SOL: 10477373803GalMap Seachbar (ID*2^20 + 0)
0Wregoe AC-D d12-0SolStar
1Wregoe AC-D d12-1048576MercuryPlanet
2Wregoe AC-D d12-2097152VenusPlanet
3Wregoe AC-D d12-3145728EarthPlanet
4Wregoe AC-D d12-4194304MoonPlanet
5Wregoe AC-D d12-5242880MarsPlanet
6Wregoe AC-D d12-6291456Asteroid BeltSol Belt "nonBoby"
7Wregoe AC-D d12-7340032JupiterPlanet
8Wregoe AC-D d12-8388608Jupiter Halo RingJupiter Ring "nonBoby"
9Wregoe AC-D d12-9437184IoMoon
10Wregoe AC-D d12-10485760EuropaMoon
11Wregoe AC-D d12-11534336GanymedeMoon
12Wregoe AC-D d12-12582912CallistoMoon
13Wregoe AC-D d12-13631488SaturnPlanet
14Wregoe AC-D d12-14680064D RingSaturn Ring "nonBoby"
15Wregoe AC-D d12-15728640EnceladusMoon
16Wregoe AC-D d12-16777216TethysMoon
17Wregoe AC-D d12-17825792DioneMoon
18Wregoe AC-D d12-18874368RheaMoon
19Wregoe AC-D d12-19922944TitanMoon
20Wregoe AC-D d12-20971520IapetusMoon
21Wregoe AC-D d12-22020096Halle's Cometnot in Game "nonBoby" may not even counted in nonBodyCount
22Wregoe AC-D d12-23068672UranusPlanet
23Wregoe AC-D d12-24117248ZetaCC RingUranus Ring "nonBoby"
24Wregoe AC-D d12-25165824ArielMoon
25Wregoe AC-D d12-26214400UmbrielMoon
26Wregoe AC-D d12-27262976TitaniaMoon
27Wregoe AC-D d12-28311552OberonMoon
28Wregoe AC-D d12-29360128NeptuneMoon
29Wregoe AC-D d12-30408704Galle RingNeptunes Ring "nonBody"
30Wregoe AC-D d12-31457280TritonMoon
31Wregoe AC-D d12-32505856Sol 9+10BaryCenter Pluto & Charon "nonBoby"
32Wregoe AC-D d12-33554432PlutoDraft
33Wregoe AC-D d12-34603008CharonDraft
34Wregoe AC-D d12-3565158490482 OrcusDraft
35Wregoe AC-D d12-36700160VanthDraft
36Wregoe AC-D d12-37748736(307261) 2002 MS4Draft
37Wregoe AC-D d12-38797312SalaciaDraft
38Wregoe AC-D d12-39845888ActaeaDraft
39Wregoe AC-D d12-40894464HaumeaDraft
40Wregoe AC-D d12-41943040Hi'iakaDraft
41Wregoe AC-D d12-42991616QuaoarDraft
42Wregoe AC-D d12-44040192MakemakeDraft
43Wregoe AC-D d12-45088768(225088) 2007 OR10Draft
44Wregoe AC-D d12-46137344ErisDraft
45Wregoe AC-D d12-47185920SednaDraft
46Wregoe AC-D d12-48234496PersephoneDraft
47Wregoe AC-D d12-49283072"Daedalus"Station "nonBoby"
48Wregoe AC-D d12-50331648"Burnell Station"Station "nonBoby"
49Wregoe AC-D d12-51380224"Abraham Lincoln"Station "nonBoby"
50Wregoe AC-D d12-52428800"Li Qing Jao"Station "nonBoby"
51Wregoe AC-D d12-53477376"M.Gorbachev"Station "nonBoby"
52Wregoe AC-D d12-54525952"Galileo"Station "nonBoby"
53Wregoe AC-D d12-55574528"Mars High"Station "nonBoby"
54Wregoe AC-D d12-56623104"Columbus"Station "nonBoby"
55Wregoe AC-D d12-57671680"Titan City"Station "nonBoby"
56Wregoe AC-D d12-58720256GameCrashfrom here the game will Crash when trying to target.
SOL: 10477373803GalMap Seachbar (ID*2^20 + 0)
0Wregoe AC-D d12-0SolStar
1Wregoe AC-D d12-1048576MercuryPlanet
2Wregoe AC-D d12-2097152VenusPlanet
3Wregoe AC-D d12-3145728EarthPlanet
4Wregoe AC-D d12-4194304MoonPlanet
5Wregoe AC-D d12-5242880MarsPlanet
6Wregoe AC-D d12-6291456Asteroid BeltSol Belt "nonBoby"
7Wregoe AC-D d12-7340032JupiterPlanet
8Wregoe AC-D d12-8388608Jupiter Halo RingJupiter Ring "nonBoby"
9Wregoe AC-D d12-9437184IoMoon
10Wregoe AC-D d12-10485760EuropaMoon
11Wregoe AC-D d12-11534336GanymedeMoon
12Wregoe AC-D d12-12582912CallistoMoon
13Wregoe AC-D d12-13631488SaturnPlanet
14Wregoe AC-D d12-14680064D RingSaturn Ring "nonBoby"
15Wregoe AC-D d12-15728640EnceladusMoon
16Wregoe AC-D d12-16777216TethysMoon
17Wregoe AC-D d12-17825792DioneMoon
18Wregoe AC-D d12-18874368RheaMoon
19Wregoe AC-D d12-19922944TitanMoon
20Wregoe AC-D d12-20971520IapetusMoon
21Wregoe AC-D d12-22020096Halle's Cometnot in Game "nonBoby" may not even counted in nonBodyCount
22Wregoe AC-D d12-23068672UranusPlanet
23Wregoe AC-D d12-24117248ZetaCC RingUranus Ring "nonBoby"
24Wregoe AC-D d12-25165824ArielMoon
25Wregoe AC-D d12-26214400UmbrielMoon
26Wregoe AC-D d12-27262976TitaniaMoon
27Wregoe AC-D d12-28311552OberonMoon
28Wregoe AC-D d12-29360128NeptuneMoon
29Wregoe AC-D d12-30408704Galle RingNeptunes Ring "nonBody"
30Wregoe AC-D d12-31457280TritonMoon
31Wregoe AC-D d12-32505856Sol 9+10BaryCenter Pluto & Charon "nonBoby"
32Wregoe AC-D d12-33554432PlutoDraft
33Wregoe AC-D d12-34603008CharonDraft
34Wregoe AC-D d12-3565158490482 OrcusDraft
35Wregoe AC-D d12-36700160VanthDraft
36Wregoe AC-D d12-37748736(307261) 2002 MS4Draft
37Wregoe AC-D d12-38797312SalaciaDraft
38Wregoe AC-D d12-39845888ActaeaDraft
39Wregoe AC-D d12-40894464HaumeaDraft
40Wregoe AC-D d12-41943040Hi'iakaDraft
41Wregoe AC-D d12-42991616QuaoarDraft
42Wregoe AC-D d12-44040192MakemakeDraft
43Wregoe AC-D d12-45088768(225088) 2007 OR10Draft
44Wregoe AC-D d12-46137344ErisDraft
45Wregoe AC-D d12-47185920SednaDraft
46Wregoe AC-D d12-48234496PersephoneDraft
47Wregoe AC-D d12-49283072"Daedalus"Station "nonBoby"
48Wregoe AC-D d12-50331648"Burnell Station"Station "nonBoby"
49Wregoe AC-D d12-51380224"Abraham Lincoln"Station "nonBoby"
50Wregoe AC-D d12-52428800"Li Qing Jao"Station "nonBoby"
51Wregoe AC-D d12-53477376"M.Gorbachev"Station "nonBoby"
52Wregoe AC-D d12-54525952"Galileo"Station "nonBoby"
53Wregoe AC-D d12-55574528"Mars High"Station "nonBoby"
54Wregoe AC-D d12-56623104"Columbus"Station "nonBoby"
55Wregoe AC-D d12-57671680"Titan City"Station "nonBoby"
56Wregoe AC-D d12-58720256GameCrashfrom here the game will Crash when trying to target.
How do you calculate the searchbar string, from the system ID number?
Thanks for this, I was using a different method to target these by figuring out the ids and editing the misc.conf, which required relogging and jumping out of the system.

How do you calculate the searchbar string, from the system ID number?
I think it's the number of the body you want + the N2 number + 2 to the power of the length of the N2 bits in the id64 (which depends on the mass code), but I haven't tested it in too many systems. It feels non-trivial to explain and I think if I tried I'd just end up with something that reaches the solution in a roundabout way and is confusing.
So i tried this but i can't overflow the buffer:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>                                       // I need this to use the pow() function (power)
#include <string.h>                                      // i need this to convert number into string
#include <inttypes.h>                                   // uint64_t is defined here

int main()
    char buffer[8];                                             // 8 Bytes = 8*8bits = 64 bits

    uint64_t ID_Base = 10477373803;                             // Sol system adresse
    uint64_t ID_Overflow;

    ID_Overflow = ID_Base*pow(2,20);                            // Sol_adress*(2^20)

    sprintf(buffer, "%I64u", ID_Overflow);                      // Translate Number into string
    printf("ID_Base=%I64u\t, ID_Overflow=%I64u \t, buffer=%s\t\n", ID_Base, ID_Overflow, buffer);   // display results

    return 0;

Output result:
ID_Base=10477371448     , ID_Overflow=3617855278842786103       , buffer=10986322712854528

Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.005 s
Press any key to continue.

What am i missing :unsure: ?
Don't worry, Your code "works" as intended.
However, your compiler or OS probably does not.
With gcc on Linux (and %lu instead of %I64u) I get:

ID_Base=                                                      1887439211    , ID_Overflow=                                                      2528116736     , buffer=                                                      2528116736   
*** stack smashing detected ***: terminated
Don't worry, Your code "works" as intended.
However, your compiler or OS probably does not.
With gcc on Linux (and %lu instead of %I64u) I get:

ID_Base=                                                      1887439211    , ID_Overflow=                                                      2528116736     , buffer=                                                      2528116736  
*** stack smashing detected ***: terminated
I'm on Win10 Home 64 bits 21H2
I remember that "int" type are tricky because they depend on x86/x64 architecture.
This is why i used the uint64_t to be sure i have a 64bits variable.

But i totally forgot that linux can have another behavior, so another number retreived.

Thx for you help (y)
The Id to overflow is the SystemID not the 64bitAddress.
To get the bits for the Body by adding something to the 64bitAddress you would need to add BodyID* 2^54 (BodyID is always the 9 bit MSBs of 64bitAddress)

To get the SeachString
Thx a lot for your tool !

For those that have issues with the file when downloading it:
- #NAME? => the pb comes from the difference between your system lang and the file lang. You have to get the right name of "BITLSHIFT" in your lang (in french it's "BITDECALG"). Then replace all occurences of BITLSHIFT to the function used in your lang.

- When a cell has "##########" it just means the number is too long and the police (letters height) is too tall to be displayed. I modified it from 10 to 8 and its now displayed.
As I understand it I suspect the last half dozen or so posts may be close to the boundary of breaching the EULA clauses 3 c,d,e

Traditionally this thread has studiously avoided taking advantage of any exploits in the Quest for Raxxla.
@Macros Black : what do you think mate?
As I understand it I suspect the last half dozen or so posts may be close to the boundary of breaching the EULA clauses 3 c,d,e

Traditionally this thread has studiously avoided taking advantage of any exploits in the Quest for Raxxla.
@Macros Black : what do you think mate?
Logs are public so I see no problems in this.
As I understand it I suspect the last half dozen or so posts may be close to the boundary of breaching the EULA clauses 3 c,d,e
I think it's a case where it violates the spirit of the law but not the letter of it.

It's definitely a bug that should be fixed or implemented properly (and securely) as a feature so you could link a route to any station/body/or combat zone easily from out of game links.

It would be way different the same exact exploit mechanism was used to gain a gameplay advantage or to crash other peoples games.
FDevs way of player retention...

Lets limit player numbers per instance to a very low number...infact lets make it near impossible to instance in Open..uhuhuhuhu sounds great

Here Is a bug fix...uh huh created more bugs, Also add Thargoid bugs that arnt a threat anymore unless you choose them to be...

storyline? ah sure its going ahead fine... "Insert two hundred years later meme here"

Add a marksman/sniper rifle....ehh lets make it shoot really slow plasma balls

And uh we made Dinosaurs fun again out of the rest of the profits...huhuhuhu

Lets tell everyone Raxxla is, isnt, maybe, maybe not, cant reach, can reach, is some wierd bug we planted to show you Brabens face into the game to keep players playing...huhuhuhu

Sounds good boss you can go and not engage with the community anymore and lose your enthusiasm as you now have the money you wanted while crashing your fans hopes and excitement
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I'm not clear on how using the galnet searchbar is a bug or how it can be used to find bodies?

Maybe someone from fdev could clarify whether or not this is a bug.

If it's a bug/unintended behavior then I wouldn't use it.
The search bar is universal cartographic, and it is for finding systems. If you've visited the system before, you can then find bodies using the system map. If you haven't then you need to got to the system, honk it on discovery scanner to find how many bodies there are in the system, and, then, use the full spectrum scanner to find bodies. To find places of interest to explore on the bodies, use a detailed surface to map the body 100%. Sometimes you need to then enter orbital cruise around the body before the places of interest on the surface show up in your navigation pane.
The search bar is universal cartographic, and it is for finding systems. If you've visited the system before, you can then find bodies using the system map. If you haven't then you need to got to the system, honk it on discovery scanner to find how many bodies there are in the system, and, then, use the full spectrum scanner to find bodies. To find places of interest to explore on the bodies, use a detailed surface to map the body 100%. Sometimes you need to then enter orbital cruise around the body before the places of interest on the surface show up in your navigation pane.

Ha ha ha, good joke. You do of course realise that most of us on this thread have been playing for many years!??

The question is whether it is acceptable to make use of an exploit, via the system search dialog and system logfiles, and in particular to automate that exploitation as recent discussion has implied.

P.S. In any case I don’t think it’s going to find Raxxla. I’m pretty convinced that Raxxla is disguised as an ordinary object and won’t be revealed until you perform some specific action-e.g. enter a tunnel (“omphalos”?) in an installation

PPS and please excuse me if Im grumpy. Copawlot had a fit yesterday, then again at 01:00 last night and I had a disturbed night afterwards with him, so a lack of sleep and an increasing annoyance with dogsh.. everywhere. Just had to clean up the kitchen 🥺
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The question is whether it is acceptable to make use of an exploit, via the system search dialog and system logfiles, and in particular to automate that exploitation as recent discussion has implied.
There is no automation. Only a Spreadsheet were u still have to manualy enter a Number that you get from the public Logfile or from EDSM or any other Database. Also we manualy enter the result of a calculation that one can also do by hand in the Searchbar.
We can not get any Information for Systems one has not Viseted. In fact you need to be present in the system of interesset. even if you viseted the system befor, you would need to visit it again, and seach while u there.
There is no Software in use. We use a Spreadsheet.

Only claryvication we may need is if it is unintentional to be able to klick on "SetTarget". wich also does not happen automated and again u need to be present in that system.

P.S. In any case I don’t think it’s going to find Raxxla. I’m pretty convinced that Raxxla is disguised as an ordinary object and won’t be revealed until you perform some specific action-e.g. enter a tunnel (“omphalos”?) in an installation
I fully agree here. However, we can rule out things that are just not in the game but still made some looking in the wrong direction.
I don't think we can find RAXXLA with it, but we can rule out NONRAXXLAS.

Edit: to also be clear about the GalMap Search. It is not a bug to seach for bodys or station via GalMap. just try and search for Pluto or any Station
The Galaxy Map is designed to work like that. Only thing we do is convert between a number and the Name (Alias). The Number is public and the names are also public it was just a matter of brain to find out how they convert in to eachother.

Edit Edit:
Using the word overflow may had set of some alarm bells. But there is no overflow happening. There is a bug in Game were u can overflow the GalMapSearchbars buffer resulting in a number > 1.8446744e+19 wich would override the values stored next to the ID64 any causes a Memory Access Violation Error (GameCrash).
However only a few ppl on this planet would be able to find out what to write to exploit this.
We stay under 2^64-1 and so we do not overflow the ID64. The ID64 is always 64bit long but can seen a a composition of 9 values but this is also true for any StellarForge generated name WREGOE AC-D d12-0 is one value whit 9 sub values [WREGOE] is 39x, 32y, 18z [A] = 0*26^0 [C] = 2*26^1 ....
it is not an exploit to have figured out how a number is repessented.
Or do u thing knowing that 1*10^0 + 2*10^1 + 3*10^2 = one hundred twenty three?
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Fixed that for you
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>                                       // I need this to use the pow() function (power)
#include <string.h>                                      // i need this to convert number into string
#include <inttypes.h>                                   // uint64_t is defined here
#include <iostream>

int main()
    uint64_t ID_Base = 10477373803;                             // Sol system adresse
    uint64_t ID_Overflow = ID_Base* (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 20);                            // Sol_adress*(2^20)
    std::cout << "Base: " << ID_Base << "; ID_Overflow=" << ID_Overflow;   
    return 0;
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