Thargoid invasion - Next target systems?

Do we really have enough information to say it's down to a low turnout? From what I saw there were plenty of CMDR's whenever I was there, with more people knowing what they were doing and also less likely to break the instance than with Leigong (although yes, a lot of broken instances nontheless)

Do we have any way to measure number of CMDRs, number of attacks/missiles, or are there assumptions that High Oya = High Leigong and so on
It's a very unreliable proxy, especially for this sort of thing, but EDDN-recorded jumps into the Titan system give a rough idea. We're looking at similar amounts of effort as were put into Leigong at 10 or 14 Controls, probably - rather than the much larger numbers showing up for Leigong at 3, or Taranis at 6 or 7. It's certainly true that Oya at 7 is tougher than Taranis at 7 was ... harder to say how it compares with Leigong.

(Still, progress is for now slow enough that it's unlikely that a Leigong-3 level of attack, if anyone had a way to encourage it, would be enough to deal with it in a week either)
A bit of graphically "ALL IN ONE" here.

might help the visual.
If people continue to push AF-A C9, just like what has been mentioned here in the forum a thousand times. The spire will be vulnerable. If that's met, then the black box will be our new 10.
Commander actions cannot be held that way—Muchihiks is already complete, and Chernobo has already been targeted!

I would like to argue that it might actually be very easy to ask people to stop all actions around those 10 systems.
Most of the CMDRs sampling are united in squadrons because a lonely commander will not start sampling because:
  • The work is boring
  • It does not bring in lots of money

In the VANS discord I saw a call going out to go full in on these systems and if we just ask those big groups to stop most of the actions will probably stop.
I was one of the CMDRs doing a lot of the sampling for the outer 20 systems because this was asked for. If I had known everything I know now, I would have taken a step back and would not have gone full in yesterday (Around 1500 samples last night).

I would like to argue that putting the information I just learned on the DCOH website including a good explanation on why we need to do this will help a long way towards getting everyone in the right direction.
  • I see Emulated Penguin doing sampling to clear alerts and he uses DCOH website to see where to go.
  • I see SNPX doing sampling in a group around HIP 10778 and they are probably selling directly to the rescue ship because this system is now at 16% instead of 14%.

CMDR Prins Hugo [VANS]
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I would like to argue that it might actually be very easy to ask people to stop all actions around those 10 systems.
Most of the CMDRs sampling are united in squadrons because a lonely commander will not start sampling because:
  • The work is boring
  • It does not bring in lots of money

In the VANS discord I saw a call going out to go full in on these systems and if we just ask those big groups to stop most of the actions will probably stop.
I was one of the CMDRs doing a lot of the sampling for the outer 20 systems because this was asked for. If I had known everything I know now, I would have taken a step back and would not have gone full in yesterday.

CMDR Prins Hugo [VANS]
I fear it'd be a shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted situ.

From discord comms inquiring about the system earlier, AF-A c9, now the highest progress system far as the spire=vulnerable stage had ~4,400 further samples gathered for it before Noon server-time, on top of the 44% complete it was sitting at at the time, now up to 74%.

In english, there was an estimated 60, 70% worth on top of the progress so far just sat waiting to be delivered.

Asking folk to leave hours of hard work sitting like that would be... Cruel, and mixed odds of reaching enough people to discourage someone else from finishing the last 25, 26% when it's right there and largely done.
Carriers are already in position and samples are already being collected for the next three systems towards resolving the situation, fourth en-route..

Either extreme we're ok given a bit of hard work, as long as we don't fall into the messy middle-ground of too many systems secured to leave the spire, too few secured to hit the ones Past it.
Indeed one can not rely necessarily on this part:
Most of the CMDRs sampling are united in squadrons

This is very true—but there are also entire squadrons acting independently! Some of those are not even within the English-fluent space to be able to coordinate so quickly; I receive the occasional request from Commanders wanting to translate the information at the top of this thread and post it elsewhere for entire squadrons who do not understand English. When I consider that Elite is available in at least five languages, I think it quite the blessing that squadrons such as SNPX go out of their way to coordinate in English at all.

Carriers are already in position and samples are already being collected for the next three systems towards resolving the situation

INIV is doing a spot of testing for one of V's new toys for us, probably which will end up completing Col 285 Sector RM-B b14-1, then I will jump us over to the HIP 10778 and Cephei Sector AV-Y b3 pair!
If I’m to say anything - I’d say just go and commit as best as possible now, looking at the effort that’s gone into clearing up the alerts already.

It’s certainly the better/only real alternative right now. Assuming no more “surprise Orthrus” show up(or other tricks to put a stick into the gears) but having 10+ controls will hopefully prevent that.
Indeed one can not rely necessarily on this part:

This is very true—but there are also entire squadrons acting independently! Some of those are not even within the English-fluent space to be able to coordinate so quickly; I receive the occasional request from Commanders wanting to translate the information at the top of this thread and post it elsewhere for entire squadrons who do not understand English. When I consider that Elite is available in at least five languages, I think it quite the blessing that squadrons such as SNPX go out of their way to coordinate in English at all.

INIV is doing a spot of testing for one of V's new toys for us, probably which will end up completing Col 285 Sector RM-B b14-1, then I will jump us over to the HIP 10778 and Cephei Sector AV-Y b3 pair!
oh this certainly is an issue for as at TCIA as well.
As SNPX we are German, and while our leadership is fluent in english and we are the ones that are in all the discords and forums, we also have a lot of people that are not so fluent English or able to communicate in English at all (we have a lot of older Commanders that did not really learn English as my generation did)
The issue with that is, we can't always react to changes at a whim bcs there isn't always someone available to relay the orders so to speak.
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Wouldn't it be safer to assume, that they will show up? Or at least take in account such possibility. We still do not know the mechanic of these panic alerts.
Just a bit of light joking referring to the unpredictability of it (or what other possible reactions of the other Titans and Oya from here might be). It didn’t surprise me too much that Titans would actually respond to the loss of their control sphere in some way, after the initial ‘shock’ settled, instead of just taking it like Leigong did. (Though, admittedly, that one didn’t have much time to react in the first place.)

And I’m kinda thinking… or maybe hoping - dangerous, I know - that the response from the different Titans won’t all just be panic responses spreading alerts everywhere, but more unique to each one. And said panic alert spreading, in the case of Indra and Cocijo, could also be very difficult if not outright impossible to counter, unless their controls were very precisely managed with almost no margin of error. (Or that is my understanding based on how those two generally come out as ‘Hardest to clear’ in planning talks I read.)
The held total for Cephei Sector AV-Y b3 should have now a modest boost!

Unlike in 3309, it helped that we seem able all to leave and return to the same Orthrus signal without the Scouts freezing and refusing to appear. Eventually some Search and Rescue showed themselves, followed by system AX forces and destroyed all the Scouts, so that became a reasonable time to stop for today.
The held total for Cephei Sector AV-Y b3 should have now a modest boost!

Unlike in 3309, it helped that we seem able all to leave and return to the same Orthrus signal without the Scouts freezing and refusing to appear. Eventually some Search and Rescue showed themselves, followed by system AX forces and destroyed all the Scouts, so that became a reasonable time to stop for today.
Yea AX Forces really forced my anger today lol. We solve the problem by finding NHSS signals by using our researcher ships that never leave the instances (Probably you guys already know that but meh its my first time doing sampling in Alert systems..)
If people continue to push AF-A C9, just like what has been mentioned here in the forum a thousand times. The spire will be vulnerable. If that's met, then the black box will be our new 10.
Since I posted we were doing that system people had ample time to say no and I would have cancelled it. Instead 6 people liked the post. But even if we hadn't started there it wouldn't have made much difference, the Alerts were already getting cleared much faster than anyone expected so those pilots outside any organised groups, who don't keep tabs on things, were going to do it anyway. I told our lot to stop after this one.

When fdev threw those Oya Alerts out on Thargsday one of two things was going to happen. People were either going to say to hell with it and not bother, or go all out to clear them. It went the latter way.

I could already see by Friday morning that there were pilots out there working on the Alerts, we had no idea who they were, it wasn't us or SNPX, and many more systems had already been completed than I expected, more than Operation Kleenex would have managed in that time at its height. Pilots had clearly got on a roll because nobody thought they would be able to get that far that quickly, and by Friday morning they seemed encouraged by this and just kept going.

Sometimes you just have to accept there's a wider community outside the groups who are going to do what they are going to do, and we will just have to roll with it as we can. Either way unless there is now going to be a big push to clear the rest, we're done with Alerts this week. And with the blame.
The mechanic is some DM pushing a game button and something happens.
That is also possible, of course, we will see!
And I’m kinda thinking… or maybe hoping - dangerous, I know - that the response from the different Titans won’t all just be panic responses spreading alerts everywhere, but more unique to each one.
If it is an artificial one-time action, then it makes nothing but a bad look for FDevs, it's just rough, imo. Unless, indeed, different titans will give us different responses, that would be interesting. But I bet on the mechanic.
Anyway, any attempts to analyze possible causes will remain pure speculation until the event repeats at least once.
My only humble wish for now is that our strategists would not forget possibility of 30 alerts next week too, when choosing the next move.
And said panic alert spreading, in the case of Indra and Cocijo, could also be very difficult if not outright impossible to counter, unless their controls were very precisely managed with almost no margin of error. (Or that is my understanding based on how those two generally come out as ‘Hardest to clear’ in planning talks I read.)
When it's time for the next titans, we may already have new toys and more importantly, knowledge of how this panic alerts work.
For those working on alerts it might be worth choosing NHSS 5 instead of NHSS 4. NHSS 5 contains only Scouts and Anti-Xeno NPS are coming in - as in NHSS 4 - rather late.

Where you have only Inciters in NHSS 4 you can choose Marauders or better Beserkers in NHSS 5, as they have a smaller operation radius.

And - although we dont't get freezed scouts any more - the "buddy-sampling-equipment" like the T9 in a shielded version can be very usefull when working in groups of three or more pilots. We use one or two of them collecting 15 samples at a time. The ship is "underpowered" and the limpet controllers have the lowest priority. So when the research limpets are all back right under the cargo hatch you will have to deploy your weapons for a second and all limpets get destroyed where as the samples stay without any decay timer below the cargo hatch and can be collected by any pilot at any time.

Most of our commanders collect more samples than they can carry in anti-corrosive cargo racks. For those pilots it is a great help to just collect the rest of samples that are not covered by anti-corrosive cargo racks. Collecting is much faster than using the research limpets - and the time while the ship gets caustic damage can be reduced significally.
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