 Ly, 794 strength, Peripheral system
Cephei Sector AF-A c21 Alert 26% — Oya 21 Ly, Peripheral system
HIP 9180 Matrix 12% *13.6%Leigong 14 Ly
Victories in Cephei Sector AF-A c21 and HIP 116360! Two more Invasions remain, notably with Vistnero nearby, but minding that Planetary attack at HIP 18075 will not survive the day. Mapon continues its completion trajectory!

As before with M. Taranis, M. Leigong pulls nicely ahead for projected completion later in the week; thank you all for the Spire support! Notably Arietis Sector YE-R b4-3 is still being favoured over HIP 9180, so please ensure that everyone knows to continue until the latter is complete. The largest of its Final Ten payloads is complete!

Peripheries at 08:20 2nd December 3309:
Seven systems with 32%Leigong 9–15 Ly, 2 matrix, 2696–25.2k strength
Six systems with 6%Thor 18–21 Ly, 2 inhabited, 2268–6520 strength

HIP 18075 Invasion 62% *62.5%Thor 21 Ly, 3 ports, 2930 Ls planet attack
Vistnero Invasion 28% *28.1%Raijin 21 Ly, 4 ports, 365 Ls outpost attack

Holvandalla Alert 28% *28.1%Raijin 21 Ly, 86 Ls starport, 19 Ls outpost, 43 Ls planet
HIP 11111 Alert 12% *13.5%Oya 24 Ly, 2567 Ls outpost, 2474 Ls planet
HIP 20024 Alert 6% *6.1%Thor 19 Ly, 1959 Ls outpost, 2572 Ls planet

HIP 22524 Control 60% *60.9%Indra 20 Ly, 1787 strength
Lei Hsini Control 58% — Indra 21 Ly, 1658 strength
Mapon Control 28% — Cocijo 18 Ly, 6738 strength

Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-9 Alert 98% *99.5%Raijin 20 Ly
Arietis Sector YE-R b4-3 Matrix 78% *79.8%Leigong 15 Ly
Hyades Sector JH-V c2-13 Control 42% — Indra 19 Ly, 1491 strength
Hyades Sector NN-S b4-3 Control 42% — Indra 19 Ly, 1424 strength
Hyades Sector PI-S b4-3 Control 42% — Indra 20 Ly, 1278 strength
HIP 9180 Matrix 32% — Leigong 14 Ly
Pegasi Sector RE-N a8-0 Alert 12% *12.1%Raijin 21 Ly

After completing two more measurements to establish the 20–25 Ly range, the empty Control strengths here now use their new gradients for estimation. Only three Control systems remain beyond 25 Ly, all at M. Raijin, for which we know only that the strength will be somewhere below 500. M. Raijin also is the only remaining source of such systems which are close to 25 Ly, some of which we chose not to measure due to being Peripheral systems.

Speaking of which, I have also shortened the system reports here a bit by using green distances for Peripheral systems!

Strength measurements:

Additional: Included a few more measurements this afternoon. The 5 Ly junction is exactly 160000, where we have used 160400 to keep the gradient a small fraction above. The Arietis Sector YE-R b4-1 measurement was a slightly low outlier which was likely contaminated via other actions in the system, so a second opinion just above 10 Ly could be useful. The same applies a little to Arietis Sector ZE-R b4-3, slightly under 10 Ly.

Distance Ly
Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-21.8752640800.002550159937.3160000.0
HIP 1136954.4248284050.0000040.002535159952.6160015.8
Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-76.00699541100.003137130975.1131016.9
HIP 8033​
Arietis Sector ZE-R b4-3​
Arietis Sector YE-R b4-1​
Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-10​
HIP 10118​
Col 285 Sector TS-H b11-5​
HIP 115162​
Pegasi Sector UK-L a9-2​

Junctions in use:

Distance Ly
Constant nucleus confirmed as still being the case​
Forced by HIP 8033 to be higher than measured​
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Hi, I´ve had a few questions regarding the final ten at M. Leigong.
First of all are there more carriers needed for storing the 15% Sampels? After we completed the uninhabited alerts at M.Oya we´re free to assist whereever you need us.
Secondly where is the LLV Negotiator incase we want to deliver some Sampels to her?

So yeah just tell us if you need any help. Otherwise we´re working at the two spire Sites.
o7 Cmdr
The M. Leigong periphery is doing very well with 40% already; with a good turnout this evening, I can imagine it reaching 85% tomorrow evening!

First of all are there more carriers needed for storing the 15% Sampels? After we completed the uninhabited alerts at M.Oya we´re free to assist whereever you need us.

Thank you for the support, and it could indeed become useful to keep all five systems on separate Carriers—if we decide to increase the payloads to 20%, for example. It will be some time before an extra Carrier is needed, but you could set a purchase order if you like. We will be starting Arietis Sector ZE-R b4-3 in a moment, so the choice is between Arietis Sector YE-R b4-1 (2373) and Arietis Sector XJ-R b4-0 (~801, after a few more measurements this afternoon changed the likely shape a little).

Definitely attack the Spire sites yourself, though! As long as your Carrier has docking access available, we can do the harvesting.

Secondly where is the LLV Negotiator incase we want to deliver some Sampels to her?

While that is a question for @Cmdr Daedalus Spyke, no position was given earlier and I presume extra HIP 10118 deliveries are not needed!
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... so the choice is between Arietis Sector YE-R b4-1 (2373) and Arietis Sector XJ-R b4-0 (~801, after a few more measurements this afternoon changed the likely shape a little).
Thank you @Aleks Zuno
  • the [SNPX] ISS Nadira in system Arietis Sector WJ-R b4-0 has placed a buy order of 2450 samples for system Arietis Sector YE-R b4-1
  • the [SNPX] Resolute in system Arietis Sector YE-R b4-0 has placed a buy order of 850 samples for system Arietis Sector XJ-R b4-0
Convenient! I imagine we will be finished gathering that some time tomorrow.

I am a bit suspicious of our measurements just above and below 10 Ly, where possibly other actions caused more progress than expected, but those purchase orders still cover the slightly higher amounts implied by the likely gradient lines.
Victories in Pegasi Sectors JH-U b3-9 and DG-X c1-6, HIP 18075 and Arietis Sector YE-R b4-3!

M. Leigong maintains a more steady one-sixth daily, now with HIP 9180 being the remaining indication of its completion. Notably a quite large force decided to attack a M. Thor spire during the defence of HIP 18075; despite wishing irrationally that such had been an extra 18% for M. Leigong, I think it was a quite good idea insofar as it progressed both the Invasion and four Alerts.

By mass, well over half of the payloads for M. Leigong are ready. Thanks to SNPX for managing Carriers for the two we will be gathering today, and also for confirming a system strength suspicion—the 5 Ly junction for inhabited Control systems has also risen to 160000, leaving the remaining junctions as before. It would have been quite strange for empty Control to be stronger than inhabited Control at 5 Ly!

Peripheries at 08:40 3rd December 3309:
Six systems with 52%Leigong 9–15 Ly, 1 matrix, 1858–17.4k strength
Five systems with 24%Thor 18–19 Ly, 1 inhabited, 1834–5346 strength

Vistnero Invasion 76% *76.8%Raijin 21 Ly, 4 ports, 365 Ls outpost attack

Holvandalla Alert 42% *42.2%Raijin 21 Ly, 86 Ls starport, 19 Ls outpost, 43 Ls planet
HIP 20024 Alert 24% — Thor 19 Ly, 1959 Ls outpost, 2572 Ls planet
HIP 11111 Alert 22% — Oya 24 Ly, 2567 Ls outpost, 2474 Ls planet

HIP 22524 Control 66% — Indra 20 Ly, 1556 strength
Lei Hsini Control 62% — Indra 21 Ly, 1500 strength
Mapon Control 28% *28.1%Cocijo 18 Ly, 6724 strength

Cephei Sector WO-A b4 Alert 88% *89.9%Oya 15 Ly
HIP 9180 Matrix 52% *53.1%Leigong 14 Ly
Hyades Sector JH-V c2-13 Control 46% — Indra 19 Ly, 1388 strength
Hyades Sector NN-S b4-3 Control 46% — Indra 19 Ly, 1326 strength
Hyades Sector PI-S b4-3 Control 46% — Indra 20 Ly, 1190 strength
Col 285 Sector OB-E b12-4 Alert 26% — Thor 21 Ly
Col 285 Sector MG-E b12-0 Alert 24% — Thor 19 Ly
Col 285 Sector MG-E b12-2 Alert 24% — Thor 20 Ly
M. Leigong maintains a more steady one-sixth daily, now with HIP 9180 being the remaining indication of its completion. Notably a quite large force decided to attack a M. Thor spire during the defence of HIP 18075; despite wishing irrationally that such had been an extra 18% for M. Leigong, I think it was a quite good idea insofar as it progressed both the Invasion and four Alerts.
This was caused by AXI’s anniversary spire assault - due to an M.Thor spire being permanently lit and a 50Ls cruise it was decided to go there to make the lives of the new players attending easier. Focus should now return to Leigong, as far as I’m aware.
This was caused by AXI’s anniversary spire assault - due to an M.Thor spire being permanently lit and a 50Ls cruise it was decided to go there to make the lives of the new players attending easier. Focus should now return to Leigong, as far as I’m aware.

All seems fine! Introducing new Commanders is great, M. Leigong is ahead of my comfortable completion rate, and softening those Alerts actually is a legitimately good idea which may be worth planning generally.
Okay, I meant to get an even 600 when I only needed 595 samples but I ended up accidentally falling short of that mark and still have 597/595 for HIP 10118.
In short: HIP 10118 is covered for the 15%.

Thank you! That completes the inventory for the M. Leigong Final Ten, where HIP 10118 is clear as soon as it reaches 85%, regardless of whether the Spire does that or extra individual progress does that.

To maintain a good practice contingency plan, the same is true for everything except Arietis Sector YE-R b4-1, which is held by @Shayan al Nasarwa. Withhold that until HIP 8033 is confirmed complete!

Arietis Sector YE-R b4-1 week 53.png
softening those Alerts actually is a legitimately good idea which may be worth planning generally.
Somewhat along that line of thought, I get the feeling Frontier really wants people to go and do things at the spires with those impromptu balance changes made to all states(bar not being sure about invasions).

Or that might, at least, have been a partial intention of those chances, since it will make the inner Titan core even less convenient to clear, with those systems at or below 5 ly requiring 24,000 samples even at 85% completion(going off the 160,000 base strength number).
Victories in Vistnero (well done!), Pegasi Sector RE-N a8-0, Cephei Sector WO-A b4 and Col 285 Sectors OB-E b12-4 and KW-M c7-29!

Indeed M. Leigong is still at one-sixth daily; this keeps it ahead as long as the siege continues, and I am hoping for some kind Commanders to target it now that all Invasions are defended. I did at least assist a modest Spire party at HIP 9180 yesterday!

Well done also those on the quite difficult Alert front—if it helps, M. Cocijo is not strategic to hold and could be placed last, if at all. HIP 29226 is strategic, although I expect to clear that next week as Control.

Peripheries at 07:50 4th December 3309:
Six systems with 66%Leigong 9–15 Ly, 1 matrix, 1318–12.2k strength
Five systems with 30%Thor 18–19 Ly, 1 inhabited, 1689–4753 strength

Holvandalla Alert 60% — Raijin 21 Ly, 86 Ls starport, 19 Ls outpost, 43 Ls planet
HIP 20024 Alert 34% — Thor 19 Ly, 1959 Ls outpost, 2572 Ls planet
HIP 11111 Alert 26% *27.1%Oya 24 Ly, 2567 Ls outpost, 2474 Ls planet

HIP 22524 Control 68% — Indra 20 Ly, 1463 strength
Lei Hsini Control 64% — Indra 21 Ly, 1421 strength
Dhang Tzela Control 32% *32.4%Thor 19 Ly, 4753 strength
Mapon Control 28% *28.2%Cocijo 18 Ly, 6719 strength

Col 285 Sector MG-E b12-2 Alert 96% *97.1%Thor 20 Ly
HIP 9180 Matrix 66% *67%Leigong 14 Ly
Hyades Sector NN-S b4-3 Control 50% — Indra 19 Ly, 1227 strength
Hyades Sector JH-V c2-13 Control 48% — Indra 19 Ly, 1337 strength
Hyades Sector PI-S b4-3 Control 48% — Indra 20 Ly, 1146 strength
Col 285 Sector MG-E b12-0 Alert 32% — Thor 19 Ly

Somewhat along that line of thought, I get the feeling Frontier really wants people to go and do things at the spires with those impromptu balance changes made to all states(bar not being sure about invasions).

It helped at M. Thor, although really it is a quite slow means unless a Maelstrom is being collapsed, and it does not quite work everywhere—M. Raijin contains far too many punctures to get peripheral Alerts, and M. Indra is close to that. I think @Phill P is right about Frontier preferring that at least some systems become Control, adding that I presume we always were supposed to choose what to defend.

At the same time, I think Frontier does want us to deplete some Maelstroms, otherwise a percentage progress means would never have appeared. Storing payloads and sweeping M. Taranis all at once may have been unexpected, though! A likely intention was that we use the Spires, but not quite so calculated and end up with strong Alerts in the periphery making the recapture into several weeks more, possibly make mistakes and have to wait for Spires to be taken back again.
It helped at M. Thor, although really it is a quite slow means unless a Maelstrom is being collapsed, and it does not quite work everywhere—M. Raijin contains far too many punctures to get peripheral Alerts, and M. Indra is close to that. I think @Phill P is right about Frontier preferring that at least some systems become Control, adding that I presume we always were supposed to choose what to defend.
Very difficult for them to balance, too - if they make peripheral progress more effective than it is, then it can be used for multiple control sweeps each week and collapsing a Maelstrom would require quite a bit less coordination. But at its current effectiveness, it's not going to ease Alerts very much either.

A likely intention was that we use the Spires, but not quite so calculated and end up with strong Alerts in the periphery making the recapture into several weeks more, possibly make mistakes and have to wait for Spires to be taken back again.
For the big three of Indra, Raijin and Cocijo then calculations or not that'll probably be at least somewhat unavoidable. I'd be surprised if Thor or Oya went entirely smoothly either.

(Though it does also feel like it won't be necessary to take out all eight to make the point)
Victories in Col 285 Sectors SH-B b14-7, OR-B b14-4, MG-E b12-2 and MG-E b12-0, and HIPs 20397 and 22265!

It was a slightly slower day at HIP 9180, although the party continues and ought at least to reach the 85% delivery moment. Removing the Spire itself is very much a question of Commanders present; the progress was around a ninth yesterday, needs to be an eighth daily for a close finish from here, and ideally a seventh daily.

Peripheries at 07:30 5th December 3309:
Six systems with 78%Leigong 9–15 Ly, 1 matrix, 873–8151 strength
Five systems with 34%Thor 18–19 Ly, 1 inhabited, 1592–4492 strength

Holvandalla Alert 84% — Raijin 21 Ly, 86 Ls starport, 19 Ls outpost, 43 Ls planet

HIP 20024 Alert 40% *40.1%Thor 19 Ly, 1959 Ls outpost, 2572 Ls planet
HIP 11111 Alert 28% *29.4%Oya 24 Ly, 2567 Ls outpost, 2474 Ls planet

HIP 22524 Control 74% — Indra 20 Ly, 1190 strength
Lei Hsini Control 68% *68.8%Indra 21 Ly, 1230 strength

HIP 9180 Matrix 78% *78.6%Leigong 14 Ly
Hyades Sector NN-S b4-3 Control 54% — Indra 19 Ly, 1129 strength
Hyades Sector JH-V c2-13 Control 52% — Indra 19 Ly, 1234 strength
Hyades Sector PI-S b4-3 Control 52% — Indra 20 Ly, 1058 strength
Arietis Sector MM-V b2-1 Alert 22% *22.2%Indra 17 Ly
The SNPX ISS Nadira and SNPX Resolute have sold their sampels at the Rescue ship in Bertschinger. The two controll systems Arietis Sector XJ-R b4-0 and Arietis Sector YE-R b4-1 should be done with the next tick.
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