General / Off-Topic The Covid vaccine must be mandatory ?

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What's weird for me is that we saw a precursor to how this would play out in 2018/2019. The resurgance of measles due to idiotic anti-vaxxers resulted in schools having to ban children who were not vaccinated to protect others. And quite rightly so.

I hope there are similar repurcussions for adults who refuse to take the covid vaccine.
You are going to put yourself at risk just to spite people for being demonstrably right ?. That's a somewhat daft attitude even when there isn't a pandemic going on.
I don’t obligatorily put myself at risk, and people aren’t obligatorily right.

Be logical with yourself. The vaccine is not compulsory, it is not a coincidence. :)

What's weird for me is that we saw a precursor to how this would play out in 2018/2019. The resurgance of measles due to idiotic anti-vaxxers resulted in schools having to ban children who were not vaccinated to protect others. And quite rightly so.

I hope there are similar repurcussions for adults who refuse to take the covid vaccine.
Indeed, the leaders of the European Union have taken the decision to create the green certificate of Covid status for transport.

This green certificate could indeed be extended to the country level in other areas.

The advantage is that you don't need to be vaccinated, if you are negative or immune to antibodies you are ok. A smart solution here.

actually, the cc has simply admitted the appeal of unconstitutionality of parts of the local law, made by the central government, thus the articles in question are now temporarily suspended while they deliberate on the matter. the principal point of contention is that this should be a state wide law and not a local norm, and negotiation between both governments is still on the table. which means: it's just a political show.

the situation is more or less like this: the central government is absolutely inoperant in anything relating to the pandemic, and while most autonomous communities are trying their best to manage, and some very hard, the central government just throws every stick they can into their wheels simply to get into the spotlight. except madrid which has gone completely rogue, voids all distancing measures, blatantly fakes their appalling death stats and openly defies the central government, but since it is the capital and the home of the far right deep state (we're talking real power here) the "socialist" central government can't do squat about it. but they can take it out on galicia, and of course if anything goes wrong it's catalonia's fault! 🤷‍♂️ 😅
Interesting. I read that the dicussion would last for 5 months.

then again, like i already told you, next time you need to undergo surgery for whatever reason i suggest you refuse to get anesthesia, the probability of that killing you is orders of magnitude greater than getting clots from az.
It's not the same thing at all. If you have to undergo surgery with anesthesia, you are faced with a situation that leaves you with no choice. You are placed in front of the fatality.

This is not at all the case with the Covid depending on your personal situation.

In the current case of the virus on 8,800,000,000 inhabitants (I concede you 900 million vaccinated, but it's rather recent), on the planet, there have been 143 million infections, of which 121 million have been cured and 3 million have died.

Moreover if you look at the majority of cases (contaminations / deaths) the majority is in countries (India, USA, Brazil) where millions of morons participate in gatherings without masks and barrier gestures. And gather by the thousand on the beaches and in bars and restaurants and big stores. And also many others irresponsibles behaviors.

Finally, the majority of the seriously ill are overweight / obese people or very old people with commorbidities and who live in medium to large cities.

All of these characteristics are not representative of the world's population. What is confirmed by the low number of contaminations and deaths. And which also explains that vaccination is not compulsory in the majority of countries.

If we had 50 - 100 million dead, the situation would not be the same. But 3 million is a cat pee compared to the 8 million deaths each year caused by pollution resulting from the irresponsible activities of people.

Strangely these 8 million people each year die in total indifference.

It would be necessary to create a vaccine against the stupidity of the people which destroys the environment, the fauna and the flora. Here is a much more serious problem than the Covid.

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More than 2,000 deaths from Covid in 24 hours in India, a record.

295,000 new cases have been identified in the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 15.6 million infections. The country has more 182,000 dead since the start of the pandemic.

Why I am not surprised ? :unsure:

Inde 1.jpg


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What's weird for me is that we saw a precursor to how this would play out in 2018/2019. The resurgance of measles due to idiotic anti-vaxxers resulted in schools having to ban children who were not vaccinated to protect others. And quite rightly so.

I hope there are similar repurcussions for adults who refuse to take the covid vaccine.
It'll happen via business and social pressure anyway.

The cost and inconvenience of a PCR test v vaccine passport and the unvaccinated being shunned on a business, international and personal level.

I think that's why governments don't feel the need to force it.
It'll happen via business and social pressure anyway.

The cost and inconvenience of a PCR test v vaccine passport and the unvaccinated being shunned on a business, international and personal level.

I think that's why governments don't feel the need to force it.
It's wrong.

The commercial pressure is acting in the opposite direction, we see it with the green certificate of the European Union (and also UK :) ) to prevent tourist countries from falling into bankruptcy, but in addition the pandemic will not last forever and all this will be quickly forgotten.

More than 2,000 deaths from Covid in 24 hours in India, a record.

295,000 new cases have been identified in the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 15.6 million infections. The country has more 182,000 dead since the start of the pandemic.

Why I am not surprised ? :unsure:

Because you're a conspiracy loon and a bit racist?
It's wrong.

As with the stats you not liking it doesn't make it wrong.

The commercial pressure is acting in the opposite direction, we see it with the green certificate of the European Union (and also UK :) ) to prevent tourist countries from falling into bankruptcy, but in addition the pandemic will not last forever and all this will be quickly forgotten.


The cost of verifiable PCR testing each way is more than just typing your vaccine passport number in. As is the cost in time and money of a week in a quarantine hotel on your return. Go somewhere vaccines are prevalent via travel methods where vaccines are prevalent and you save time and money at less risk. Not a difficult decision really.
It's not the same thing at all. If you have to undergo surgery with anesthesia, you are faced with a situation that leaves you with no choice.
indeed, it's about the context.

but you have a choice, anesthesia isn't strictly necessary. every surgery has a risk, and we are buying an extra ticket for the death lotto on top of that just to avoid the pain. i'll have one too, please! i don't like pain either but that makes it a good example in my mind. it actually highlights that the resistance against az is purely psychological, and we are fine with even worse options depending on the context.

In the current case of the virus on 8,800,000,000 inhabitants ...
you're going into a lot of statistics just to explain that it isn't about raw statistics.
The same reason it's ill advised to expose one's self to most other communicable diseases, even if one is vaccinated. One layer of protection does not negate the utility of others.

Of course, you know this, and your question was specious.
I was ironic about the variants and uncertainties of current vaccines :)

Even UK put India on red list despite the massive British vaccination.

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