Looking for rogue planets in nebulae along the route to Beagle Point

Started the journey today towards Beagle Point with the Distant Worlds expedition. The quest is secret, and my fellow explorers does not know I'm using this journey as cover for this secret mission. Many members of covert groups are also on this trip, and it's imperative that they have no hint as to my motive for joining this expedition, as I'm sure they are using the journey for the exact same purpose. Think I'll keep a close eye on their whereabouts at all times, especially those with weapons. During the trip, I'll investigate all nebula within easy reach for signs of any rogue planets that might be Raxxla. The method for finding any rogue planet is secret, and will not even be disclosed in this journal.

Nebula nameCoordinatesDateRemarks
Coalsack430 : 9 : 28014 jan 3302
Ophiuchus Dark Region C-10 : 62 : 552015 jan 3302
Snake-10 : 68 : 60015 jan 3302
Rho Ophiuchi100 : 30 : 60015 jan 3302
Lupus Dark Region B180 : 77 : 43015 jan 3302
Spiral Planetary Nebula1,640 : -462 : 1,16015 jan 3302Wolf-Rayet KN Muscae (RMB, 1.27G, Va,Ca,Ruth)
Traikaae AA-A H2-960 : 897 : 4,58017 jan 3302
Flyiedgai AA-A H50-6,300 : -783 : 9,00020 jan 3302
ngc 6188 nebula22 jan 3302Searched by Archaicjinn
Eagle nebula25 jan 3302
Omega nebula25 jan 3302
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I'd be very interested to know if you find any! Looking through the forums I couldn't locate any evidence of any existing ones. The only thing that came close were dark systems, with only a black hole as an entry point and no stars. I'm still not counting those...

And good luck on your trip!
After some much further checking (Take a look at "Mutabilis" by Drew Wager in Google Books), it seems that if FD is going off of the original lore, Raxxla is a Rouge Planet that travels though witch space, stopping at predetermined points along the way (one of which is Lave). The entire cycle completes every "few decades." Raxxla was the hub that kept witchspace operational (The aliens that created Raxxla also created witchspace), but using it as a transit system damaged it over time, which seems to have led to the creation of the Frame-Shift Drive.

Anyway, according to the lore, the only way to find Raxxla was to look for witchspace anomalies (in the form of wormholes) or gravitational anomalies (in the form unusual planetary orbits) in normal systems. Using some basic math based on what direction the orbits are stretched in and how stretched they are, you can then get a rough estimate for the direction and distance that Raxxla is from the star.

Also the following quote may be helpful; It refers to Lave's moon, which was eventually found to be Raxxla before it entered witchspace again:
"Astrometrics failed to pick it up until it was very close in to system space [...] It still doesn't register properly on scanners even now half of the time - "

This implies that even an advanced discovery scanner might not pick up Raxxla unless you are very close to it. With this in mind I would say to check for strange planet orbits, and to then start repeating scans as you get closer to the point that the anomaly is at.

Keep this in mind, and may you find many new discoveries on your journey to Beagle Point, CMDR.
After some much further checking (Take a look at "Mutabilis" by Drew Wager in Google Books), it seems that if FD is going off of the original lore, Raxxla is a Rouge Planet that travels though witch space, stopping at predetermined points along the way (one of which is Lave). The entire cycle completes every "few decades." Raxxla was the hub that kept witchspace operational (The aliens that created Raxxla also created witchspace), but using it as a transit system damaged it over time, which seems to have led to the creation of the Frame-Shift Drive.

Anyway, according to the lore, the only way to find Raxxla was to look for witchspace anomalies (in the form of wormholes) or gravitational anomalies (in the form unusual planetary orbits) in normal systems. Using some basic math based on what direction the orbits are stretched in and how stretched they are, you can then get a rough estimate for the direction and distance that Raxxla is from the star.
Also the following quote may be helpful; It refers to Lave's moon, which was eventually found to be Raxxla before it entered witchspace again:
"Astrometrics failed to pick it up until it was very close in to system space [...] It still doesn't register properly on scanners even now half of the time - "

This implies that even an advanced discovery scanner might not pick up Raxxla unless you are very close to it. With this in mind I would say to check for strange planet orbits, and to then start repeating scans as you get closer to the point that the anomaly is at.

Keep this in mind, and may you find many new discoveries on your journey to Beagle Point, CMDR.

Right. So before we were looking for a needle in 400 billion haystacks, now the needle moves between the haystacks...Yeah, I know what I'm gonna be doing the next 100 billion years :)
Yay for impossible quests! :D

Anyway its more than likely that Frontier hasn't made it that impossible. Raxxla is only supposed to change places every few years, so it doesn't move too often. Also the whole looking for anomalies thing would make the search completely impossible unless the planet was inside inhabited space, so we can probably rule that out as well. Realistically, just looking for planets that don't orbit a host star should be sufficient to find it. Method below:

Rouge planets that are within systems can be found by looking for a large "X" where a sun would normally be in the system map before a string of planets. There is no proven method to finding Rouge planets that are not within a system.

I'll do some searching around where Lave's moon used to be, and see if I can find anything; Will report back here.
Some info on a very roguey system:

Theta Orionis C

it is very far off, off the orion cluster.
Yesterday "transaction errors" where reported when trying to enter the system.
(Bug or something hidden??)
After some much further checking (Take a look at "Mutabilis" by Drew Wager in Google Books), it seems that if FD is going off of the original lore, Raxxla is a Rouge Planet that travels though witch space, stopping at predetermined points along the way (one of which is Lave). The entire cycle completes every "few decades." Raxxla was the hub that kept witchspace operational (The aliens that created Raxxla also created witchspace), but using it as a transit system damaged it over time, which seems to have led to the creation of the Frame-Shift Drive.

Anyway, according to the lore, the only way to find Raxxla was to look for witchspace anomalies (in the form of wormholes) or gravitational anomalies (in the form unusual planetary orbits) in normal systems. Using some basic math based on what direction the orbits are stretched in and how stretched they are, you can then get a rough estimate for the direction and distance that Raxxla is from the star.

Also the following quote may be helpful; It refers to Lave's moon, which was eventually found to be Raxxla before it entered witchspace again:
"Astrometrics failed to pick it up until it was very close in to system space [...] It still doesn't register properly on scanners even now half of the time - "

This implies that even an advanced discovery scanner might not pick up Raxxla unless you are very close to it. With this in mind I would say to check for strange planet orbits, and to then start repeating scans as you get closer to the point that the anomaly is at.

Keep this in mind, and may you find many new discoveries on your journey to Beagle Point, CMDR.

Folks - my Oolite books are *NOT* canon. Read for fun, but they are very unlikely to have anything to do with Elite: Dangerous. Reclamation, however, is. Subtle hints are here again.


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Nothing to report from Eagle nebula or Omega nebula, other than a holy cow, this galaxy sure is pretty. Onwards to NGC 6357.
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"Oh my god, it's full of stars"

Approaching the core, it's become clear that visual inspection of the nebula's in densely star-populated space is impractical, there's just too...many...stars. Another approach is needed for this scenario. Must think...
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Approaching the core, it's become clear that visual inspection of the nebula's in densely star-populated space is impractical, there's just too...many...stars. Another approach is needed for this scenario. Must think...

Fascinating thread, CMDR. I'm an Elite lore noob, and this whole discussion of Raxxla is just flooring me! The possibilities have my head spinning. I'm subscribed (and following you to some extent; I'm not too far from the core myself).


Approaching the core, it's become clear that visual inspection of the nebula's in densely star-populated space is impractical, there's just too...many...stars. Another approach is needed for this scenario. Must think...

THIS! This is where you're going to find it...it's the perfect camouflage!
Lastest post form Drew Wagar on Raxxla.
drew said:
So. What about Elite: Dangerous?
There are two bits of information. One is public, the other I am revealing for the first time.

1. Michael Brookes said “There will be no clues.” – Inferring it does indeed exist.
2. I spoke to David Braben directly in 2014 and he confirmed to me that “It’s out there and we (FD) know where it is.” – So it does exist.
Start searching folks. Perhaps someone will be worthy of membership of the Dark Wheel after all this time. The legends are true.
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