Thargoid invasion - Next target systems?

You can check a system’s progress status on the in-game info panel as well(barring some delay in the server registering the completion and displaying it as such). is also an option, and it’s generally fairly up to date thanks to journal imports.
Yeah I’ve been looking at page 1 and picking my targets from the info there, big thanks for taking the time and effort co-ordinating and informing with the daily updates it’s saved me no end of time being able to instantly pick out viable targets.
+1 to Its been pretty accurate since I was turned on to it. I run the EDMC to keep it fed, too. At least I think that feeds it even if indirectly.
Thanks I moved over to holvandalla on Thursday and spent the weekend rescuing there, funnily enough back to exactly the same rescue ship even thought it’s a separate maelstrom
Rescue ships are based on the power the controlling faction of any given station is allied with - Fed, Imp, Alliance or Indy. The majority of the warzone is in Indy space so it's Haritanis more often than not.
Rescue ships are based on the power the controlling faction of any given station is allied with - Fed, Imp, Alliance or Indy. The majority of the warzone is in Indy space so it's Haritanis more often than not.
Aaaaaah every day is a skool day, explains why I was jumping there when there was another rescue ship much closer on my run
Aaaaaah every day is a skool day, explains why I was jumping there when there was another rescue ship much closer on my run
That's why, yes. There are also a few systems with different controlling factions at different ports, so it's possible to go to different rescue ships depending on the port you're collecting from.

For example, HIP 19757. One of the ports goes to the Fed ship in Gera which is an extra 70ly from there. You may have to modify your rescue build with a fuel scoop/small fuel tanks as necessary.

Have you noticed the strange sounds the Thargoid sensor makes when it’s near the Titan remains? Has anyone analyzed that?

Does it do anything different when near a live Titan?
Barely a day after having commented about the strength measurement accuracy—

Watching INTRA show us the progress broadcasts afterwards, I am feeling much better about some of the strength junction changes which seemed a bit awkward earlier; generally we store very few extra cargo over the estimate, and ours showed 100.2% and 100.1%. Others stored a bit more, but I can see 100.4%, 100.7%, 100.8%—it is worth ever so much to see just a bit of testing and theory time translate to saving so much time everywhere else!

Strengths have almost certainly just been changed again, this time with a slight reduction again, feeling very much as with last year. Since Monday afternoon-to-evening, delivered payloads have been overshooting by several percent!

The later-delivered Warnones shows 104.1% despite that strength prediction arising from the same lines as the others earlier the week. Our attack-pruning at Bi Dhorora shows 104.8%, our completion amount at Yan Zangata sent it to 105.5%, and Col 285 Sectors TS-Z b14-0 and TS-Z b14-5 ended at 108.1% and 102.3%. From that we may be able to start forming an updated empty Control line around 20 Ly, but suffice to say that more full strength checks are needed, perhaps also for Alerts.

In particular, the M. Oya systems planned for next week really need strengths checks today, before they become peripheral tomorrow!
Was discord pinged this evening and asked to forward updates to the forums so, rough copy of the table for general tracking - easier to edit and things can't move around as much, where the sheet has been reformatted a few times now.

Oya final systems status - last carrier data from 04-04, 04:51UTC
System100%15%Held (Sum)Value ( % of 15%)Sys. War ProgressCarrier 1LocationHeld C1NoteCarrier 2LocationHeld C2Note
Baiabozo9552714,3302,47417.26%0%[XSF] BAIABOZO SAMPLESCephei Sector CV-Y b12,474 / 15,000BuyingN/AN/A0N/A
Cephei Sector AF-A c119609914,4159,67267.10%0%[TRGE] TCG BafraCephei Sector WO-A b49,672 / 15,000BuyingN/AN/A0N/A
Inara129,94119,49217,16788.07%0%[XSF] Ruff Landing-- Full --10,351- Full -[GOM] COFFEE BREAKCephei Sector CV-Y b16,816 / 10,000Buying
Cephei Sector XO-A b1143,40221,51116,03174.52%0%[IEA] HalcyonCephei Sector CV-Y b14,791 / 12,000Buying[XSF] FIC OutpostCephei Sector WO-A b411,240 / 12,000Buying
Eoto16040024,06024,919103.57%0%[XSF] Noah-- Full --11,702- Full -[XSF] Albatross-- Full --13,217- Full -
Cephei Sector XO-A b216040024,0602,85511.87%0%[XSF] GuardianAICephei Sector WO-A b42,841 / 12,500Buying[XSF] Killer's SabreCephei Sector WO-A b414 / 12,500Buying
Cephei Sector XO-A b3SpireSpireSpireSpire0%SpireSpireSpireSpireSpireSpireSpireSpire

-- will limit it to this post, and try to keep this up to date as and when I catch changes on the google sheet version - apologies for not just linking the thing directly, but the link has edit perms enabled so the carrier owners can update things on the fly, and a rando 'ctrl-a, delete' checking me taught me about sharing those to public forums.

I added the total capacity per carrier as the 500k per sample means we're stuck with a refresh-as-needed, maximum buy order at any one time of 4,000 samples - limits mixups if people see the buy order filled and the owner was asleep etc. so couldn't do anything at the time.
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That looks very nice! Many strong systems are most of the way, and the deceptively low holds proportionally are actually the softer systems to complete, very much within a known capable amount while a Spire site is also being encouraged to close down.

Given the strength magnitudes involved, I have some modest results for the 5–10 Ly Control segments:

Empty systemDistancePriorPayloadPosteriorMinimumMaximum
Col 285 Sector IG-O c6-88.716005 Ly0850.00151955921.155994.7
Col 285 Sector IG-O c6-155.631247 Ly0840.000590142132.0142614.6
Populated systemDistancePriorPayloadPosteriorMinimumMaximum
Gluschen8.135150 Ly0730.00075097203.797463.3
Leunii6.099196 Ly0940.000681137829.9138235.3

This region seems unchanged in both cases, that the M. Oya clearance ought to be quite fine! Outer strengths are still suspected of having reduced, but that is something we can establish less frantically next week, now that my worries about publishing mistaken strengths are resting for the moment.
Is it time for the bombers yet or keep picking on other thargoid titan territories a bit more?
While Oya certainly can on those numbers be reduced a few more Controls, it's probably worth attacking it now even if it doesn't work just to get some more toughness data.

The data from the last three weeks suggests a negligible difference between 17 and 33 control systems, and the rest of the data still isn't incompatible with the difficulty changing at steps according to the text description rather than the exact control count mattering, so seeing what happens at 7 would certainly be valuable.
Is it time for the bombers yet or keep picking on other thargoid titan territories a bit more?

It is very much bombing-time from tomorrow! We know already that seven Control systems means a Titan is very much vulnerable, longer Supercruise permitting, and that Commanders could actually destroy it next week. With several weeks before any new Alert appears, the strategic reasoning here is that a victory condition has been reached as far as clearance is concerned.

Of course, many Commanders are choosing additional clearance, and this is quite fine—it delays things a bit, but I did say just now that there is time aplenty for both, and doing so will also delay the next Alert by one more week. Gathering payloads, besieging the Spire and assaulting the Titan are all correct options!
The clearance effort will be valuable for the event that High resistance is (significantly) slower than the pace Taranis went at.

Significantly in brackets since there’ll be some effort thrown toward the spire as well, and there’s inevitably some attrition between the individual Titan assaults as well. (Even if there’s shinies to offset some of it.) So it might not be immediately obvious if the slower pace is actually down to increased difficulty or not, but I would struggle to see Oya moving at two hearts per day at 7 controls(assuming no additional effect is applied by the active spire) while Leigong at Very High/10 controls barely got 50% knocked off one heart within a week.
It is very much bombing-time from tomorrow! We know already that seven Control systems means a Titan is very much vulnerable, longer Supercruise permitting, and that Commanders could actually destroy it next week. With several weeks before any new Alert appears, the strategic reasoning here is that a victory condition has been reached as far as clearance is concerned.

Of course, many Commanders are choosing additional clearance, and this is quite fine—it delays things a bit, but I did say just now that there is time aplenty for both, and doing so will also delay the next Alert by one more week. Gathering payloads, besieging the Spire and assaulting the Titan are all correct options!
Alrighty, I'll pass on the word to my peops.
The clearance effort will be valuable for the event that High resistance is (significantly) slower than the pace Taranis went at.

Mind that the clearance effort also contributes to slower pace!

As I understand it, all evidence thus far shows that every Titan measures the same total credits and there have been no changes to the relation between Control systems and resistance. T. Taranis lost just over four rings in under two days with the same Control systems T. Oya will have, so the majority of an observable Titan rate difference surely will be due to choices to clear systems instead, or choices not to do either any more.

At present it is quite fine either way, and it is well that Commanders will be able to do as they will as opposed to do as they must. If we discover that a remaining Spire site prevents victory then I would support only clearance, and if disaster strikes with system strengths or deliveries then I would support only Titan assault just to neutralise the region.

I think the total effort just to complete one week of peripheral progress will be more than would be needed just to destroy the Titan; this is not wrong strategically if Commanders have goals such as wanting to recover those systems or to see how well a zero-Control Titan fares, although it becomes an objectively wrong fallacy logically if the resulting slower progress is used to justify the cause of the slower progress.
Gathering payloads, besieging the Spire and assaulting the Titan are all correct options!
Excuse my ignorance, I don't know about "Gathering Payloads", I have spent most of my time shooting bugs and a brief respite doing something else would be nice.

What is it?
What do I do to help?

Thank you
The data from the last three weeks suggests a negligible difference between 17 and 33 control systems, and the rest of the data still isn't incompatible with the difficulty changing at steps according to the text description rather than the exact control count mattering, so seeing what happens at 7 would certainly be valuable.
I don't think this is true, unless we're assuming a change in rules. Leigong at 14 and Oya at 40 were both Extremely High, but that week Leigong was paying out 80% more
Excuse my ignorance, I don't know about "Gathering Payloads", I have spent most of my time shooting bugs and a brief respite doing something else would be nice.
What is it?

No problem at all! I use the term payload to refer to a cache of Research samples stored in a Fleet carrier hold, awaiting delivery to a Rescue megaship at the opportune moment. Research samples have a uniquely strong effect upon the system from which they were obtained.

In this case, to complete the very strongest systems which are very close to a Titan, we are combining this with the percentage progress granted by Spire sites. This applies to the outermost ten systems that week, known as the periphery gaining peripheral progress, and it works up to 85%. Thus, the payloads here are intended to complete that remaining 15%. For a good idea of how it works, take a look at the Carrier payloads over last week and this week, all of which are now delivered!

For the upcoming week which begins tomorrow, there is one more clearance drive which is still completing Research payloads. It has a main thread, and just earlier you can see a compact update here.

What do I do to help?

Very concisely:
  • Use Research limpets upon Thargoid Scouts.
  • Deliver the (corrosive) cargo to the correct Fleet carrier.
For a much better overview see Sampling Efficiently, and consider forming a wing, which hastens things a lot in various ways. Descriptions are also available in that M. Oya thread, and I am very sure the squadrons involved there will be happy to help if you contact them!
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