OK so here we go. Below I have calculated the midpoint between Tartarus and Persephone. And the distance between these points, them being a ‘hypothetical’ one flat line of a standard hexagon.

Persephone: 31.59, -104.53, 8.06
Tartarus: 65.03, -113.84, -19.06
Distance: 44.05
Midpoint: 48.31 , -109.185 , -5.49

Calculate distance between both flats across the hexagon.
1.732 x 44.05 = 76.2946

Calculating the midpoint of this distance is equal to the centre of the hexagon.
76.2946/2 = 38.1473.

So theoretically the centre of the hexagon ought to be 38.1473 away from the position 48.31 , -109.185 , -5.49?
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OK so here we go. Below I have calculated the midpoint between Tartarus and Persephone. And the distance between these points, them being a ‘hypothetical’ one flat line of hexagon.

Persephone: 31.59, -104.53, 8.06
Tartarus: 65.03, -113.84, -19.06
Distance: 44.05
Midpoint: 48.31 , -109.185 , -5.49

Calculate distance between both flats across the hexagon.
1.732 x 44.05 = 76.2946

Calculating the midpoint of this distance is equal to the centre of the hexagon.
76.2946/2 = 38.1473.

So theoretically the centre of the hexagon ought to be 38.1473 away from the position 48.31 , -109.185 , -5.49.
Think theres a search tool,on Spansh that will,give you this, else EDDiscovery, but I’m not on the PC and Spansh wont work on my ageing iPad any more

edit nearest system to those coordinates is LTT 1069 (distance 7.97 X 50.28 -116.91 0.09)
325 systems within 39 ly. I'll PM them
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Yes that tool will only find the nearest system to an XYZ location, we need a method to calculate all systems 38.1473 away from 48.31 , -109.185 , -5.49.

48.31 , -109.185 , -5.49 is just empty space, there’s a system 9lyr from there but we need to assess all systems around that point, if any fall upon that circumstance they likely are a potential candidate.

Remember that 38.1473 represents the numerical points in distance of the XYZ points, I don’t know if this relates directly into game as light years….oh hang on it does, it’s 38.1473 light years.
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darn it, cant pm a file!
but you can obviously work it yourself.

Mmm, thought the centre point was the hypothesis for Raxxla location?
But I got 325 systems with search range from 0 to 39 ly from that point. Just redo the Spansh search with range 38 to 39ly.
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Yes that tool will only find the nearest system to an XYZ location, we need a method to calculate all systems 38.1473 away from 48.31 , -109.185 , -5.49.

48.31 , -109.185 , -5.49 is just empty space, there’s a system 9lyr from there but we need to assess all systems around that point, if any fall upon that circumstance they likely are a potential candidate.
Keep in mind, the Elite Dangerous coordinates are left-handed Cartesian coordinates. Most tools you use will be using would be setup for right-handed Cartesian coordinates

Right-handed coordinates (X, Y, Z)
Left-handed coordinates (X, Z, Y)

More info:
darn it, cant pm a file!
but you can obviously work it yourself.

Mmm, thought the centre point was the hypothesis for Raxxla location?
But I got 325 systems with search range from 0 to 39 ly from that point. Just redo the Spansh search with range 38 to 39ly.
Remember that 38.1473 represents the numerical points in distance of the XYZ central point. I don’t know if this relates directly into game as light years.

Oh hang on it does, it is 38.1473 light years.

Currently not in game to test this…
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To help identify the potential location of a centre of our hypothetical Raxxla logo, in the diagram below a torus shape has been inserted to establish the 38.1473 radius calculated previously overlayed at 48.31 , -109.185 , -5.49 the midpoint between Tartarus (deepest void) and Persephone (lovers grief / parents woe).


The nearest systems this hypothesis identify are: Morai; ICZ AQ-X b1-4; Aymifa; Miphifa; Gender; ICZ YE-Z b5; ICZ YE-Z b1; Ceti Sector OS-T b3-4 and Slavisc.

Upon reviewing these points against systems in the ED gal map, not one is perfectly aligned, drawing me to the conclusion that either, accuracy is not a factor (!) or Tartarus or Persephone aren’t relevant to this concept, or that this whole hexagon hypothesis is just total twaddle.

Currently redrawing this data to focus upon Nysa, or the plain of Nysa location of the abduction of Persephone. Or Mount Nysa home of the Nysiades (do suspect ‘mountains’ have some deep relevance).

The Nysiades were named: Cisseïs, Nysa, Erato, Eriphia, Bromia, and Polyhymno (none except Nysa in game).

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I think the background logo is an icon for government of the controlling faction (the one in red). I believe all asteroid bases will have same station type logo (blue upper left).
It was the center government logo i was refering to, iv also seen a trinagle and a cicle one simular, a a hex without everything else but always in random locations never in big systems or ones with a big population etc, could the raxxla logo simply be a reference logo for the Dark Wheel? the real dark wheel when we are able to find/use their station?

Yup that’s exactly true, it’s reliant upon the two points being accurate, so yes it is a total shot in the dark (well, actually an informed assessment) and I totally accept it’s highly likely an irrelevant waste of time, as they might not be accurate, and this theory likewise is twaddle too.

View attachment 360866

But it is just simple math, not difficult to apply, and is something to do in game.

Currently in a doldrum so this is going to engage me for ages, my ‘John Milton Universe’ idea was similarly based on practical math yet proven hogwash, but it was fun figuring it out and allowed me to draw a line under that hypothesis, likely the same applies here.

It gives me something to do other than tooling around shooting stuff.

View attachment 360865
It's not quite clear if we don't know the center, but we can find out about other points from this diagram and they should coincide with specific locations. And what are those four dots ?
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Keep in mind, the Elite Dangerous coordinates are left-handed Cartesian coordinates. Most tools you use will be using would be setup for right-handed Cartesian coordinates

Right-handed coordinates (X, Y, Z)
Left-handed coordinates (X, Z, Y)

More info:
Remember discussing a few years ago that the chain of dots on the logo is maybe radial coordinates from a galaxy map with a Codex.
Why did they need to show radial coordinates on that map in the first place (map from Codex)?
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@Rochester Nu is within your “underworld region”. Nu in ancient Egyptian religion was the personification of the primordial watery abyss which existed at the time of creation and from which the creator sun god Ra arose. So a more likely contender for “siren of the deepest void”
That’s really good, missed that one, it’s slap in the middle, good find. But I think I saw Nu initially as a potential ‘destruction god’ and might have initially sidelined it to ‘hell / underworld’.

Can’t say for certain but Nu certainly fits this area of tight correlations of systems named either after the Greek underworld, cities of gold, sunken kingdoms, mythic lost lands and deities linked to death or destruction - which does correlate with the phrase in the codex!

It is extremely difficult to find consistency among the various fragmentary rumours of Raxxla. Much like the ancient myths of Atlantis, El Dorado and the kingdom of Prester John, interpretations of the story range from the sceptical to the outlandish: Raxxla has been suggested to be anything from an unremarkable moon to a state of cosmic enlightenment.

Post in thread 'The Quest To Find Raxxla'
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Yep, I think it’s becoming clear your “Underworld region” is a highly likely area for Raxxla’s system. Proximity of Artemis from MB’s novel Elite Legacy is IMO another hint. It has just struck me that Persephone was Queen of the Underworld, hence when young (named Kore) she would have been a princess. She is said to be the origin of the Virgo constellation which rises in the Spring night sky, & Persephone is also IRL name of a Sol main belt asteroid...hence Princess Astrophel and the Spiralling Stars could be a clue to Persephone (name is also a subanagram of the book title!).
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Going off at another road again having done some random searching on my phone in the hotel last night, didn't the Polaris system get accidentally revealed at one point?
Was the ringed planet (B1??) shown to have 8 moons? did anything come from this?
Obviously its locked again now.

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