One thing that might make finding Raxxla even tougher is OBAFGKM (also known as KGB FOAM).
I know when I'm out generally traveling I tend to set my filters so that I only drop in on fuel stars unless I'm looking for something specific. I'm sure I'm not the only one. If Raxxla happens to be in a non-fuel star system this would make someone 'accidentally' discovering it even less likely. As you depart the bubble the first non-visited systems you'll start to encounter are those low-interest brown dwarf systems. It could be that Raxxla is sitting in our own backyard at orbiting of these low interest stars.
Another possibility is that Raxxla won't show up with a normal Honk. What is Raxxla is orbiting one of those distant binary stars that is so far from the main star. Many explorers simply scan the planets near the primary and leave those distant objects untouched because they are 'too far' to travel to and 'not worth' the scan.
For these reasons (and others) I'm pretty convinced that the only way we'll ever discover Raxxla is if Frontier have left us some breadcrumbs to follow. The question then becomes just what "a tiny bit obvious" actually means. There's a lot of leeway in that "tiny bit" modifier. Is it obvious or not? If it's only "a tiny bit obvious" then it really isn't obvious at all, is it? Or does "a tiny bit" mean that it is obvious that it becomes ridiculous to the point of absurdity so that everyone just ignores it? Like Raxxla being Sirius or The Founders World?
We've been told that there will be "no clues" but I'm pretty sure this means that we won't be given any clues outside the game itself. There must be some way of finding Raxxla using information in the game ... or maybe Frontier is planning to eventually insert clues into the game over time to make finding Raxxla a possibility. I can't believe that Frontier will pass on the public relations possibilities of industry news covering the discovery of a decades-long gaming enigma. If we can't find it by brute force they'll eventually spoon feed us the answers ala Drew Wagar and the Zurara discovery.
What's even more cryptic is MB's Phrase "It's a journey that everyone has to travel for themselves." Does that mean that there is a Special way to find it, and everyone who wants to find it has to follow a specific procedure, otherwise it won't unlock? This would sustain the theory that it's in a Permit locked sector, and some requirements have to be met to unlock it, and "everyone has to travel for themselves" because once it has been found by one, the others following will have to meet those requirement.