Thargoid invasion - Next target systems?

Yeah, it would be really awesome to have that kind of keyed info, whether the attacked port is a large starport, an outpost, or a planetary base.
In case of planetary, please also note whether it's landable in Horizons; it's even more frustrating when you fly to a system and then realize you can approach only with Oddysee.

As for Chinas, I think I'm done there. Have not seen a single other CMDR engaging in the fight there in 2 days. I've stuck around and fought as best I could several times, hoping for reinforcements to arrive. Then just now, while I was sweating blood taking on a Basi and a Clops alone (all NPC pilots somehow disengaged as soon as I engaged), finally one other player arrived... only to dock and block the pad, while I was in desperate need of repair. -.- He then left again without joining the fight.
Then later on when I finally managed to dock I got "spawncamped" by that basilisk, and then was absolutely unable to shake the aggro of even one of them, NPCs still didn't do squat, and I eventually had to flee. -.-

Bah, what a waste of time.
I imagine you will find that much of the Open activity is at the top system, and much of the activity pushing the next few systems is in Private Groups. Clearly the action is occurring, whether combat or evacuation, so if you see nobody then it is likely not in Open. All I can suggest is joining groups to expand your options!

Top targets at 00:15 7th January 3309:
HIP 22524 Invasion + 1 port – 60%
Nihal Invasion + 2 ports – 32%
Chinas Invasion + 1 port – 30%
Luggerates Invasion + 2 ports – 24%
HIP 7338 Invasion + 0 ports – 20%
HIP 20719 Invasion + 4 ports – 18%
Bit embarassing to ask, but does any of the current candidates have a ground installation under attack? 😄
Gt admit I'm not quite comfortable with the orbital outpost CZs yet, especially if they start out with a Basi and Clops. :p
Top candidate HIP 22524 Invasion + 1 port – 48% IIRC from yesterday, I moved on as plenty of CZ's there but only a planetary port available.

I like the opposite of you, Space AXCZ (Scouts - can't do Interceptors) until Limpets all gone, then dock at Attacked or Damaged Station/Outpost for Evac Wounded missions to rescue ships and R&R break as you cannot get more Limpets.
The Evac Wounded also give huge Mats and Rep rewards BTW - Critically Wounded are even better.

Also, when docking at Outpost/Station, when you are close enough the station defenses cover you enough to manually dock/land as ADC doesn't work on these.
All you have to do is run the gauntlet to/from SC/jump with Heatsinks/Decontam Limpets.
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Yeah you can tell, 22524 is so far progressed because it has one of those popular ground sites. 😄 I decided against moving there bc I expect the system to complete today.
Instead I moved to Chanyaya, which at least has a Coriolis under attack so restocking isn't such a pain as at an outpost. It's also the last week this system will have an open port, so if we want to save it it's now or never.
Slightly slower cycle thus far, looking to be around 7 systems. HIP 22524 (78%) is doing just fine, and is followed by a solid block of progress. New Alert activity sighted in Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-5, which is actually populated if you can believe it, and HIP 38235 joins the fight!

Chanyaya is on the unlikely side unless we get a good burst of activity over the weekend; it is 8th at the moment and projecting 828%, which previously has been too narrow a margin for Commanders to continue pushing it on Wednesday evening.

Top targets at 10:40 7th January 3309:
HIP 22524 Invasion + 1 port – 78%
Chinas Invasion + 1 port – 40%
Nihal Invasion + 2 ports – 40%
Luggerates Invasion + 2 ports – 34%
HIP 20719 Invasion + 4 ports – 26%
HIP 7338 Invasion + 0 ports – 26%
I'll do my best. ^^ Honestly I find it very unfortunate that so many CMDRs focus on systems that have over 3 weeks to go, neglecting others that would be perfectly defensible right now but effectively gone next week. But what can you do. ¯\(ツ)
I'll do my best. ^^ Honestly I find it very unfortunate that so many CMDRs focus on systems that have over 3 weeks to go, neglecting others that would be perfectly defensible right now but effectively gone next week. But what can you do. ¯\(ツ)
As one of the commanders that does that, I can give you my reasoning (can't speak for anyone else): I often ignore the ones that are going to immediately fall because their progress is low and they have no active ports. I could swear (but could be wrong) that a lot of those systems don't even have a station on fire to evac people from. If they don't have that, I'm not going to make much progress saving them. Also, if they don't have a station under attack, my AX fighting skills are not up to an AX CZ without NPC backup AND a place to put down for quick rearm/repairs.

Up until a week ago, all my efforts were on evacuating people. I'll still do that since it's fun, I gain faction rep and material rewards, and it really move the progress bar. Within the last week, I've actually started fighting the bugs - and making a lot of money on the side (though I really do it to enjoy killing the murder flowers). However, since the CZs never finish, is this actually helping? Do number of Thargoids killed move the needle? My guess is yes, but we don't know.

Also, I will prioritize systems that are near where I like to reside - so threatened systems near Arissa's controlled space is top priority for me.
I'll do my best. ^^ Honestly I find it very unfortunate that so many CMDRs focus on systems that have over 3 weeks to go, neglecting others that would be perfectly defensible right now but effectively gone next week. But what can you do. ¯\(ツ)
Systems in their final week have no AX CZs, no supply missions and usually only one station (damaged) to repair/rearm at. The more weeks a system has left, the more active stations it has and the wider range of activities can be done to save it.
Yeah, I fully agree that it's very difficult to succeed in the final week, because there are no open ports left by that time, which is what I meant by "effectively gone".
In the 2nd-to-last week you always have some port under attack (but still operational) so that's a good time to engage.

However I also agree that ground bases are easier to defend, so yeah, that is a valid reason to tackle a system earlier.
I created a new squadron named "Thargoid War Combat Squadron" shorted as "Twax".
The idea is, the people wants to play alongside with others in Ax combat, not waste their time waiting somebody appears to play together, so people interested, try to join and find people connected ready to combat together.

Don't know if it will be useful, or just a blank shot. But reading commanders with the same issues as me, perhaps works.

Hmm.. better will be to create a new thread for this.
I created a new squadron named "Thargoid War Combat Squadron" shorted as "Twax".
The idea is, the people wants to play alongside with others in Ax combat, not waste their time waiting somebody appears to play together, so people interested, try to join and find people connected ready to combat together.

Don't know if it will be useful, or just a blank shot. But reading commanders with the same issues as me, perhaps works.

Hmm.. better will be to create a new thread for this.
Good idea to put it in the open, yes, but also post here:

That's a permanent location for squads to be found.
Victory in HIP 22524! Background efforts on this Saturday are also surpassing expectation, such that it is looking more like 9 systems this cycle (including Chanyaya!), and I imagine we will see multiple victories tomorrow. We have more fresh Alert activity in Holvandalla and Jementi, and Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-5 has returned!

Top targets at 22:30 7th January 3309:
Nihal Invasion + 2 ports – 52%
Chinas Invasion + 1 port – 50%
Luggerates Invasion + 2 ports – 44%
HIP 7338 Invasion + 0 ports – 40%
HIP 20719 Invasion + 4 ports – 34%
Patollu Invasion + 2 ports – 20%

I created a new squadron named "Thargoid War Combat Squadron" shorted as "Twax".
The idea is, the people wants to play alongside with others in Ax combat, not waste their time waiting somebody appears to play together, so people interested, try to join and find people connected ready to combat together.

I love the initiative! To present a link, said Thargoid War Combat Squadron thread is over in the Squadrons section.
The next systems are progressing as an upper-band in which almost certainly all five will finish, and a lower-band from which only up to three are likely, assuming that surplus efforts relocate to help. We have new Alert activity in HIP 20492, and more covert eviction occurring in the empty Controlled system Trianguli Sector EQ-Y b4.

Patollu is ahead in the lower-band, though we have Chanyaya, Namayu and Yemaki all at very similar stages, and unless we want an unlikely late-Wednesday effort to secure them all it would be best to postpone one of them now. As noted above, including Chanyaya would be a great choice insofar as it has a Starport attack this cycle, and of course it will have no more active ports next cycle.

Top targets at 09:45 8th January 3309:
Nihal Invasion + 2 ports – 66%
Chinas Invasion + 1 port – 62%
Luggerates Invasion + 2 ports – 56%
HIP 20719 Invasion + 4 ports – 50%
HIP 7338 Invasion + 0 ports – 46%
Patollu Invasion + 2 ports – 26%
Yemaki Invasion + 3 ports – 22%
Chanyaya Invasion + 1 port – 20%
Namayu Invasion + 3 ports – 20%
We have a massive horizontal chunk of progress across the top systems, some even so far as to switch positions in the list. Nihal (86%) should be finished this evening, and the systems projection pulled ahead even against my attempt to account for it. Nine systems project 1045% and ten project 1090%, so maintaining that rate should give a reliable ten. Eleventh is HIP 11111 with 1127%, which would be a fun system name to be number 11, but unfortunately that looks much too close to push for it.

Top targets at 23:00 8th January 3309:
Nihal Invasion + 2 ports – 86%
Luggerates Invasion + 2 ports – 76%
Chinas Invasion + 1 port – 72%
HIP 20719 Invasion + 4 ports – 70%
HIP 7338 Invasion + 0 ports – 66%
Patollu Invasion + 2 ports – 34%
Yemaki Invasion + 3 ports – 30%
Namayu Invasion + 3 ports – 26%
Chanyaya Invasion + 1 port – 24%
People, please focus on top part of the list. It would be a shame to see progress lost... I'm at Chinas.
There's nearly 3 full days left. The top five will be easily completed before then. After that... if people had sense they would go after the systems that had the least amount of time left rather than the ones with 3+ weeks that will only spend one week in recovery.
There's nearly 3 full days left. The top five will be easily completed before then. After that... if people had sense they would go after the systems that had the least amount of time left rather than the ones with 3+ weeks that will only spend one week in recovery.
Can the list be complemented with this info/new list be created with this info? There is sense to what you say... ;)

BTW, I really thought Chinas would be finished during the weekend, but the % dragged like a snail. Well, much slower than snail, naturally. :D
BTW, I really thought Chinas would be finished during the weekend, but the % dragged like a snail. Well, much slower than snail, naturally. :D
Chinas progress so far:
Day 1: 30%
Day 2: 52%
Day 3: 74%
Seems fairly consistent? Looks like supply missions might have dropped off a bit after the first day but still pretty steady progress, currently at 82% and should complete either today or early tomorrow.
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