Thargoid invasion - Next target systems?

Since I posted we were doing that system people had ample time to say no and I would have cancelled it. Instead 6 people liked the post. But even if we hadn't started there it wouldn't have made much difference, the Alerts were already getting cleared much faster than anyone expected so those pilots outside any organised groups, who don't keep tabs on things, were going to do it anyway. I told our lot to stop after this one.

When fdev threw those Oya Alerts out on Thargsday one of two things was going to happen. People were either going to say to hell with it and not bother, or go all out to clear them. It went the latter way.

I could already see by Friday morning that there were pilots out there working on the Alerts, we had no idea who they were, it wasn't us or SNPX, and many more systems had already been completed than I expected, more than Operation Kleenex would have managed in that time at its height. Pilots had clearly got on a roll because nobody thought they would be able to get that far that quickly, and by Friday morning they seemed encouraged by this and just kept going.

Sometimes you just have to accept there's a wider community outside the groups who are going to do what they are going to do, and we will just have to roll with it as we can. Either way unless there is now going to be a big push to clear the rest, we're done with Alerts this week. And with the blame.
What ever direction this was meant to infer, I'll leave it at that.
My point was to show visually, the thought processes that Aleks was listing out, not calling out the hardworking community or the casual players attributing precious time to this joyful game. If it was met with a different connotation due to personal relationships, I cant help that there and apologize in advance.

Every player group and single players are doing a fine job in doing what they can to attribute progression towards eliminating the Thargoid threat. Everybody is knocking things out of the park. Players even came up with a test for "Orthrus kills providing system multiplier", which concluded in the negative success, but at least it was thought of and attempted! The "Great Oya Sampling" community goal has netted 92,889 samples making the 3/4 completion mark for the Top 7 systems (current controls) as I write this.
Amazing feat so far, everybody is participating in their own way.

In the screen shot I posted earlier, the Magenta box around the system names just references the outer of systems that are not at 100% progress completion. That goal post moves towards the titan daily as systems progress 100%. Its important to note what can happen if X and what can happen in Y. Its the groups comments on strategy that further the courses of action presented and actioned on. If feelings get in the way, then we're in the wrong business. I've seen everybody get upset in this thread. We all spend a lot of time fighting FDEV, not the Thargoids ;)

Aleks continues to nail solid multiple courses of action that the community could take. Albeit, not everybody can agree on them uniformly, the logic is there. As each day of the cycle progresses, plans change. We have to be able to react and ensure people have not wasted their time.
Wouldn't it be safer to assume, that they will show up? Or at least take in account such possibility. We still do not know the mechanic of these panic alerts.
At this stage that basically means assuming "anything at all could happen" because the panic alert broke so many formerly-solid rules about when and how the Thargoids could move, that our entire ability to predict how they might respond (at least, at any time it matters how they might respond; we can be reasonably confident in practice that their behaviour when arguing over some strategically meaningless systems at 25 LY won't change much) is gone.

Repeating the panic alert weekly would be sufficient to make any Titan invicible permanently. Even doing it every two weeks would mean that there's probably only one more chance to take down Oya before it's too late.

Sometimes you just have to accept there's a wider community outside the groups who are going to do what they are going to do, and we will just have to roll with it as we can.
Especially in a circumstance like this where Galnet has said "clear the Alerts" specifically.

That might actually be more dangerous to planning on some of the tougher maelstroms than things like the panic alert itself.
Definitely the general trajectory pointed towards exceeding 24; I think we were always going to need 27 if we want Eoto exposed at the same time as the final Spire site, acting so soon was absolutely correct, and any completion such as Cephei Sector AF-A c21 helps immensely!

Do we know how much more are needed at the three Carriers? From the system list above it I think we have Chernobo at 56% needing 4120, Cephei Sector AV-Y b3 at 26% needing 5829 and HIP 10778 at 20% needing 10983, obviously with committed progress still rising and presumably undelivered amounts present in the holds.
I can’t help but think this was a bit of a master stroke by the devs, I’m late to this party but from what I’ve seen from this thread a large part of the community has become extremely well organised in fighting the thargoids. As a result tactics for repelling the assaults have progressed rapidly and effectively, the dominoes were falling and if I’m honest maybe a sense of ‘complacency’ was setting in.
We thought we had it figured out, the formula was sound and the tactics were locked in but Thursdays ‘curve ball’ by the devs has blown everything out of the water, the result though has been phenomenal by the players, some toys have been thrown out of the pram yeah but by in large the response has been a resounding success.
look at it in terms of WW2 and the second German Ardennes offensive (or battle of the bulge) no one saw it coming or thought it possible but instead of buckling the line has held, forces have been repositioned and the pushback has begun. It would be nice to think this was the thargoids adapting tactics forcing us to do the same, a last throw of the dice at Oya that will have to be factored into our future plans with the rest of the titans.

what it’s told us is
there are plenty of surprises still to come
our capabilities are greater than what we believed
this game is still the best of its genre by a country light year
Do we know how much more are needed at the three Carriers? From the system list above it I think we have Chernobo at 56% needing 4120, Cephei Sector AV-Y b3 at 26% needing 5829 and HIP 10778 at 20% needing 10983, obviously with committed progress still rising and presumably undelivered amounts present in the holds.
Latest rough data I'd have would be from the shared spreedsheet Medi0cr3 linked earlier, the carrier owners editing to update as and when they get chance, been working on AV-Y b3 a little this morning myself.


-- will check how the buy order looks on the Langley while i'm between runs.
(9:40 servertime edit) ...Mystery may be solved, will get in touch.

After travel though, the carrier is reading as having 3 demand in the buy order, that was originally set at 7600 last i heard.. ok, doubly checking in now.
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Between evacuations (working on it) and Orthrus hunting at Chernobo it shouldn't take long to repel the attack, seen quite a few cmdrs on it in open.
Is that Oya's last populated alert system?
Between evacuations (working on it) and Orthrus hunting at Chernobo it shouldn't take long to repel the attack, seen quite a few cmdrs on it in open.
Is that Oya's last populated alert system?
From the list we've got yes, no more inhabited alerts after that - After this there'll only be 3 Ex-populated control systems far as once-inhabited options, Baiabozo, Eoto and Inara.
I'll move my Orthrus hunt to HIP 10778 and Cephei Sector AV-Y b3 rather than eat into any remaining evacuations. Good to have more than 1 alert for Orthrus as can jump between the two to increase NHSS-4's likelihood. Getting a fair amount anyway
I'll move my Orthrus hunt to HIP 10778 and Cephei Sector AV-Y b3 rather than eat into any remaining evacuations. Good to have more than 1 alert for Orthrus as can jump between the two to increase NHSS-4's likelihood. Getting a fair amount anyway

You were one of the cmdrs I spotted out there, good hunting! o7
Spreadsheet link is added to week 71, and that means Cephei Sector AV-Y b3 must be near or at completion—as a suggestion, that payload could be delivered just to reveal any remainder to the Orthrus-hunters. Either way, the next INIV drive should move to HIP 10778!
I don't suppose there is any chance the spire could affect Oya if we get down to 9 systems or below (assume unlikely as each week new alerts appear)
I don't suppose there is any chance the spire could affect Oya if we get down to 9 systems or below (assume unlikely as each week new alerts appear)
It's possible since it's never been tried before, and Oya can only place new Alerts next week by the same method it used this week or a similarly anomalous one, so if KX-U c2-16 was also recaptured it might be possible to test it.

I wouldn't expect it to work, though.
I built myself a Thargoid Tissue Sampler . . . . after doing the Size 4 CRCR run etc.
I have collected Thargoid Samples at Lyncis Sector KX-U C2-16.

My question . . . where do I take them?
1. Anywhere (port)
2. Support mega ship
3. Carrier

There is no Carrier in system.

Thank you 07
The ultimate destination will be any rescue ship. Closest are likely to be at one of Gera or Triteia

CMDR's are arranging carriers for specific destinations, usually announced in this thread. Leads to economies of scale or storing for later weeks

Edit: If no other carriers are accepting for this system and you don't wish to visit a rescue ship (in case the system is not cleared this week), you can sell them to Blaggerd Packrat at Cephei Sector CV-Y b1 HIP 17213 - I've just set up a partial order in case you're stuck
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I have collected Thargoid Samples at Lyncis Sector KX-U C2-16.
My question . . . where do I take them?

The direct answer for immediate progress this week is to sell them at one of the eleven Rescue megaships—however, I am unsure whether Commanders will want to go so far as taking Lyncis Sector KX-U C2-16 this week. If we leave it until next week, that delivery this week will not count for anything.

Instead, the best destination for Research samples obtained from Lyncis Sector KX-U C2-16 this week actually is to store them at a Fleet carrier, for delivery next week after the Spire progress reaches 85%. I know of no Carrier assigned to it at present, although if you have a Carrier of your own, you could store them!

Additional: Obtaining Research samples from HIP 10778, taking them to Cnephtha and selling them at Fleet carrier [TCIA] Dawn of Sari probably is the best action at present!
Repeating the panic alert weekly would be sufficient to make any Titan invicible permanently. Even doing it every two weeks would mean that there's probably only one more chance to take down Oya before it's too late.
I don't know all the numbers and how you calculate all that, but when looking on the current progress, i am wondering - is it really so impossible to clean up a couple more controls and reduce Oya's resistance just enough to be able kill it next week, instead of waiting what next thursday bring us?
I don't know all the numbers and how you calculate all that, but when looking on the current progress, i am wondering - is it really so impossible to clean up a couple more controls and reduce Oya's resistance just enough to be able kill it next week, instead of waiting what next thursday bring us?

The reason is that a couple more Controls now reaches into some very, very strong systems! That would be Baiabozo and Cephei Sector AF-A c11, which would require 95527 and 96099 respectively. Unless you plan to deliver around three times more in a single week than has ever been delivered in a single week, the percentage Spire progress is needed for those!

The difference is due to the distance to the Titan; for comparison, many of those Alerts needed fewer than 500, and the few most difficult remaining need around 10000 each. The strongest Control system ever cleared without Spire help was Montioch, which was just below 30000 at the time, now 30200—around 20000 was delivered by INIV, and the remaining one-third was due to a large number of other Imperial squadrons fighting there. The maximum strength is 160000, applying to any system with 5 Ly of a Titan, including Eoto at M. Oya.
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