Thargoid invasion - Next target systems?

Just woke up and caught the edit,
Appears they've been added to the google sheet I had up as a mirror of Aleks' info so folk my side could type in their sample numbers directly.
quick screencap for any not using discord
-- replaced w/ updated screenshot 3310-04-01 @ 15:30UTC

Will try to keep track of their effort as things move forward.

-- From further looking into it, worth noting the buy orders will be deliberately Below total per carrier to allow their target price offered, so, will just do best to keep comms open & relay as/when i get updates.
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With the 40% peripheral progress thus far at an excellent one-fifth per day and a bit more harvesting remaining this week 70, I would be very surprised if week 71 also has much attention already! Indeed we have been harvesting quietly in Cephei Sector WO-A b3, after which V tells me 5397 were stored.

I have added to the list the fact that Carriers are open for week 71, although for the moment I would not worry too much about their specific totals while there are still a few different outcomes and options. For one example of many, if we discover that the Titan would take a little over a week then it may be as well just to destroy it and consider leaving behind some mostly-complete peripheral progress in the second week, insofar as a full Final Ten attack would divert more time than it saves and I am quite sure many would prefer to attack the Titan. It would be quite interesting to leave Cephei Sector XO-A b3 at something narrowly less than 85%, just to discover if Spire progress still works after the Titan is stopped!

In that context, the listed Carriers become more for clean-up without any strong time constraint, free to deliver partially at any times and be withdrawn if needed. Along with systems from M. Taranis and M. Leigong, that could justify a separate clean-up list of Carriers without much need to follow the specific totals more often than weekly or so, if at all.

If many turn out to be committed to a full week 71 periphery and Final Ten payloads, I could try to understand the collaboration system here for keeping a list updated!
Are the options
  • Attack Oya. Will take many weeks at current resistance. Potentially improving from Thursday
  • Attack Thargoid Spires. Best financial reward and impact on 10 systems to 85%. I saw a lot of unannounced shutdowns
  • Outer 10 Controls. Progress under 85% will reduce Spire activity so best to wait for that threshold before contributing
  • Inner Controls. Huge amount of effort required, unlikely any would complete before Thursday
  • Store research samples for Outer 10 Control systems. Believe this has been completed
  • Store research samples for Inner Controls as per AXI above
I like the idea of focusing on Oya but can understand appeal of Alerts/Invasions elsewhere as different gameplay

One thing I'm not clear on. Are Cephei Sector XO-A b3 and Lyncis Sector WU-P b5-0 (edit:Spire locations) comparable in terms of progressing outer systems. If not is it worth leaving the latter incomplete to make progress against the next 10 systems easier
At present in week 70, the only sensible option is to complete the peripheral progress at the Spires, for which you can use either Lyncis Sector WU-P b5-0 or Cephei Sector XO-A b3. The latter will show no progress because only peripheral progress can stop a Spire site, but it all counts towards the peripheral systems!

In week 71:
  • We will have to discover, but strategically I suspect attacking the Titan would be appropriate. With the same number of Control systems, T. Taranis lost over four rings in under two days—that makes for a one-week victory if nothing has changed.
  • Even if Titan strength has been increased in response to T. Taranis, it may still be as well to attack the Titan for a two-week victory, and perhaps thank SNPX for their long-lasting defence by returning to the Spire and leave behind good peripheral progress.
  • If enough Commanders demand fewer systems than seven, they really need the support of everyone to do perhaps one of the following:
    • More Spire siege in week 71, 85% peripheral progress and perhaps payloads for the easier three systems, perhaps leaving four Control including the Spire. Destroy the Titan in week 72, and also top-up the peripheral progress to 85% and finish the Spire system to 100%, leaving behind three strong but mostly-complete systems.
    • No Spire siege in week 71, but get as many Commanders as possible to prepare all of those strong payloads ready for week 72, then full Spire and clear to zero Control.
Mind that it could transpire differently though—the Spire progress is so strong this week 70 that there may be ample time to prepare more of the very strong payloads than expected, increasing the value of a Spire siege in week 71 with a zero Control goal by week 72.
Update+note for SNPX, someone sold 94 to me for HIP 15415
It's all good though, someone else has started selling for WO-A b3 :D

Targets list updated with dark theme, a few fixes, and can now just show remaining controls.
The point is to see strengths of stuff remaining at Taranis and Leigong, sort of also works for a periphery but really needs to warn about alerts/invasions getting in the way.


Also anyone know how often CAPI updates carrier cargo? :D
Looks like it CAN actually get data on demand, just chooses to cache it for a bit, so the INTRA cache might as well use the same TTL.
We have just completed our Cephei Sector WO-A b3 payload, and along with HIP 21165 those Carriers are retreating to reserve a quite nice parking spot when delivery time comes. A bit more gathered from HIP 15415, taken to Cephei Sector ZZ-Y b3 and sold to [SNPX] Oya Island will complete the inventory for this week!

Very well done on the Spire front; the M. Oya peripheral progress is still on course for a fifth daily, which is very much ahead of schedule!
HIP 20056 just went into control

arrived at Boole installation and it’s still under attack so the thargs haven’t got the message they’ve been defeated yet 😁

managed 2 more runs but just landed for a 3rd and no missions available, though flight control message is still asking for evacuation flights looks like system control has caught up with reality
Your original system, HIP 18857, Leberech Temple is still a challenge, but if you check it right now, it's showing nearly done. Had to do the lawn today but managed a single run this morning, managed to get out of there with a full load of passengers and a few escape pods. Point defense modules were busy as heck. Going in for more this evening.
All systems this week now reading 85% and above. By the time folk are awake/have carrier jumped, we should be good to unload, will get invicta shifting.

In the meantime, some more has been gathered ahead of time for next week, with more carriers being arranged over time -- but with it having its own thread, not sure if i should textwall it in here too, especially given mechan has the more up to date info. hm. ah well.
First time messing with a shared spreadsheet, been interesting to observe/have to add notes to things.
All systems this week now reading 85% and above. By the time folk are awake/have carrier jumped, we should be good to unload, will get invicta shifting.

In the meantime, some more has been gathered ahead of time for next week, with more carriers being arranged over time -- but with it having its own thread, not sure if i should textwall it in here too, especially given mechan has the more up to date info. hm. ah well.
First time messing with a shared spreadsheet, been interesting to observe/have to add notes to things.
No need to textwall it. None of my ships are configured for going into that sort of activity but the best thing to do is simply link to his thread:

I love the way players coordinate this kind of stuff.
Sorry, in the end i'd fallen asleep again before breakfast/unloading. 'textwall' just as in pasting the tables for numbers, not the broader call to arms - either way, will leave it and worry about moving samples while i've got a few hours* free
-- Delivery completed around 15:50UTC, and i remembered the previous post linked to in the list so, updated the pic there... carriers now arranged for all systems I believe -- ones for the outer pair have storage space to cover the full ~15k each. Just a matter of how the sampling side goes and if the buy orders are kept on top of now, i suppose.
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Thank you all!

Watching INTRA show us the progress broadcasts afterwards, I am feeling much better about some of the strength junction changes which seemed a bit awkward earlier; generally we store very few extra cargo over the estimate, and ours showed 100.2% and 100.1%. Others stored a bit more, but I can see 100.4%, 100.7%, 100.8%—it is worth ever so much to see just a bit of testing and theory time translate to saving so much time everywhere else!

The peripheral progress is also well on its way to completion for one more system, and the hope is that no amount of disaster or of Frontier changing system strengths will be able to stop T. Oya exploding, one way or another!
Couldn’t get on today but is that holvandalla successfully defended? Managed almost 60 rescue runs over the bank holiday weekend so many it started to feel like I was on auto pilot at times.
Your original system, HIP 18857, Leberech Temple is still a challenge, but if you check it right now, it's showing nearly done. Had to do the lawn today but managed a single run this morning, managed to get out of there with a full load of passengers and a few escape pods. Point defense modules were busy as heck. Going in for more this evening.
Thanks I moved over to holvandalla on Thursday and spent the weekend rescuing there, funnily enough back to exactly the same rescue ship even thought it’s a separate maelstrom
Right then will look for a new focus for the rest of this cycle, thanks saved me 15 minutes jumping out to a control message
You can check a system’s progress status on the in-game info panel as well(barring some delay in the server registering the completion and displaying it as such). is also an option, and it’s generally fairly up to date thanks to journal imports.
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