Is this to do with the known bug due to duplication of stars?

Where a name from a star catalog can be entered and it takes you to a non existent star? But really the ‘real star’ is just next door and uses an alternative name?

I presume that’s due to use of duplicative star catalogs. That’s a known bug. We presume too there are ‘Dev’ systems / sectors only they can access for testing.

From what you’ve highlighted identifies a specific set of intentional flags which enforce limits on certain ‘hidden’ stars, insinuating that they can be visited if you hit a certain gate?

Not I presume gated because they are inserted by error, bugged or locked for devs?

Not being a coder I wouldn’t want to presume the meaning, or source, please elaborate, is this in game code, are these ‘description’ in game and how were they found?

Pics please?

As if there is a gating method that really does throw the cat out of the box.

This I find interesting because I was just discussing this theory. Originally certain missions were gated, you had to be Elite to see them; FD nerfed that cool idea, so that everyone could see and engage with them.

It made me wonder if certain system missions were still intentionally gated, eg I’m not Elite so many of my theories are based on research, if there is a path and if it’s gated one would not be able to identify anything unless you hit certain requirements.

Which is why we share data, some of us who are Dangerous or Rlite etc can stress test our nonsense and visa vera.
The vast majority of them are clearly from the "Tidyup" phase after galaxy generation which from appearances occured in the following order:
Form Galaxy and distribute matter, Add Darkmatter and recalculate distribution and streams, add additional stars from HIP and other indexes and papers, Remove duplicates from last step, Apply max-hidden flag status to confirmed 'blocked to client-server access' systems, Apply soft-hidden flag status to special imported list.
Gating is 100% still in use though ive no idea regarding rankings or the like Human stuff/Lore/puzzles has no interest for me though I can confirm for you that the game is using a "Content X requires PlayerID-YourID to have triggered/obtained 'ServerFlag-Event' before the Server will honour/reply to requests for interacting with that content."...
You should also notice the difference in grading between the hidden systems as Im sure everyone yourd ever seen before would at least tell you the systems StarType and information, ones that are max level hidden will even hide that from you and will merely show the loading information placeholder, that right there from a ex-Devs point of view is what we call the smoking gun of the gating system as the systems "You must have Server Flag xxxx to interact with this object" kicks in even on the galaxymap level... that is therefore very very specific to its function. Ie> This is why when you select a Perm locked system itll show a flag on the information for it being perm locked, but once you have the permit you wont get the same information screen on galmap as, even on the galmap level your Server-Flags (Which is what Permits are) get checked.
Spoilers: Every "I Will map every star in X ly radius of Sol" project so far is doomed at the start as there are several hundred soft and hard hidden systems in that region alone :) So If they do not KNOW 'EXACTLY' what they are looking for, theyll never find it :)
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Mm, what’s happened to the Galnet summary?
It’s gone all pictorial and is demanding I accept marketing cookies-no, absolutely not!!

Edit: Friday morning & back to normal....if you can cope with normality 🧐
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@Suhurrat above mentioned The Alien World and Egypt.
IIRC Holdstock in that book (very long time since I read it) had Raxxla related to a number of “Talmor Lenses” & one of those was a pyramid on Earth. Also IIRC the Egyptian pyramids were built so they pointed at a specific star, though that alignment has changed due to Earth’s precession over the millenia. It may be a silly question, but has anyone checked what the original star alignment was and checked that system in-game for anything unusual? 🙂
I seem to recall the Pyramids were aligned with Orion’s Belt. There are other Egyptian temples aligned with other stars too. Is fascinating.
The vast majority of them are clearly from the "Tidyup" phase after galaxy generation which from appearances occured in the following order:
Form Galaxy and distribute matter, Add Darkmatter and recalculate distribution and streams, add additional stars from HIP and other indexes and papers, Remove duplicates from last step, Apply max-hidden flag status to confirmed 'blocked to client-server access' systems, Apply soft-hidden flag status to special imported list.
Gating is 100% still in use though ive no idea regarding rankings or the like Human stuff/Lore/puzzles has no interest for me though I can confirm for you that the game is using a "Content X requires PlayerID-YourID to have triggered/obtained 'ServerFlag-Event' before the Server will honour/reply to requests for interacting with that content."...
You should also notice the difference in grading between the hidden systems as Im sure everyone yourd ever seen before would at least tell you the systems StarType and information, ones that are max level hidden will even hide that from you and will merely show the loading information placeholder, that right there from a ex-Devs point of view is what we call the smoking gun of the gating system as the systems "You must have Server Flag xxxx to interact with this object" kicks in even on the galaxymap level... that is therefore very very specific to its function. Ie> This is why when you select a Perm locked system itll show a flag on the information for it being perm locked, but once you have the permit you wont get the same information screen on galmap as, even on the galmap level your Server-Flags (Which is what Permits are) get checked.
Spoilers: Every "I Will map every star in X ly radius of Sol" project so far is doomed at the start as there are several hundred soft and hard hidden systems in that region alone :) So If they do not KNOW 'EXACTLY' what they are looking for, theyll never find it :)
Well we know certain systems are gated via permits, and also certainly that players cannot ever access certain permits ever because FD has confirmed that. So it’s not beyond belief they’ve hidden systems for narrative reasons.

Bruce Forsything exploration won’t I agree find something if it’s narratively gated, that’s true and something we (I hope) all take into consideration as being a reality.

I certainly hold this to heart, and I presume certain mysteries we won’t find because FD simply don’t want us to solve them until they want them solved.

I partly quest for the fun of it, to obtain verification of such insight, but also potentially identify arcane mysteries which if they exist, give a flavour to pointless exploration.

So far, for instance we now know it’s pointless trying to obtain a mysterious invitation off the DW because FD effectively confirmed its archived, likely as are certain systems linked to it…

Difficult to utilise this as information to cross examine FD as they will attribute it to data mining, but food for thought.

I presume many who quest are very much aware much of it is totally pointless. It’s tin-foil not science.

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Well we know certain systems are gated via permits, but also certainly that players cannot ever access these ever because FD has confirmed that.

Bruce Forsything exploration won’t I agree find something if it’s narratively gated, that’s true and something we (I hope) all take into consideration as being a reality.

I certainly hold this to heart, and I presume certain mysteries we won’t find because FD simply don’t want us to solve them until they want them solved.

I party quest for the fun of it, to obtain verification of such insight, but also potentially identify arcane mysteries which if the exist, give a flavour to pointless exploration.

So far, for instance we now know it’s pointless trying to obtain a mysterious invitation off the DW because FD effectively confirmed its archived, likely as are certain systems linked to it…

Difficult to utilise this as information to cross examine FD as they will attribute it to data mining, but food for thought.

I presume many who quest are very much aware much of it is totally pointless. It’s tin-foil not science.

View attachment 332789
Nah Fdev do themselves a disservice with their refusal to accept or acknowledge player knowledge/discoveries unless said person subscribes to the communist ideal of having worked for thousands of hours on X puzzle only to hand over the results to the masses for literally nothing. Frontier are well aware ive whole hosts of information that the general playerbase dont know, numerous times they were offered chances to discuss releases of information in such a fashion that it benefits the storyline, plots and brings clarification to the rest of the research scene.
Frankly this knowledge of the Hidden systems mechanics is nothing of any significance as anyone who spent long enough exploring the HIP index manually could easily deduce the same information for themselves, of far graver concern is why MAJOR plot aspects are left vague by Fdev despite them knowing of their discoveries. I sit on all the real Guardian science and knowledge, have for years and have been able to prove it... If I had been a BGS person, a Hauler, a Trader, a Pirate or even a explorer I couldve earned billions in the time I devoted to solving the puzzle, and Fdevs stance is tens of thousand of hours of work should be handed to the masses for nothing.
PS> The Tinfoil is the endless "My mythology" in the scene and as its fair easier to swallow the Mythology line and then take boring but easy trips around the galaxy to whatever random location they are wasting time on, than to go "Ok we need to learn some science, stop labelling things we dont understand or recognise as nothing and get to some hardwork"... Humans generally take the lazier option regardless if they are aware of it or not and people promoting such behaviour have caused the vast majority of all the burnout in the scene with their one endless goose chase after another.
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The Serpent Handler constellation has a great significance within Paradise Lost and a certain someone’s journey!
Yes and also 6 constellations (six shapes in logo) Kepler's star being in the center of said discovery, known about for a long time and still very muich being investigated today, between 10000-20000 light years away (makes it relevent in our galaxy and also far enough to remain hidden) was seen by humanity (known and rumored as different things and timelines) the list goes on
Ahh old foil…

Post in thread 'The Quest To Find Raxxla'

Very curious. Ophiuchus rings another bell. Ophiuchus also known as the 13th sign of the zodiac. Ophiuchus is also home to a certain nova SN 1604, Kepler's Supernova, Kepler's Nova or Kepler's Star.

Soul of the World: The Sweet Swans of Maeonia


Allegorical illustration from 1618 showing the Rosicrucian's Invisible College in its role as a bastion of free thinking in the arts and sciences. The new stars in Serpens in 1604 (upper left) and Cygnus in 1600 (upper right) are pictured as being major influences on the movement at this time.

Johannes Kepler's book of 1606 on the stellar nova seen in Serpens in the year 1604 and in Cygnus in 1600. Right, a page from the same book with a woodcut showing the new star in Cygnus located at the base of the swan's neck. Next to it appears the letter "N."

The Archangel Michael obfuscating the golden gates

St Michael and Lucifer as Ophiuchus… I know a certain someone who likes his archangel references!

Post in thread 'The Quest To Find Raxxla'
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Nah Fdev do themselves a disservice with their refusal to accept or acknowledge player knowledge/discoveries unless said person subscribes to the communist ideal of having worked for thousands of hours on X puzzle only to hand over the results to the masses for literally nothing. Frontier are well aware ive whole hosts of information that the general playerbase dont know, numerous times they were offered chances to discuss releases of information in such a fashion that it benefits the storyline, plots and brings clarification to the rest of the research scene.
Frankly this knowledge of the Hidden systems mechanics is nothing of any significance as anyone who spent long enough exploring the HIP index manually could easily deduce the same information for themselves, of far graver concern is why MAJOR plot aspects are left vague by Fdev despite them knowing of their discoveries. I sit on all the real Guardian science and knowledge, have for years and have been able to prove it... If I had been a BGS person, a Hauler, a Trader, a Pirate or even a explorer I couldve earned billions in the time I devoted to solving the puzzle, and Fdevs stance is tens of thousand of hours of work should be handed to the masses for nothing.
PS> The Tinfoil is the endless "My mythology" in the scene and as its fair easier to swallow the Mythology line and then take boring but easy trips around the galaxy to whatever random location they are wasting time on, than to go "Ok we need to learn some science, stop labelling things we dont understand or recognise as nothing and get to some hardwork"... Humans generally take the lazier option regardless if they are aware of it or not and people promoting such behaviour have caused the vast majority of all the burnout in the scene with their one endless goose chase after another.
@SongOfTheVoid yeap. True.

Yes, I can confirm everything that this commander said about the map. First, when searching, you can find that:

1. the name is sometimes doubled
2. They are from different directories.
3. Galmap very often displays the first 10-20 variations in the search, and asks for clarification since 100+ names suitable for the search have been found.
4. I myself encountered the curvature of Galmap when paving the way for Stargoids. I pointed out specific systems from the Cannon3d website. And the search sometimes did not find at all and sometimes gave out the exact search result. Moreover, the quality of the result depended on the first two letters you will enter or combinations of letters and numbers. That is, for example, some system with the name "I found something A-B3-S-0-D " may not pop up in the search at all and cannot be selected simply on the map until you come across the output in the search by searching.
5. Considering point 4, I came to a very simple and funny conclusion. the easiest way to pave the way is to switch galmap to the display of stars (a realistic option) and, starting from it, look for the right star with your hands. Which immediately leads to interesting results. When there can be 10-20 stars or systems that are nearby and differ only by one digit or letter in the name. But at the same time, the output of the list through the search will not show them at all.
6. Another interesting observation of mine is that black holes and pulsars are not always displayed on the map in any color. Some black holes are marked in black in the map, some are cloudy transparent gray. So are pulsars. Pulsars are also sometimes marked with an almost very light shade of blue and white.
7. If we take this as a basis, as I did, then it immediately turns out that there are quite a lot of pulsars and black holes around the bubble. Just like there are pulsars and holes outside of dense sectors. Such as the Cyg-X3 I specified, which is actually achievable only through a supercharged fsd or through the player's carrier ship.
8. Almost the entire traffic density of both NPCs and players lies plus or minus in one plane. And many systems around the same bubble have not yet been investigated, as they are above or below the plane.
9. I have already mentioned above that many jump from point a to point b, with the maximum possible distance for them. But if you limit the laying of the path, for example, to 1-2 ly, then galmap either will not pave the way, or create a list of 100-200-300-400-500 jumps that will pass through systems in which no one has been. I myself earn money from time to time by opening systems :D

Conclusion: yes, the map does not always work as it should, I would say often. And very often names from completely different catalogs are used. Sometimes a system or star may be called by a mythological/other name.
So technically, we still have to explore and explore. That's why I pointed out that 99% of events are very tightly located to the bubble. But they can be located in different planes. Pleiades, for example, are lower than Sol. But the ruins of the guardians are both above and at the solar plane level.
As the greatest scientist the Empire has ever had its my duty to know more on my own than the collective masses of those outside the empire... In this case you should probably investigate HIP 95951, and I do mean HIP 95951 not the faked system using its name that is displayed nearby. (Spoilers this isnt a super secret its just a max stage hidden, 'requires a special server flag' to jump to one.. as Crash to desktop means there's no Exception error message thrown by the client which means its triggering a different crash from a server request. 15yrs working for AAA Games companies developing MMORPGs give you a appreciation for some of the mechanics going on under the hood as it were.)
*PS: You can generally find stars using many names despite ones shown, while compiling my own research into the extent of ThePilotsFederation and other organisations hiding information from CMDRs ingame i investigated several hundred if not thousand systems who did NOT appear in the public API list but do exist ingame to be found, commonly under multiple systems using variations of different indexes used. Which for the record is not the three alone people assume it to be but is select systems from several more indexes or notable scientific papers. Thus in the HIP95951 Case we have a star system that isnt (Or wasnt at the time) in the API index, but when checks were done for its numerous designations it provided the system information from a nearby (and wrong) system...

I confirm the words of this gentleman. As part of one of the expeditions, many copies of systems were found that were not shown on Galmap.
Yes, your high handed attitude overlooks the fact that some of us have our eyes-open..
Perhaps and perhaps not, the Thargoids come ever closer to burning the bubble ill be curious to see how you guys respond... Shouldnt of been playing with Guardian technology you dont understand :)
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Dye was cast long ago, it’s inevitable by now, those without sight followed their greed. FD (club) provided the kindling but not the matches. They always said it was a social experiment….

Some of the nicest people I’ve met are Thargoids. They certainly don’t see us like we see them. Unless you covet certain toys, things might get interesting at last.

I wouldn’t worry. It’s a big enough galaxy, plenty of room for everyone.

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Die was cast long ago, it’s inevitable by now, those without sight followed their greed. FD (club) provided the kindling but not the matches. They always said it was a social experiment….

Some of the nicest people I’ve met are Thargoids. They certainly don’t see us like we see them. Unless you covet certain toys, things might get interesting at last.

I wouldn’t worry. It’s a big enough galaxy, plenty of room for everyone.

View attachment 332821
Indeed so many toys to be coveted, The Dark Wheel hiding in its Lagrange 3 Point of the 8th moon of a gas giant, the Song that Sings across the galaxy that is the SagA* signal but is so much more, many secrets that only science and persistence will bring results to... We have no confirmation Fdev is 'TheClub' plot-wise though it would explain the lack of information for the players in many regards.
Yes and also 6 constellations (six shapes in logo) Kepler's star being in the center of said discovery, known about for a long time and still very muich being investigated today, between 10000-20000 light years away (makes it relevent in our galaxy and also far enough to remain hidden) was seen by humanity (known and rumored as different things and timelines) the list goes on
Kepler’s Star was SN 1604, 14,000 ly. Most recent readily visible supernova within the Milky Way. Kepler’s star was brighter at its peak than any other star in night sky. I tried to find it as a potential pulsar & hence gravitational wave source to visit, but I believe it’s not in-game. Also apparently omitted are Parker’s Star, Tycho’s Star & Cassiopeia A.
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Kepler’s Star was SN 1604, 14,000 ly. Most recent readily visible supernova within the Milky Way. Kepler’s star was brighter at its peak than any other star in night sky. I tried to find it as a potential pulsar & hence gravitational wave source to visit, but I believe it’s not in-game. Also apparently omitted are Parker’s Star, Tycho’s Star & Cassiopeia A.
SN 1604 (Keplers) was a Type 1a Supernova, It left no core remnant expelling its matter entirely and the remains though visible in real life now would not be visible in 3307, not all Type 1a Supernovas leave remnant cores... This also applies to SN 1572 ( Tycho’s Star)...
3C 58 (Parker's) is despite claims in the media likely not the remnant you are thinking it is as its several thousand years to old, It also didnt make the special imported list as it has very little if any information available for its actual location and numerous papers have been retracted regarding its distance and location.
As for Alpha Cassiopeia thats 100% ingame as its in the bubble, are you getting your names mixed up with something else?
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A slight, tangent but I thought this may be of interest. Little bit of an exclusive. ;)

As I have mentioned before, Robert Holdstock is something of an anomaly in SF and Fantasy scholarly circles as he is lauded for his fantasy work, but his science fiction and his contribution to Elite (by writing The Dark Wheel) is largely forgotten.

I am going to redress this. I have been commissioned to write the new edition of the Historical Dictionary of Fantasy Literature for Rowman and Littlefield. The previous edition was written by Professor Brian Stableford in 2004. This is a massive compilation of fantasy writers and fantasy concepts and is used by academics all over the world.

Included below is the current draft for Robert Holdstock's entry:

HOLDSTOCK, ROBERT (1948– 2009). British writer whose early work was mostly science fiction and horror; some commodified sword and sorcery was bylined “Richard Kirk” and “Chris Carlsen.” His novella, The Dark Wheel (1984), published with the computer game, Elite (1984) is still regarded as a seminal work of mythology amongst fans.

Holdstock’s series comprising Mythago Wood (1984), Lavondyss (1988), the title piece of The Bone Forest (1991), The Hollowing (1993), the stories in Merlin’s Wood (1994), Gate of Ivory, Gate of Horn (1997, aka Gate of Ivory) and finally Avilion (2009) are about a magical wood where archetypes of the collective unconscious of British and Breton folklore—including Arthur, Robin Hood, the Green Man, and the Wild Hunt—are systematically manifest. The Fetch (1991, aka Unknown Regions), “The Ragthorn” (1991 with Garry Kilworth), and Ancient Echoes (1996) are further dark fantasies based in a similar metaphysical system. The Merlin Codex series begun with Celtika (2001) and The Iron Grail (2002) is a hybrid of Celtic and classical forms.

I can't include much more, as this is one entry amongst more than 800 fantasy writers. But, The Dark Wheel deserves to be in there.
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