Joke aside, it could very well be something canister sized which would have been transported by a TDW ship that crashed somewhere.
Maybe it is not THAT complicated to find, it is just HARD because it could be any crashed ship or rescue signal within or close to the Bubble.
When I scan planets, I hope for things that are a little bit out of the ordinary, I don't visit every POI and I guess most commanders do the same.
Maybe a log or a listening post exists somewhere that point to this particular site... We can only hope a clue exists somewhere!

I was going on the assumption that we might have to activate something - and instead of needing to collect a million fish to activate the magic machine involved in "raxxla" we might need a special artefact like the "omphalos rift" which like most omphaloi are large and heavy but probably would fit in a container... one othe reasons i am currently liking the "sampo" as a model for it.

There is - to my knowledge no link historically between the deity Fortuna (wheel of fortune) and that of Delphi.

I agree Tyche/Fortuna does not appear to have been a major player in Delphi. I wouldnt say that the "Wheel of Fortune wasnt linked to Delphi historically though. The Wheel of Fate is tied to the Celestial wheel and has been an idea since the Babylonians at least. In Greek thought (Plato) it is tied to the idea of the world pillar - the pillar goes to the center... Delphi is tied to that idea in that it is declared to be the center - the omphalos, also having the oracle - the Pythia which claimed to give a view into mens fates. People came from far and wide to learn of their Fate from the Oracle at Delphi. It does appear that the personification of fate in Tyche/Fortuna came slowly through the greco-roman period and turned into the Medieval version that became so popular.

Basically im trying to say i think the “Wheel of Fate” is older than Lady Fortuna🤣
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Basically im trying to say i think the “Wheel of Fate” is older than Lady Fortuna🤣
Why do you think my carrier is named the AOE Dharmachakra? Even then, the ideas actually go back as far as Sumeria.

On a related note:
World Tree == Donar's Oak / Yggradrasil /etc

World Tree should be treated as a parallel mythology to Axis Mundi. That said, we are dealing with a really specific version of the Delphic mythology involving a connection with Dolphins - see . This is also why it is important that Janus Incorporated (this is the ultra mysterious J-Corp from First Encounters) is a faction in Delphi. It is also why the Imperials have a presence in the Pleiades by way of Merope Expeditionary Fleet. Everything connects back through Facece and Jaques.

I suppose it may be time to give dear old Dad a visit...


Did I mention how ill-advised it is to get on wrong side of Alliance Interpol? Also, if one of you has access to Facece, I would greatly appreciate Fortress York being checked for being the real TDW base or at the very least being a palm tree station 🌴. I am still but a Knight at the moment.


Edit: In Secure Trading. Collected some more Trinkets in Hors
Nothing special on it, only standard markings. I tried to short-cut it with the "recharge pistol" in illegal mode (there is a green light reminiscent of "short-cutable" panels on both ends of the barrel) and to cut it open with the plasma torch.

I bought two of them, if someone need one just tell me
Why do you think my carrier is named the AOE Dharmachakra? Even then, the ideas actually go back as far as Sumeria.

On a related note:
World Tree == Donar's Oak / Yggradrasil /etc

World Tree should be treated as a parallel mythology to Axis Mundi. That said, we are dealing with a really specific version of the Delphic mythology involving a connection with Dolphins - see . This is also why it is important that Janus Incorporated (this is the ultra mysterious J-Corp from First Encounters) is a faction in Delphi. It is also why the Imperials have a presence in the Pleiades by way of Merope Expeditionary Fleet. Everything connects back through Facece and Jaques.

I suppose it may be time to give dear old Dad a visit...

Interesting - Dolphins arent the first thing I would associate with Delphi...Python on the other hand. Not familiar with J-Corp, is that from one of the stores from Life on the Frontier ?

I started to read "the Acrobat" short story in "Life on the Frontier" - and saw this:

"Here in a bar on the edge of space where to feign humanity is a crime and to walk the streets without the blue triangle of android identity clearly visible is to risk immediate and brutal destruction. Diplomatic protection is only worth so much."

wondering if that blue triangle meant android...
"Here in a bar on the edge of space where to feign humanity is a crime and to walk the streets without the blue triangle of android identity clearly visible is to risk immediate and brutal destruction. Diplomatic protection is only worth so much."
Read the Who's Who - apparently Sirius Corporation prior CEO was an android. That raises a few questions about Li Yong-Rui. It may also explain a hell of a lot between Lakon, Core Dynamics, and Faulcon Delacy. Are you sure you want to understand where this is going?
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Here in a bar on the edge of space where to feign humanity is a crime and to walk the streets without the blue triangle of android identity clearly visible is to risk immediate and brutal destruction. Diplomatic protection is only worth so much."
Does it mean this? Because I swear Elite Encounters RPG had Achilles Corporation based in Alioth even though in-game they appear to be based in Thule...

Has a focused effort been make to explore systems with F class Supergiants ? (Same Star class as Polaris) Many of the odd stars that got added to the game like Gen# +2.12450534 is F class as are many of the surrounding star. Wikipedia has a list of F Class supergiants to check, not all systems seem to be present in game (possibly different names or name variants).

Also the galaxy map does not seem to allow '#' or '&' to be entered into the galaxy search bar, but allows other symbols.
Has a focused effort been make to explore systems with F class Supergiants ? (Same Star class as Polaris) Many of the odd stars that got added to the game like Gen# +2.12450534 is F class as are many of the surrounding star. Wikipedia has a list of F Class supergiants to check, not all systems seem to be present in game (possibly different names or name variants).

Also the galaxy map does not seem to allow '#' or '&' to be entered into the galaxy search bar, but allows other symbols.
I wouldn't say the answer is a definite, yes. However, those do fall into the classification of asymptotic giant branch stars which for whatever reason seem to be particularly important. These are very weird stars between 0.5 - 8 solar masses that can go through main sequence multiple times. There has not been a dedicated effort at the very least. Though, these stars do seem to play an outsized place in key galactic events.
Has a focused effort been make to explore systems with F class Supergiants ? (Same Star class as Polaris) Many of the odd stars that got added to the game like Gen# +2.12450534 is F class as are many of the surrounding star. Wikipedia has a list of F Class supergiants to check, not all systems seem to be present in game (possibly different names or name variants).

Also the galaxy map does not seem to allow '#' or '&' to be entered into the galaxy search bar, but allows other symbols.
This is the wrong place to ask. Try the Galactic Mapping Project thread(s).
There are more than 3 interwoven myths linked to Delphi; all merging into one another, not surprising due to its considerable age and political/cultural importance.

Delphi can be derived from Delphine or Drakania, potentially the mother of the serpent Typhon, Delphine was a she dragon slain by Apollo at the spring of the oracle. The same site is mentioned in many other myths and hymns, it’s also referenced a lot Arcadian prose.

Some accounts rename her as a male dragon Pytho. But all attest she was killed by Apollo, one such line states her rotting corpse mixed with the spring of Parnassus, the rotting vapours drifting up through a rift that was directly under the oracle.

The spring is based on a very real topographic rift in that region and some archaeology identifies it likely did run directly under the seat of the oracle.

Although Delphi and Delphinus (Dolphin) sound similar they’re not necessarily connected.

The link likely arises from the association Delphinus with Apollo as Delphinios, when he sprang from the sea as a dolphin and guided sailors towards the island where Delphi resided, initially a site dedicated to the Earth mother, guarded by a dragon, and told them afterwards to name it after him. A clear evidence of invasion of a female based cult with another male based political structure…

So maybe true, just depends on which mythical interpretation of history you side with, dragons are more fun, in my opinion and ED does have a lot of references to Dragons, especially certain small factions.

The dragon of Delphi is not a dolphin, it’s was a female dragon; Apollo used the form of a Dolphin to trick some sailors and invade and take over her power base, typical.

And M Brookes wrote a book about Sun Dragons, and his reference in ED Legacy identifies a children’s story that was about Space Dragons as well?
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Actually, from the manual from First Encounters. There was a section detailing the major corporations and people of the era. See attached link (file too large for reasons 🤷‍♂️).

This document isn't from the FFE manual. It's fan made by Graham Thurlwell and can be found on his excellent Jades' First Encounters Site:

The document (and other info on the page) is very well made and accurate, but it also has elements fan fiction. Jades is his own commander and J-Corp is his role playing corporation.

If anyone wants to give FFE a play-through, I would say this page is a must read.

Shareware versions of FFE can be downloaded from this page:
so some weeks ago I have been told that all the old lore from the old books and old elite games have no meaning for elite dangerous. then in this forum I read about people referring to hints about the search of raxxla related to the old lore.
for me as a new participant in this forum ,it would make things much easier if there would be finally a consensus about what's lore and what's not.
if it's really the fact, that the old elite lore hasn't any meaning to ED than I can easily skip this chapter.
sometimes I wonder if people who still point on raxxla related stuff in old books and games (despite the fact that old lore has been retconned, if this is even a fact) are doing this, because they want to believe this...please ask yourself if you are just doing this to keep up an self created illusion.
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Found this interesting channel to feed our tin-foil hat needs.

"Elite creator, David Braben, has stated that we as players have not been playing the game the way it was intended, and such we have never seen specific missions, ever. It is our mission as investigators and treasure hunters to try to unravel this statement, and to give our best to figure out how to play this game differently. We also focus on the search for Raxxla, The Dark Wheel, and any other mysteries this experience provides."
so some weeks ago I have been told that all the old lore from the old books and old elite games have no meaning for elite dangerous. then in this forum I read about people referring to hints about the search of raxxla related to the old lore.
for me as a new participant in this forum ,it would make things much easier if there would be finally a consensus about what's lore and what's not.
if it's really the fact, that the old elite lore hasn't any meaning to ED than I can easily skip this chapter.
sometimes I wonder if people who still point on raxxla related stuff in old books and games are doing this, because they want to believe this...please ask yourself if you are just doing this to keep up an self created illusion.
As the one who revived most of it, the blame for this lies at the feet of a community that did not want to research the old lore (notably certain mods at Canonn Science who shall remain unnamed). This is despite warnings from Salomé of the old stories were critical to understand the present. Further, we had key pieces like Lakon Spaceways being from Sol in the Codex, generation ships largely originate from Sol, and Faulcon Delacy and Old Worlds Coalition having strong connections to Sirius Corporation that produced Hydrogen fuel. There is very little in the way of evidence to suggest otherwise. Even the various lessons from Codex entries often involve learning based on the past. The core story is after all is entirely based upon the past being rather intentionally obscured.
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