the announced new ships

They all look great, but I hope all the new ships in 2018 won't be all combat ships.

Agree with that up to point. However I would argue that the Conda's use as an exploration vessel due to it's huge jump range is an example of what you can do with outfitting rather than using it for it's most obvious use (i.e. loading up with hardpoints, bunging in maxed out modules etc)

It could be that a stripped out type 10 might have a great jump range, great view and all the module space to become the new default exploration ship.... who know till we get it....
That picture of a red Thargoid ship is intriguing. I have been a very strong supporter of the non-hostile Thargoid pact for a long time. I refuse to open fire on one, but I don't let my political views get in the way of doing my bit to help out. I have a search and rescue vessel and have been very successful in helping players by offering repairs, shield regen, and fuel. Solo I have never been fired on by a Thargoid after countless encounters, and I have PLENTY of arguments that support the theory that they're not inherently hostile that I won't get into here. It's not the place. I strongly believe that hostilities were not their initial intentions, and that not every Thargoid is the same as the rest.

The point I am heading towards is that I was THIS close -- to changing my mind. They've scanned us enough times, pulled us from hyperspace enough times, and we've had enough of our people taken. In small numbers I can forgive and even understand! But it had gone on long enough. That was until I saw that picture of a purely hostile Thargoid ship, and it restored the faith I had. I still don't believe all Thargoids are as bad as they're made out to be, I still think they have justifiable means, and I still think that there are some who have no desire to fight us.

To be fair, in the video, the new Thargoids jumped in and attacked ships which had just blown up another Thargoid ship. So could be considered a fair response. :)
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Agree with that up to point. However I would argue that the Conda's use as an exploration vessel due to it's huge jump range is an example of what you can do with outfitting rather than using it for it's most obvious use

Yeah but the Anaconda's specs are broken, we all know that! Frontier won't make a mistake like that again.


Im really loving the look of the type10...guessing thats what a multi engined T9 is and I just gotta have one. No idea what its intended use is but I dont really care what its purpose is...I want one.

Also like the chieftan design...reminds me of a dropship design that seems to appear in more than one movie, with subtle differences of course.
what i don´t really get, did nobody notice the SLF hatch on the Krait? To be able to take a SLF with it it musst be at least on par with the python in width and length from the dimensions we can see. The Krait, won´t be anything near what it was back in the days but a whole new ship. I can think of a (very) heavy fighter role who can bring his own support into battle.
what i don´t really get, did nobody notice the SLF hatch on the Krait? To be able to take a SLF with it it musst be at least on par with the python in width and length from the dimensions we can see. The Krait, won´t be anything near what it was back in the days but a whole new ship. I can think of a (very) heavy fighter role who can bring his own support into battle.


if it is a SLF the ship whould be quite OP, a combat origented ship with a fighter, whould be damn fun tho.
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Finally, some word on the Krait.
The Krait-wait will go on,
but i am looking forward to piloting one
of those oldtimers with fresh reinterpretation drive!
They all look good. Can't wait to see how they turn out.

The Chieftain in particular has a nice aesthetic to it. I might need to figure out a way to justify flying an Alliance ship :D
T10 defender.. I hope it will live up to its name.

My guess: noticably less cargo than a T9 (otherwise the T9 would be useless) but much more hardpoints and maybe even more fighter bays?
what i don´t really get, did nobody notice the SLF hatch on the Krait? To be able to take a SLF with it it musst be at least on par with the python in width and length from the dimensions we can see. The Krait, won´t be anything near what it was back in the days but a whole new ship. I can think of a (very) heavy fighter role who can bring his own support into battle.

if it is a SLF the ship whould be quite OP, a combat origented ship with a fighter, whould be damn fun tho.

On the Krait, is that a secondary cockpit to the right and a bit behind the main one?

Looking at the short video, it would indeed seem that the Krait has a SLF bay, and possibly 2 seats for multicrew (3 seats in total)
The seats can be seen in the first few secondes of the video

The center part of the cockpit would be for the commander, but you can clearly see what looks like 2 additional dashboards to the left and right, and as the ship rotates you get a glint of what could be a commander seat.

Also, the multi-canons on both sides appear to be the large multi-canon we currently have ingame.

So if all of that is not just a place holder, the Krait could be a big ship, on par with the Python if not slightly larger.

Edit : on the subject of the multi-canons, I could be mistaken. The "canon" part looks like a medium MC, but the rear looks kinda like a large or huge MC... Not sure what's going on, but it doesn't seem to be the standard multi-canons we have ingame right now.
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Looking at the short video, it would indeed seem that the Krait has a SLF bay, and possibly 2 seats for multicrew (3 seats in total)
The seats can be seen in the first few secondes of the video

The center part of the cockpit would be for the commander, but you can clearly see what looks like 2 additional dashboards to the left and right, and as the ship rotates you get a glint of what could be a commander seat.

Also, the multi-canons on both sides appear to be the large multi-canon we currently have ingame.

So if all of that is not just a place holder, the Krait could be a big ship, on par with the Python if not slightly larger.

Edit : on the subject of the multi-canons, I could be mistaken. The "canon" part looks like a medium MC, but the read looks kinda like a large or huge MC... Not sure what's going on, but it doesn't seem to be the standard multi-canons we have ingame right now.

Regarding the theory of having an SLF bay on the Krait:
I'd love to see that, as i enjoy piloting SLFs very much,
but i fail to see any other hatch on the model for cargo aquisition.
It is unclear what is on top though, so the Krait could have a cargo hatch there,
or maybe the bottom one is the cargo hatch and atop might sit an SLF catapult.

Most interesting to me is the estimated c2 hardpoints on it,
as they look non-retractable.
I'd welcome to see a c3 hardpoint in the smaller hatch in front
of the "bay" ;)

Looks good to me, although some way of vulture-esque.
looking at the screenshot of the Krait next to the cobra, suddenly thought: Everybody is assuming that they are to scale, but is that actually confirmed?
Why would you show a picture of the Cobra next to the Krait like that if it wasn't to provide the scale?

Agreed I think a lot of thought went into the content of that video.

Plus from what the Devs said after presentation was that these shown are just some of the ships...
I will be likely going for the Krait. Love the design, looks like it has a SLF and is multicrew enabled if I want to invite some psychos on to my bridge.
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