on route to the carrier to drop off Nicky-Nock in prep fro next weekend
Cry Havoc.........................
Cry Havoc.........................
That timing is what I had in mind yes. It’ll show any fines accrued on the way round (trespass, illegal cargo, collisions etc) and ignore any you might get during docking at Hennen.Question: you want a shot of the txn screen showing fines before docking at Hennen City. Does this imply that any fines I might collect while docking at Hennen City don't count?
I was thinking about the best time to do this and was leaning towards just before/after requesting docking permission.
I can’t remember where but you can turn that off.I've installed EDCopilot so I'm being nagged to buy limpets everywhere I go - I read Alec's recommendation on another thread so this is all his fault![]()