I guess everybody got their hopes up for finding something mystical, Like a rift in spacetime or something.
However, what's done is done. Let's use what energy we have to flaming FD down and use it to figure out the next clue, shall we?

We can start with Phaethon's Reach and the Path of Souls, and how it connects with the Eridanus Constellation

Just did a quick Google search on the word reach. Can be defined as a destination; to have reached somewhere. When phaethon was struck down by Zeus his body floated down the Eridanus River which was also called the Path of Souls. The River ended in Achernar (Achenar in game) and was lined by his 7 mourning sisters, the Heliades; poplar tree nymphs.

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Ill add to that. People deserve a punchline. After so long a time. There is no reason to exclude that and not be able to continue on with the story.

Well take some solace in the fact you and the other rifters have kept me glued to this thread for quite some time. I hope there are serious in-game repercussions to the revelation, if it all just splutters out I too will be disappointed and my immersion will be ruined.
I never paid much attention to Signatures, but I'll treat CoR and Rifter bearers with considerable respect from now on.

So... The Megaship was found on the far side of the Rift, and has been found to need a 35-40 (or more?) lightyear range to reach it. Which begs the question, how did Rebecca ever get there? Wasn't she in a Cobra MkIII, pre engineers...even with an a-rated fsd and fully lightened, it wouldn't have made it :/

Yeah not in a direct route but you could take the bridge or go way up the arm and come back down
Ok, ok ... If you aren't afraid of the 'black helicopter' coming to take you I would be very pleased to be enlightened ! Please tell me !

Off the top of my head, there's:
- words&phrases hidden in audio from around the site (or there was in the pre 2.2.03 version of the first site anyway)
- what's been referred to as 'barcodes' in the audio from the obelisks
- the meanings of the glyphs (by which I mean the triangular displays on the obelisks, the ones on the relic, and the ones on the base of the relic towers)
- what's inside the relics
- finding Melville's ship
- finding the other Guardian bubble
- finding the Guardian homeworld
- mapping the extent of the known Guardian bubble (this could be of particular importance as it could well extend into Col 70 beyond the system the UPs reference)
- what were the purposes of the different types of site?
- what happened to the Exiles?
- who/what were the foes/adversaries? and what became of them?

We've also not seen any official use of Guardian technology yet - that'll probably come along at some point too though is probably a game update and/or mission/CG related rather than something players can work on directly as it stands.

It's not all for everyone admittedly - can't imagine everyone playing the game wants to try to decipher a created language for example - but nevertheless there's a lot of stuff there. The Ram Tah mission and the Ancient Data collection CG before that are effectively the parts of it for the wider community. There'll be more of the same type I'd imagine and in the meantime the other bits are there for those who like that kind of stuff and that will all tick along in the background.

(with apologies to all for the OT!)
I did it!

took me 1 lvl1, 1 lvl2 and 2 lvl3 injects. but i made it across that gap. Plus jumpnig normal to get even close to the next star. Very careful planning needed here. I have a 47.4 Ly connie and this was way above her head.

But now the plotter works again. I can reach it this evening i guess. I am fairly new here but this was the most craziest stunt i pulled that far. :)
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IMHO a single ship in a single system very much meets the definition of POI.

Remember the stuff about "You might have seen part of it and not recognized it for what it is"? - pretty sure I'd recognize part of a megaship.

The reason I got interested in the Rift in the first place was because it WASN"T time-constrained - we weren't being fed content in order to meet a FDev schedule.
Consequently, I'm disappointed on two levels:
That the 'mystery' was exactly what we were told it wasn't
That a solution was forced upon us in order to allow FDev to introduce more content

Ah, I see. I think the Zurara is just the visible evidence that TOW found (just updated in 2.3 from a derelcit Annie to a megaship) & the "hidden tapestry" that Drew spoke of is the plot behind the Dynasty expedition & all the related aspects-"research labs" with disappeared personnel, "subjects" running amok on military convoys into the bubble, etc. The details of all that I hope to hear on 29th, should Salome get the chance.
Just been looking up the meaning of the name Zarura, and apparently, it means "necessary". Now, that screams to me that the originators of the mission felt the dynasty exedition to be needed for some reason. More and more evidence for an imminent threat to humanity?
Elite Pilots might be missed by the Pilots Federation, as there were not many at the time. Better make them appear crazy, so nobody believes their stories. -->This might be a hint, that the Pilots Federation (as a whole) is not a part of the conspiracy.

Except they apply the permit locks to various parts of the galaxy...
Fair enough...but that kinda of puts the brakes on her "take a line from Reorte and Riedquat...And just keep going" spiel doesn't it?

Thing is, we've all been looking at the specs for a STOCK Cobra, not an 'apocalypse engineering' version.
You think an Elite pilot hasn't got some contacts who can squeeze some extra LY out of a standard FSD?
Farseer and Martuk surely aren't the only people to ever modify an FSD and who knows if they're even that good at it?
That's my axe here...why are so many people saying "this is the end of the mysteryyyyyyy, I feel cheatedddddd" when really very little has been ended. Another step on a path to me...
Fair enough...but that kinda of puts the brakes on her "take a line from Reorte and Riedquat...And just keep going" spiel doesn't it?

It was always on the far side of the Rift. I've been confused to why so many were looking on the near side. The old lady flat out said, "You have to plot your way across." I don't know how it could have been any more clear.
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Fair enough...but that kinda of puts the brakes on her "take a line from Reorte and Riedquat...And just keep going" spiel doesn't it?

The line was showing you where to get to not how to get there. Thats why Drew said horizons and engineers may make it easier because previously going in a straight line might not have been possible or more than likely there was a very specific route to get there. (Cough beacons or waypoints that we missed)
Okey, I think now we have this clues for the next step:

-DB-IB Fi(0) T-1319 SUM(10,7,5,3)

-On the audios from the derelict ship you can see that this one found is clearly one of some ("I'll have to leave clues for
others to follow"./"That's where I'm going next"....). Follow the path of souls = dead crews.

-Also there is a reference for HexEdit (a drug?) on the audios. A quickly search on Google said it is a tool which you can... hacking Elite? really?, well, I think it could be a drug. I read people used it to increase their level. Maybe there is a relation between this and the clues on the video.

I downloaded an HexEditor (courtesy of Google XD), and I'm trying to find something related with the video clue inside the Elite's EXE file.

edit: a thought

maybe DB-IB Fi(0) T-1319 SUM(10,7,5,3) are coordinates?

-DB-IB=42-92 = -50
-Fi(0) T-1319=equation of a curve: X=Y-1319, on X=0, Y=-1319

-50/-1319/25 I don't know if this would help... but... maybe yes
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I did it!

took me 1 lvl1, 1 lvl2 and 2 lvl3 injects. but i made it across that gap. Plus jumpnig normal to get even close to the next star. Very careful planning needed here. I have a 47.4 Ly connie and this was way above her head.

But now the plotter works again. I can reach it this evening i guess. I am fairly new here but this was the most craziest stunt i pulled that far. :)
Have you worked out how you're going to get back ;)
The sad thing about all this is that it's limited to a very few players who were involved in the actual discovery. The rest of us just get to see a video, or maybe fly out there and see what was in the video.

I don't know how else it could have been, honestly, but all of this cool story content seems to be like that. Only a very few ever get a cool experience out of it. Most of the player base doesn't even know about it.

Ah well.

Congrats to those who figured it out, and were rewarded for it.

That is only true of the final location of the Zarura. Many of us have had a lot of pleasure in this and its preceding threads in the search for the FRift mystery and the various puzzles that have cropped up as part of that search as shown over the last 30 pages. For the last two years I've followed the mystery, and rather feel the end.

Edit: except Drew has said it's not the end, so ROC on!
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ITS NOT BEEN SOLVED YET! Drew said the mega-ship and what not with its audologs is just a bonus. its not been solved y et. only a big part.

Easy there tiger.

The FR is finished - I think we all realize that. We now have to go corewards. To find the rest of the story. For us OLD farts though... We have waited a very long time for "Mystery" in the Formidine. To have it "shunted" over is bad form for us. To have something "lovely now" but a lonely Anaconda a few weeks ago... is also bad form.

If you think of the extreme effort that it would take for a player to find any kind of clue - regardless of the recent clues we have been given...

Then absolutely not. The mechanics of the game and the sheer size prohibit these statements from Drew:

Anyone can find it - it depends on who goes looking -translation- Win the lottery lad - or you don't have a chance in hell.

"OTSEAFOTSEAF" leads us to "EAFOTS" Many Many commanders spent an awful amount of time mapping that sector. So much so, that it is nearly impossible to find a newly discovered system. Whereas in reality, Both Drew and FD realized that the clues were not working. They had to bait us with something. Im quite sure that if we break those down - eventually - we might end up with a destination that leads to what we eventually found. I myself mapped 3000+ systems.

I have nothing but respect (and jealously) for what they found. That's US. FD... I don't know.

I can only say we get the short end of the stick. Ill fly with you anytime.
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Then I need to search for jump boost for my ship because there was always said as one of the clues that 28ly jump range would be enough

So... The Megaship was found on the far side of the Rift, and has been found to need a 35-40 (or more?) lightyear range to reach it. Which begs the question, how did Rebecca ever get there? Wasn't she in a Cobra MkIII, pre engineers...even with an a-rated fsd and fully lightened, it wouldn't have made it :/
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